(...) Hi all, i hope you are well. We have moved our PROD-Environments Databases to a different SQL Server last night. Except from some annoying trouble with Sharepoint and the Webcon solutions we managed to get everything running smoothly again. We uninstalled everything except from SOLR, and installed it again. The old databases are offline. Currently there is still an alias configured, that routes (...)
(...) or group" field where the picker is limited to a group. 2) I added the "SearchAllTables" stored procedure to look for any occurrence of the BPS_ID of the group. https://ignas.me/tech/searchalltables-SQL -stored-procedure/ Note for myself: I should add a second stored procedure which only searches through relevant tables. Best regards, Daniel
(...) CON BPS. I would like to have at least the last modifying users migrated as well. How could i achieve this? Was thinking about setting a technical field to the last modifying user and then doing an SQL Update on the element after migration. Sure this is not the way that is officially supported. But is there another way?
(...) cation for the new candidate. There are some issues with this, I'm not able to initialize the item list with the dictionary details (only DB or Sharepoint is available), I don't want to do this by SQL query because in the future I will need to do maintenance work if something changes. And the user doesn't want to click Add for all the options needed. I don't have many ideas on how to this. (...)
(...) instances that have the searched term somewhere in the metadata. If i do a global search I get hundreds of hits - so the documents are properly indexed, and can be found when searched. The report is SQL based. Portal Version is 2020.1.3.411, but I couldn't find anything in the bug fix lists about a behaviour like this. Although there were a few bug fixes prior to version 411. I have the same behav (...)
(...) ication containing people related to a company respective business entity. Over the time it is possible they would change the company and so also the business entity. I found a dirty way by using an SQL Update directly on the WFElements table, but I am struggling by running this query by (cyclic) action on a separate path. The path is walking through fine according to the history, but no changes in (...)
(...) than X) and it's painting the entire row. In the new release there are new item list actions which allow to paint one cell but I don't know how to write the change value (probably I will have to use SQL command for this). Any ideas? Thank you all Andreia
(...) There are some new functions for the item list but they only work as form rules and for action (even creating a business rule, form rules don't work as it needs to a TRUE/FALSE result). Even using SQL Command I think it would only work for a subquery because I need to check the value on each row. I've used the Select Values in combination with GetNames function but I was not successful with my id (...)
(...) for each new record entered. I can't seem to create an "application wide" variable that I can reference, create a new proposal # and then increment by 1. Now that I think about it like that, can I SQL query the # of records for the workflow? (Still fairly new to queries in webcon, any help would be appreciated). Thanks
(...) rently we experience timeout issues after some time of inactivity on WEBCON BPS site. Sometimes it's few minutes, sometimes about 1 hour. See example in attachments. Please notice that WEBCON BPS and SQL Server (VMs) are placed in Azure. Does anyone experience same issues? Any feedback is more than welcome :)
(...) It would be great to be able to pass any attachment id to the 'show first attachment on page load', e.g. via SQL query editor.
(...) Is it possible to use CTE Tables in SQL commands in the attribute configuration? If yes, could someone show me an example?
(...) ere would be three e-mails with different content to be sent. Currently i'm thinking about creating a simple workflow to send an e-mail. The workflows would be started with the "Start a subworkflow (SQL )" action based on the itemlist content. Are there other/better approaches to solve this scenario?
(...) Hi community! We implemented a document template with certain fields coming from a custom datarow (based on SQL -Query). We deployed the solution and the document template to PROD and everything was fine. After that we added one new field to the datarow (SQL query was modified) as a new requirement and added the new field also to document template. On DEV system everything looks fine, we deployed (...)
(...) l gave some alternative ways under: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/699/15 P.P.S. (2021-08-17): I found temporaly solutuions for editing ATT_ID and continuous numbering with an action (Run SQL procedure) for those who can't wait -> https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/699/15
(...) Hi all, I'm having a problem in Studio with a Form Validation rule using SQL . I have an item list that is populated with lines if the user select a Sales Order in another field or manually filled if there is no information on the SO. There is a column that is mandatory to be filled whenever the item list has any rows and I tried many examples to construct a validation form rule in order to h (...)
(...) there some option inside the SDK? I haven't found one, so I'm thinking about passing ids/translations via the PluginConfiguration. I just thought about querying a data source. Maybe I could create a SQL view which is utilized by the data source. Did someone do something similar and has some experience? Best regards, Daniel
(...) be assigned in the next step? What I've tested so far: - Verified that the variable 'System fields\Assigned persons' contains the current persons during path transition, exit and entry. - Created an SQL statement which returned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action during path transition, exit and entry. They all returned the old row. - SDK object RunCustomActionParams.T (...)
(...) two tables (UNION) which has an inner join on another table. The speed is not really breathtaking, thus I wanted to use a stored procedure where I can perform all the timetaking steps already on the SQL server. Regards Klaus
(...) ment") and it is the type of "Choice tree". When I try to create a report with forms containing this field, the field is accessible depending on report source type... when the report source type is "SQL Source" - the field is accessible when I choose "SearchIndex source" - it disappears from the list of accessible fields... Did anyone face same issue? Is it for a reason, or is it malfunction?