That's exactly what I need 😁 Thanks a lot 👍
Hi Community, I’ve been using WEBCON for more than 2 years now, including the OCR AI engine. I must frankly say that I’m more than disappointed with the OCR results. I’m aware that it strongly depends on the quality of the incoming documents, but the AI buzzword increased my expectations. Now, wi
It was that easy😀 Thanks
Gerd, I came across issue with generating xlsx file from item list myself and I hope you would be able to help. I created xlsx template having a table named Tabela1 consisting of 5 columns and item list with exacly same column names. I actualy exported the item list to xlsx and converted it to a
Hi, I came across issue with generating xlsx file from item list. I created xlsx template having a table named Tabela1 consisting of 5 columns and item list with exacly same column names. I actualy exported the item list to xlsx and converted it to a template. After setting up a mapping on the 'G
How did you find the corrupt entry in the database? I'm struggling with similar issues resulting in massive system lagging which can be resolved only by SQL service restart. I assume I would need to check all picker field entries and look for the faulty one e.g. one without #, right? In both WF
Restore from backup
I'm interested in the SDK. My version is 2022.1. Please let me know how can I get in touch with you. Thanks. Wojtek
Hi. I have created 'start new workflow path', added mass action button in the report and duplicated all 500+ instances to the new form type. Then, using API and 'for each', I have deleted old instances. Thank you all for your support. Job done :)
You gave me an idea. I could just start new instances on the basis of the current ones copying all data and atachments and than delete the old. Thanks,
I know. I read the article before posting. Thanks.
Hi Community, for the reason of proper premissions managment I need to change the form type for 500+ instances. Obviously I would like to avoid manual work. Do you have ANY idea if the 'change form type' can be somehow automated? I need to change form type X to Y, no diferentiation whatsoever.
Hi Daniel, I have created infinite timeout by accident in exactly the way you described. I would like to remove this timeout and therefore would like to move the instance to the other step. Unfortunately, due to above, instance version count reached 2374796 resulting in the following error while
After app migration between enviroments strange error occured which shows up every time existing instance is opened or new instance is started in all apps. Reverting back the previous version of the app did not solve the problem. Designer studio throws the error on clicking every item as well. Rest
Thanks Daniel. I have not thought about parameters. Great idea. 👍
Hi, I'm starting sub-workflow instances from item list. I would like to save sub-workflow instance ID to the related column of item list. I'm using automation having FOR EACH and Start sub-workflow action. All i can see is the possibility to save subworkflow ID to the form field, not item list co
Is it possible to do with javascript?
Hi! I need your help regarding setting focus on the last row of the item list. Business wants to perform the following scenario. Batch of barcode lables from paper documents are to be scanned with hendheld scanner. Each scanned id is to be inserted into ID column of item list table. Based on the ID