(...) Hello, I would like to make a process where users can add rows to an item list on multiple step s, but be unable to edit previously added rows, except maybe certain columns on certain step s (eg. Completion date). I would also like to know if it's possible to make it so on certain step s, users are able to only edit already added rows, but be unable to add new ones. Thank you for your help!
(...) Hi, We have a process in which a user cannot submit the form so it would go to the next step . Only a single user has this issue, everyone else can use the process with no problems. When the user attempts to submit the form, under the form, the following message appears: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException. The server request timed out. I also attached a screenshot of the console, (...)
(...) ert-sql) import data into the database (into the WFelements table)? Which field values should we generate so that there are no problems with the operation of the application. Of course, WFF_STPID - step ID, WFD_DTYPEDID - form ID depends on the process, and the rest, e.g. RowVersion (some hexadecimal value) ? And other?
(...) There are two date fields in our workflow. To pass the process to the next workflow step , we use an action "on timeout". Checking for a date field works. However, we need a condition for the timeout that takes both date fields into account: If date field 2 is non-empty take this date for the timeout, otherwise take date 1 for the timeout. Can this be implemented with an "on timeout" action and (...)
(...) Hello all, Is there any way to use the same data table field but having different filters in each step ? For example, on the start, I want the info to show request's open for the requester In the approval step , I want to check the request's for the project code belonging to the approver Is there any way to do this without having three different fields to achieve this? Thank you!
(...) 's description instance signature from the invoice workflow. 3. I've created another workflow, which is monitoring hotfolder for new payment confirmations and then after adding text layer and OCR AI step s (finding signature of invoice instance) keeping the signature value in the text field. 4. Now I want to copy attachment from the workflow from point 3 to the invoice workflow from point 1 using sig (...)
(...) Query returning data) works as follows: SELECT ‘value’ AS object of subworkflow (Database field Name) etc. • How to write SQL query / where to get ‘value’ from Dictionary process? • How to set up step edit/Task creation/Tasks assignment to use this ‘value’ to assignment subworkflows (each subworkflow to other user/users group)? Any ideas?
(...) Without ACTID or GUID I can't search for errors in the administration tool. Where else could I search?) Thanks in advance! ** The subworkflow directly follows a path that points only to an end step . No other actions are performed on the path. I have been able to successfully execute the SQL query in the subworkflow configuration via "Test" without any errors, so I don't think the problem shoul (...)
(...) e but as i saw there are two places where i can find data : [BPS_Content].dbo.WFDataAttachmets and [BPS_Content_Att].dbo.WFAttachmentFiles When im trying to add attachment like always going step by step in my workflow everything is ok - attachment is being added in both tables. But i also have a button making me back to previous step ( i am using Start Element()) and then when i try to add (...)
(...) . In my workflow I'm creating an attachement based on word template and assign it category "plik_word". After that I'm converting it to PDF, assingning the PDF a new category "plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete the attachements from the "plik_word" category. And it work perfectly in the 2022 versions, and now, in 2023.1.1.89 it does not matter what I put in the category field, the action seems to i (...)
(...) e that option) in design studio. what I would like to do: 0. create template with excel (done) 1. from fields update excel template (done) 2. excel template save as attachment or not [see other step s] (done) 3. change excel file as pdf. ( ? ) 4. sign pdf ... [I can live with it for now ;-) ] ( ?) there is any way to do 1-4 step s in one pass from step 1 to step 2 in process ?
(...) eir own workflow instance and shouldn't run into a timeout. If some requests fail, because there are to many. Maybe I can check here also that there are not more than xx Workflows in the "fetch data" step to reduce the amount of request send to the ERP system. Overall problem: This is running on webconapps in a multitenant environment -> I don't have the archive action, so I can't delete these hel (...)
(...) Hi all, struggeling with the following: I'd like to make available a report only showing instances from a certain app -> process -> workflow -> step . No problem here through the report configuration menu under "Source". However, due to the fact that for a report consumer to be able to access instances in his report two permissions have to be present: "Access to the application" on the applicati (...)
(...) wing a Webcon process that I created some time ago. In doing so, I started to implement some things (e.g. sending emails) in a better way. Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry" action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for sending emails). Where can I find this "on entry" automation? The automation is obviously not available in the step under "on entry" (se (...)
(...) Hello, I have a form and in the form I have items based on data source. Additionally I add checkbox field to every position on this list. I want to filter this list, when I go to the next step , where there will be only checked items (checkbox). I don't know how to do it?? Regards
(...) job assigment. This way if such situation ocours we as Admins can change persona and unlock process. Is there a beter, more automtic way for this? I should say that our application has around 700 step s, and 1,5 thousand paths.
(...) Hi all, I am currently building a process in which it is possible to go back to the 'start' step from almost any step . (There are 10 step s that can go back to the 'start') Now I have an (1x) action (action template) that should be performed when someone selects the path to 'start'. Is there a better way than adding this action to every path? (Adding the same action to all paths that lead to t (...)
(...) I have smal workflow which moves big one between step s. I'm uploading attachment in "small workflow", and want this attachment to be transfered to "big workflow". Big workflow can't be modified. Is there a way to "insert" attachment to other workfolw?
(...) I have a form with drop down list. This drop down list is using static list. Static list have 8 "items". step s are A>B>C>D I would like to use items 1-3 in step A and B where index ID of stem is for example 111 and 112, and if is in step C or D then the list have only options 4-8. of course i would like to reset value a drop down list when enter to step C . BTW: I don't know SQL yet ... an (...)
(...) Hi, We would like to transfer our test license from one test server to another. Before we proceed, we would like to know the correct procedure. Does anybody care to give step -by-step instructions? Thanks in advance!