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for analysis

(...) Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis . I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced editor. (...)

(...) Can anybody please suggest what I can do as I have to export several applications in ongoing projects. Thank you for your help in advance. (Beginn of Error) 9/13/2022 2:11:45 PM Environmental analysis started. Application (51) 9/13/2022 2:12:06 PM No related element for translation a98498ac-36b1-48e2-9b45-277df9ecc967 9/13/2022 2:12:06 PM Error: Incorrect data for translation (...)

(...) Hello all, Does anyone have the Overdue tasks defined? I see that it has to do with the time in step defined in the tab analysis but is there any possibility that instead of giving a timeframe it's possible to use a date field for that? Like: task should be overdue after the date X Thank you!

(...) n BPS has extraordinary feature available out-of-the box without even single line of code...VERSIONING and detailed HISTORY. Such feature is really needed for admins/troubleshooting and for business analysis for single "cases" of the flow. Business (and sometimes IT) also needs a brief overview, visible at glance about WHO did WHAT (and WHEN) with some optional COMMENT - alike in mentioned planning. (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I'm trying to create an article-based analysis . The evaluation should list how often an item is affected in a complaint. Unfortunately, although I can add the corresponding fields as columns for a list view, I cannot display them in the form of a chart. Why do these fields have the blue text [Positions] in front? What is it about these elements that I cannot select them in the view pa (...)