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(...) ). Data are loaded from the WFElementDetails table, which stores all information entered to the item list – a list of members defined in the “Task Groups” process. In this table add filter s for the values in the columns: DET_WFDID – ID of the instance where the item list is located DET_WFCONID – defines the item list ID (in one form type they can be severa (...)

(...) ig. 10. The form prepared to download the supplier's data   On the “Download Supplier data” an action of changing many field values has been defined. Thanks to using a data filter from the data source, are selected only suppliers for who the value entered in the Supplier name or Supplier VAT ID fields is equal to the Sup_Name or Sup_VATID column value from the Suppliers tab (...)

(...) modification date Information about form field values (the column names are the same as the form field names on the form)   In the query to the view you can use conditions and results filter ing e.g. searching information about instances of a given author etc. The additional uses and features of the process view: Allows you to quickly check the number of instances created in a given (...)

(...) d the registered invoice description. A list of tasks A list of tasks looks the same as on Portal. They have been adapted to the mobile device dimensions. You have the ability of using the task filter s – by pressing on the filter button you can e.g. display only tasks overdue from the selected process.     Application page The new application page makes it easier to (...)

(...) is below:   Fig. 6. A query in the data row form field   The “List of unpaid invoices” data table differs from that of the invoice process only by an additional filter . Only documents after the payment date are taken into account, where the payment field is empty.   Fig. 7. The filter in the data row form field   Knowing of which companies (...)

(...) sts, you can add the data tables based on the SQL query which refers to the WEBCON BPS database or an external system. In the Word file you can put not only the data on the form but also the properly filter ed and formatted data e.g. from the ERP system or other client database.   Banded formatting of the item list in the Word program To set the banded rows, click the table and go to the ta (...)

(...) o gives the ability to present all employees in the company. All you need to do is to select the person who is the highest in the company structure. For greater readability, it is worth applying filter s, then you can compare quickly selected employees. To do this, click the icon indicated below and select the employees we are interested in from the window that pops up: Fig. 7. The vacation s (...)

(...) m the WFMails table. The query returned the results for a specified – given ID of the instance in the workflow.   Fig. 3. The query to the WFMails table   The query is filter ed by the recipient’s e-mail address below:   Fig. 4. The query to the WFMails table   Example queries for all data contained in the database The query returning a s (...)

(...) nce Priority – on a scale of 1 to 10, where the 1 is the highest priority Error handling – this setting specifies what happens after the first processing error of the queue instance filter by regular expressions – the field that allows you to fill in a regular expression used to select the files for which the text layer will be generated   The attachments for which t (...)

(...) dquo; window   The SQL query template is automatically substituted in the “Query” section. Such a query should be implemented with an action ID. You can also add the additional filter in the “Additional filter ” section e.g. to show the actions triggered in a certain period of time (e.g. of the condition: „LOG_TSInsert > ‘2020-04-20’” – (...)

(...) ber of actions and a summary saying whether all steps have been used.   After selecting the Audit, several options appear that allow you to execute a more advanced analysis. a) filter  – you can choose which instances will be checked Above ID – only instances with WFD_ID higher than the specified one will be selected Date from/Date to – only (...)

(...)     In this tab, you can create individual views based on data collected in a given source in the Source tab – you can include item list columns here when choosing filter s or grouping:     The report configured in this way can be edited according to your needs, including the columns from the selected item list:     &nb (...)

(...) w translation” option.     After entering the preview of translations of a specific language, the user can see the list of all system text phrases with the possibility of filter ing and searching them. A correctly prepared language pack should contain translations of all phrases. To create a new translation (or modify the existing one) enter the ‘edit mode’ by sel (...)

(...) uo;s try to use the documents in the library to add a Word document to the instance. First, we must create a choice field  form field whose source is the list of documents templates. Because the filter that checks if the documents are active is already implemented, we will see only those documents that have the ‘active’ status enabled via checkbox. Next, in the configuration of the docu (...)

(...) n and cannot be changed, we can only change which form types should  be available (all types of forms, one or more). In addition, we have added an “Active” system field with standard filter showing only active instances on the report.     Another difference is in the “Views” tab. An Start button is automatically added to the report – as with all (...)

(...) stitution process is configured in a separate workflow. Choose the workflow mentioned above from the list of available applications.     Next to the global settings, there is a filter that alters how the substitutions report can be displayed: My active, All active, All. My active is selected by default.    

(...) bsp; With no results, you have the ability of displaying all results – click on the “Show more results” field at the bottom of the suggested results. A new window with additional filter ing options (on the left) that allow you to narrow down the searched elements will appear on the screen.   Fig. 3. Displaying all resulted for the searched phrase   Search a (...)

(...) source can be defined as any data source available to the current WEBCON BPS system. Remember that in SQL source you must use a SQL query and in the case of other sources – a properly prepared filter . If you define data source but do not set SQL query or filter , the system will return all columns available in the data source. SQL query/filter – in this field a SQL query or filter is def (...)

(...) application – it contains instances only from this application.   Fig. 2. The suggested reports created for the "Delegation settlement" application   Search filter s can narrow down the number of displayed instances according to: Application Workflow Form type Step Application author Workflow instance user Instance state Instance create date (...)

(...) FIg. 4. The configuration of the attachment selection based on the instance ID   > Source file selection - define if attachments assigned to the indicated instance should be filter ed. Category - if you select the “All” option, attachments will not be filter ed based on the category, and if you select the “Custom” option you must select the cat (...)