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Hello. I have a choice field that is appearing in 2 different steps. Is it possible to filter the returning data depending on the current step? ex: if in step A, choices to be 1,2,3 and if step B, choices to be 4,5,6.

Thank you, but for data row - type of field, restrictions editability is not enabled, that's why I'm trying JS.

Hello, I have a little problem. My scenario is something like this: I have an item list, with 3 columns A, B(not important here) and C and I want to disable column C(data row), if column A(choice field) has value 1#Mother, for example. Even if it's a new row just added by the user at that moment,

Hello, The question I have sounds very easy, how do I cancel all the remaining subworkflows that are not already "answered" to? Parent - 12345 - will wait for all 3 subworkflows to be done Child 1 - 12346 - finished Child 2 - 12347 - in progress Child 3 - 12348 - in progress All I nee

Hello, I have STEP A and STEP B both going into STEP C. In STEP C I have made a path called BACK where I've put as destination step "Back to previous step", but now I'm wondering if I can set up an automation with actions that will act differently depending on where it goes next, STEP A or B. Is

On checkbox change - JS
14.03.2024 14:06

Hi, I did think about this idea to be fair, but I don't know why, I see it as "simplistic idea" .. and wanted to do it in a more "professional way" if I can call it this way. As an update for everyone, at the moment I did it by using an HTML field where I've placed an eventListener on the com

On checkbox change - JS
13.03.2024 14:21

Hi, No.. To be fair, I did ask in a hurry, and after couple of hours I came back and re-read my question and seen that is not even half complete of what I needed, and I wanted to delete the post and re-ask. :D Basically what I need is that when a checkbox is FALSE, make the user attach at leas

On checkbox change - JS
13.03.2024 10:25

Hello, I'm trying to create a rule in JS that will listen to my checkbox value change. checkbox -> TRUE do something checkbox -> FALSE do something else I've created a HTML field with a simple InvokeRule inside.. placed my rule, and error. :) Can you help at all? Thank you!

"Integer numbers don't have fractional part, so i assumed, that we are talking about decimals ;)" Yes of course, I wrote wrong.. Anyway, thank you very much, that helped :)

Hello, I know if we have a field type Integer you can set its appearance like a) 123456,00 or b) 123 456,00 or c) 123,456.00 I'm wondering if we can change, by any chance, the way an INT looks like inside a data table field as well. Because at the moment, into the data table is looking

Hello. I have a process where, on a certain step, I've made 2 timeouts. First one, will happen when this condition will be true: SELECT CASE WHEN Count < '4' AND Urgent = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Result FROM wfelements WHERE wfd_id = {WFD_ID} Ins

Rest API 409 Conflict Error
29.01.2024 10:47

Hi, I've made some screenshots, maybe they're helpful.. Thank you

Rest API 409 Conflict Error
26.01.2024 11:10

Hello, At the moment I've split up a bigger project into smaller pieces so I can test out everything I need separately. I'm trying to add a new attachment to an instance using this API /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/attachments. I have 2 fields into this form: contentBASE64 and fileNa

Format DATE
04.01.2024 14:53

Hello everyone, I'm wondering if there is any function that will format today's date from original format into "JAN.14.2024" format. Basically to transform the month into letters and display them like that. Thank youu.

Issues with Word template?
15.12.2023 09:12

Hi Daniel, I did print a Word document in admin mode and it's showing me the correct values everywhere (pic 2). Still, when the process is generating the word, it's giving me the same wrong values (pic 1). I also checked the properties of the word generated by the process, and for the field in

Issues with Word template?
14.12.2023 15:34

I have built a Word template and placed all fields I need in there. But when a process is using this template, I have noticed that some of the information are not taken correctly and I don't understand why. Maybe is helpful to say that some of the info here should be taken from a Data Row field type

Hello, I'm trying to find a solution to my problem. Let's say I have a workflow with a START step, INTERMEDIATE and a FINAL step. Intermediate step is assigned to Group B by default, but I need that after 5 days, if no person from this group took any action, to automatically assign the task to Group

Attachment Description
29.09.2023 11:09

Hi, I have already looked at what I can do with that Update attachment action... but I don't think is much helpful for me, because that description I'm adding there automatically will be the same for all documents in this category, right? I'll try to explain in more details what I want to do m

Attachment Description
29.09.2023 08:56

Hi, is there a way to make the description required in case a specific category is picked for that document? Pretty much what I'm saying is that if an user is trying to add an attachment and they choose OTHER for its category, to make them complete its description as well. Thnak youuu.

BPS Internal View
31.07.2023 16:30

Thank you!