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Klaus Seidler


Hiding Rows in Items Lists
12.06.2021 01:04

Hi Daniel, Thank you! I will try it out and come back. Kind regards, Klaus

Hiding Rows in Items Lists
10.06.2021 02:11

Hi Bjoern, in general I would define "multiple users" as any kind of "multiple users". In the actual use case I thought of putting "all domain users" (or any other AD group) as standard. So everybody could see that line. After doing "something" to that row I thought of set "any defined user" in ord

Hiding Rows in Items Lists
26.05.2021 01:40

Hi. I'm looking for a solution to hide rows of a list element depending on the value of a list element column. I.e. for a task list I would like to have the row visible for everyone, until the checkbox "done" ist set "true". I tried with the "Acceptance" function (see Acceptance.png), but the issue

Using WebDav
28.04.2021 17:52

Where I see th issue and so far haven't found a solution: Yes, if you set the checkbox "Edit file" you will find the "Edit" Icon for PDF files, too. But it will only open the document in the browser where the functionality is highly limited. I.e. applying a digital signature is not possible. Isn'

I'm struggling with the syntax of the SQL filter for a report. In general it works, but if I want to use the currently loggedin user, I get an error. I tried with the following syntax: AND (##currentloginname##='servr\Userxxx') The error message is: "Incorrect syntax near '='. Incorrect syntax ne

Are there best practices how interaction with business central (formerly known as MS Dynamics NAV) can take place? What would be the preferred interface? I remember a communication with Webcon where comon data source was mentioned. Where are we here?