(...) s("height", "0px") $("#" + columnName + " .validation-error-panel").removeClass("has-error") $("#" + columnName + " .attributeErrorsPanel li").remove() } My javascript doesn’t work with item List . It would be nice if we could have a built-in form rule function / JS function like SET ERROR(Field, errorText) - for every form diyplay mode . It would also be desirable to have something like thi (...)
(...) Hi, I wonder if there is a way to chenge the text of the Item List init button. Now it sais something like "+ Restore defaults" and I want to change it to "Update details", as the functionality in my List is to update some fields on the List if they were changed outside of the process (in dictionary).
(...) it as "new standard process"? The second question if I use "New standard process" how can I use "Gant chart"? Third question is how can I create rules an attribute that validates the date on the item List ?
(...) at Webcon is not what I think is. Example - I have application named A. I would like to get an exact copy of this application named B (or maybe almost exact becase of data sources and keywords List ). I want to have all workflows and forms working exactly the same in A and B. The only differnce will be two separate sets of users. I don't like to use tenant mechanism. It must be another app (...)
(...) have a short question: Does anyone know the reason for the following error? >Adding new row is not allowed in this step.< The error appears on all steps when I click on dropdowns, check-boxes, item List s, path buttons and delete/save/delegate menu buttons. The designer LOG by GUID is attachet as an image + trace of the error. Best regards!
(...) ent: "b) Waiting for scan The workflow service role – “Folder monitoring” will check files and process the barcode located in it. If the file is correctly recognized, then it is attached to the List of attachments of the workflow instance associated with the barcode. Also, if the instance is in the “Waiting for scan” step at the moment, then it is automatically moved to the next step through the (...)
(...) earning Microsoft Graph API and managed to create folders (parent and child) using POST and PATCH methods in a SharePoint Library via Graph Explorer. Now I have the following scenario. In an Item List there are X numbers of lines with folders names: - Folder A (parent) - Folder B (parent) - Folder B1 (child) - Folder B2 (child) - Folder C (parent) - etc... What I would like to do is use t (...)
(...) lements serving as dictionary of "sales objects" (not a dictionary type process but a standard one at the time). There is another process called "Sales transactions". In this process there is an item List holding the items to be sold at the current transaction. These items can be added through standard adding elements (+) button. There is a choice box that opens a List of available items with importan (...)
(...) t" action I use. I also deleted the website data from within Safari, but this didn't help. Ok, I was only guessing that the app might somehow use Safari for displaying the page so the data would be List ed in the browser itself. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi all! We have a workflow (service order) containing an item List , which represents a shopping basket. We have a workflow containing several sales locations, which can create service orders for their location. Every time the shopping basket changes we need to send (delta) reservations to an external system with a SOAP request. So far so good, this is a common scenario ;-) What we hav (...)
(...) Hi everyone, this is just a short List of actions I had to do, when I switched from a "local" text field, WFD_AttText1, to a global WFD_AttText1Glob: 1. Fixing Start Subworkflow actions Due to the change of the field type the assignment was "lost". Internally the action uses the database name, so it's obvious, that the assignment of field {690} to field WFD_AttText1 is no longer valid. Config (...)
(...) Hi! I have a process which generates subprocess (List is from sql query). The subprocesses generates correctly but there is one thing that I need to change - the author of the subprocess document should be change for the employee from field. I tried to change the login by update the WFD_CreatedBy column in WFElements table but it's not possible. I've received an error: "One or more errors occur (...)
(...) We have to now comply with SOX and part of the requirements is to List all WebCon apps and permissions/priveleges for each level and the groups/people in them. Is there an easy way to dump all permissions/priveleges for all apps to a text file, pdf or other? If not I'll have to go through and take screenshots of each in designer!
(...) em by index? The choice field(A) has a placeholder ("empty" in attached image) and a dynamically read value. And on value change in another choice field(B), this value is being added to the choice List (A), but I also need to have this new dynamic value selected as right now it is just queued under the placeholder. Is there a way to do this through webcon standard or programmatically? Thanks (...)
(...) f you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemList file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, instead of expecting a table in excel file. What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
(...) ello, Is there a way to check a specific user AD group membership? I want to type a user in a field and then I want to see on which groups this user is(based on AD). It would also be great if the List of groups would be loaded into a List items. I read this: https://alterpaths.com/webcon-admin-process-checking-users-groups/ but it didn't work on me. Can you help?
(...) , 4, 5, 6 etc. After they will do their job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes between version 1 and 7 (x, y). Instead of displaying incremental List of changes between, just show two columns with two chosen by user versions. I see it very usefull for huge forms, where tracking all the changes in each step takes more time. This way there could (...)
(...) I have the Decisions Card applications and I can choose several budget items (one - many) for them. Then I have an invoice app where on the List of items I choose the decision cards with budget items on the List that tell me the rest of the data, but the most important thing is that I would like to open the decision card after selecting the decision card and budget item. At the moment I have 2 bugs. I (...)
(...) We are aware that some functionalities are not available in a SaaS environment, like some query actions. But is there an official List ing of what is not allowed in SaaS? Because Building and Testing a project on-premise, and having no way of knowing if something will break on PROD because of that is not acceptable. Is there a way to test for it? Or at least have something to read through to work (...)
(...) Hey! I've never worked with the OCR and AI Framework so I'm asking the following question: Is it possible to read the data as seen in the attached picture and save it to an Item List ? If yes, what are the components that I would need? There is already a text layer in the pdf so there is no need to do the OCR. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you, Martin