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Hi, yes, it's in the WFD_Description column. The structure of comments for an element is: [Date and Time] User Display Name|#Comment |;Next comment with same structure|; For example: [03/16/2023 07:05:23] Katarina Pisek|#The new product looks great! |;[03/16/2023 07:45:16] Andrej Susek|#

Hi Daniel, Thanks for the blog post. Was trying to implement it when I realized it's probably written for modern forms, where comments are stored as JSON, not for classic forms. Do you have anything similar for classic forms? Thanks

Hi, thanks for your answer. What are the possible consequences of changing the compatibility level? If I don't want to go upgrading the database, I need to create a new SQL data source in designer studio and write a complex query that i then use as a data source for a data table? How can

Hi, Is it possible to include the comments field into a pdf generated based on a template? So like you can include various form fields by creating a tag e.g. {WFD_AttText1}, is there such a code for the comments field? And will it work if we include it in a template to generate pdfs? Thanks!

Hi, Thanks! And how do I control this template selection? Create a dedicated field for the tenplate url to fill it based on the content of another field? Then how do I use this template of the Generate pdf action? Thanks!

Hi, Thanks for your reply. I will check reindexing. How do I know if it is done correctly? What is the correct procedure/best practices? Thanks!

Hi, We have been getting more and more timeouts in our processes lately. For example, we are getting Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out. What could be possible reasons? Where can I start researching? Thank you!

Hi, What would be the best way to generate pdfs that would contain different images (for example logos), based on a form field? I was thinking of two ways: -Create a couple of different document templates with pictures already inserted and dynamically select template based on the other fiel

Hi, We have trouble uploading documents to some workflows and I would like to pinpoint the issue. I can't find any relevant information in Event Viewer, any other place to check? Thank you

Workflow element not opening
18.02.2023 13:44

Hi, Daniel, thanks for your exhaustive answer. I will definitely keep a note of it for any future troubleshooting. Also, thanks to Martin and Przemysław. In the end, it turns out we were overenginnering it, a simple IIS reset did the trick :) Best regards

Workflow element not opening
17.02.2023 16:13

Also, if it is of any help, ULS logs show the following: Application error when access /_layouts/15/webcon/WFDynamic.aspx, Error=Request timed out.

Workflow element not opening
17.02.2023 15:59

Hi, Thanks for your reply. So you mean just browsing field by field in the designer studio? It's really strange because the issue appears on a single element. Elements created later work just fine, but this one keeps timing out. I was looking through the SQL database and the content of the elem

Workflow element not opening
17.02.2023 15:55

Hi, Thanks for your recommendation. I already tried looking throigh the console, but it doesn't display any information, the request just times out. There shouldn't be any problems with permission, because I am using a business administrator account. Also, this issue appears to all users. And li

Workflow element not opening
17.02.2023 09:30

Hi, We have a single workflow element that is not opening. On clicking on the workflow element, the browser just starts loading indefinitely. This issue appears only on this single element and nowhere else. What can I check, how can I start researching this issue? We are using classic forms on

Hi, Is this a bug? I am trying to delete a field from a SET statement, but Webcon tells me it can't be deleted, because it is used. When I click Show Usages, the message is "This configuration element is not used anywhere. What is going on? Thank you

Hi, How can I use JavaScript to get the ID of a field that triggered a function? The goal is - if JavaScript validation fails on field value change, I would like to revert the value of the changed field back to the default value )or previous value). I was researching the uxContext input param

Hi, Like I said, I am performing a field validation with javascript if a field has changed. I need to get the field ID of field that triggered this function, so if the validation fails, the field can be set back to its default value. I have been experimentin with uxContext parameter, but have bee

Hi, I would like to programmatically get the ID of the form field that triggered a function. How can I do this? The end goal is to set the form field back to its default value in case javascript validation fails. Thanks! Mark

Hi, Because an employee left our company, I need to remove his information from Created By fields. How can I do this? Can I transfer workflows he created to another employee or generic account? Can I anonymize his data some other way? I tried with GDPR actions but "Author" is a system field and

Hi, I'm trying to anonymize authors of workflow attachments. Is this possible with the "Remove personal data" action? I have tried doing so without success. Are there any other options? Thank you.