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for Solr

(...) ion.   Requirements WEBCON BPS containers are based on images that use Windows Server Core architecture. Therefore, the admin cluster needs to be able to run loads of this type. If Solr and/or SQL components are to be implemented in the same cluster, the cluster must support loads based on both Linux and Windows containers. The application requires the ingress controller to suppor (...)

(...) different SQL Server last night. Except from some annoying trouble with Sharepoint and the Webcon solutions we managed to get everything running smoothly again. We uninstalled everything except from Solr , and installed it again. The old databases are offline. Currently there is still an alias configured, that routes traffic that might go to the old SQL-Server to the new one, which is okay, but noth (...)

(...) ur like this. Although there were a few bug fixes prior to version 411. I have the same behaviour in TEST and PROD. Just reindexed the entire Test-DB . --> Still no luck with the SQL-report. --> A Solr report gets filtered, but it's grouping ignores the filter, plus I can't use SQL-calculated fields in these? Is this a bug or am I missing something? If someone can confirm this is working for them: (...)

(...) s case, but still on the entire value. It would make more sense to group according to the display option the grouped column is set to. Especially because i dont know how to do calculated columns in Solr reports like i used to in SQL-reports. ;) I have attached a screenshot to make clear what i mean.

(...) Hi everyone, if you have applied a log4j version below 2.17 or before 2021-12-17 you need to repeat the steps: https://community.webcon.com/articles/security-apache-Solr -affected-by-apache-log4j-cve-2021-44228/39 The version 2.17.1 contains a fix for a theoretical problem. If this could be misused, you already have a bigger problem. Source https://blog.sonatype.com/log4j-another-code-execution-bu (...)

(...) f you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some examples on every environment that are in top 10 most highly recommended for index. And 4 of them are related to Solr . You can find my 'research' results here: https://nexpertis-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jaroslaw_dziekan_nexpertis_pl/EsIcZvxgjSJIrtGkGEJpVcABtvWxI57511tiTqDYHpD60A?e=ib6qHx So my question i (...)

(...) Hi, I'm trying to install Webcon standalone version 2022.1.4.84 and everything is going smoothly until it reach Search Server configuration. I filled host address, add passwords for Solr and WEBCON_BPS user, then "Next" - here the green bar is moving and moving for 10-15 minutes but nothing new happens. The installer is not going to the next step. Is it normal behaviour?

(...) ome/ Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.InvalidOperationException: ServiceLocationProvider must be set. at CommonServiceLocator.ServiceLocator.get_Current() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr .BPSSolr ServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.Solr Engine.BpsSolr QueryExecutor.QueryWithPerformanceLogAsync[T](IBPSSolr ServerProxy Solr Proxy, String queryToRun, QueryOptions opt, Str (...)

(...) RecurrentActions Timeouts LicenceService WCFService WCFLicenceService OcrAi OcrTextLayer OcrAiLearn Archiving MobilePushNotifications UserSynchronization PersonalDataRemoval Solr Indexer Import MasterQueue ElementsRemoval WCFCsomService -- Activation summary Service -MS-L-***- Activate roles ADSynchronization (for db: BPS_Content ) ExchangeRates (for db: (...)