(...) shows the configuration in version 2020.1.3. For the original see: BPS actions - introduction. Introduction Global form template Field matrix - basics Filling in field matrix visibility tab visibility - example Editability and requiredness tab Editability and requiredness - example Style and behavior tab Style and behavior - example Behavior tab Summary (...)
Good morning, we are using WebCon 2020 on mobile devices more frequently. Those mobil devices are not allowed to see all start buttons (upper left in the picture / on the upper right the buttons are set to be visible). If i use one dashboard row where only some buttons have visibilty rights, everything is ok. Just the allowed buttons are shown. If the not allowed start-buttons are in a seperate
Hello, I wonder if this is a bug or feature... I have a form field named "Dział" ("Department") and it is the type of "Choice tree". When I try to create a report with forms containing this field, the field is accessible depending on report source type... when the report source type is "SQL Source" - the field is accessible when I choose "SearchIndex source" - it disappears from the list of acce
(...) Hi, we have a column visibility /edit/requirement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form -> Beha (...)
(...) We have a visibility restriction (hidden for few security groups lev1-lev4) on a form field and visible for few other groups. I have created a new report and added the form field which has visibility restriction to the report but it is not displaying any data due to the visibility restriction. As an admin also I cannot see data. How can I fix this issue?
Hello, I have a quick question - are privileges added to item through "Add privileges" action visible in the administrative "privileges to item" panel? I'm asking, because I have an action that is being run on an item, there is no error, but the rights given rhis way are not visible. Is it normal (I have the latest of 2021 versions still running)?
(...) not only created by the current user but all instances created by John's team? At he moment John is seeing Adam's data but this not working in the other way arround, 3. So I'd like to achieve the visibility based on the AD group membership, than on the user login and / or its manager.
Hello, It would be great if WebCon BPS could allow to configure application available only "via Browser", not visibible in WebCon BPS Application (for Android/IPhone) at all. Configuration could be on Application level via e.g. 2 checkboxes: "Visible in Anroid App" / "Visible in IPhone App". That solution would enhance Mobile user experience not be overhelmed via full list of application whi
(...) I've noticed that when I import from the development environment to the test or in production environment, custom visibility configurations for reports or start buttons don't get imported. For instance, I've set a button to be visible only for a certain group; the configuration remained as custom visibility upon import, but the group disappeared. The groups were created in the development environment an (...)
There is a possibility to attach an email by dragging it manually from outlook to the attachments area. By doing so, user is asked about category, to which attachment should be added, but it's visible later only in the history, and not on the form. I suggest, that categories should be also visible on e-mail conversations tab, so when user selects it, it is not hidden.
(...) countered another unexpected change. Both "Start a subworkflow" actions "now" verify whether a field is visible. While in one case I didn't declare two fields as visible in the start step I have a visibility restriction in another. Since the visibility restriction of uses the 'Source' field value (1), which is set by the "Start a subworkflow" action, it's always false. Therefore the field 'Assessment a (...)
Hi, this one is related to this post: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5796/15 While I encountered that we can no longer set fields which are read-only using workflow control actions, I have run into the same using single field value actions. Currently 2024.1.1.88 we need to make sure that all fields we are settings with action have at least to be marked as "read-only (cannot be
(...) Hi, I propose to unify and add a visibility option available on the standard attribute ‘visibility on report independent of visibility on form’ to the visibility option on item list columns. Regards.
(...) Hi, I have a question about this option in the visibility configuration of the attribute. 1. I wonder why this option is always grayed out. What does it mean - is it always on or off? Is the SOLR always indexing this attribute regardless of what visibility is set? https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Studio/Process/Attribute/General/Attribute_Permissions 2. I wonder if there is a possibility to disa (...)
(...) tion can be used where the completed form contains the fields that e.g. due to GDPR, should not be included in the e-mail content. Configuration To hide a form field, go to the “visibility ” tab and select the “Never show in e-mail notifications” option. Fig. 8. The configuration of the form field Example of use There are many fields in (...)
(...) loating-point number Personnel Item list with columns as in Fig.2 Personnel -> development Item list identical to Personnel but with a filter on the data source and visibility only in the delegation step from the Development department Personnel -> marketing As in the Development department Personnel -> testing As in the Development de (...)
(...) able-layout text-align-last text-align text-decoration text-indent text-justify text-outline text-shadow text-transform text-wrap top transform unicode-bidi vertical-align visibility white-space width word-break word-spacing word-wrap i -ms-word-wrap z-index CSS classes webcon-conditions – defines the spacing for the cell background w (...)
(...) vileges defined for the application allow you to specify groups of users who can modify their definitions and processes assigned to them. Within the application’s privileges, the scope of their visibility to end users is also defined. To set privileges go to the selected application and select the “Privileges” section. The application has the following levels of privileges: (...)
(...) want to move the attachments section to the top and the table with a list of contractor’s invoices directly under the “Contractor” field. The comments section should be removed. The visibility of debt chart will be disabled in the field matrix. Fig. 8. The global form template after changes After entering the changes, the compact form looks like this:   (...)
(...) p; Item lists and data tables In the template you can also add the item lists defined on the form. After adding the item list, a window will appear in which you should set the visibility , order and column names. For the columns with numerical data there is the ability to add a row summing the values. After confirming the configuration, the list will be adde (...)