(...) Postman: Loading instance info - /api/data/v2.0/db/{dbId}/elements/{id} The instance information is downloaded using GET REQUEST and {dbID}, {id} parameters . In this method we must use the token for authentication: In response we receive information about the instance. Starting (...)
(...) h; that’s why on the welcome screen it is required to provide the Portal address to which we want to connect. The Portal address can be found in the database (configuration database -> Globalparameters table) or by launching the installer on the server where WEBCON BPS is installed. Choose “Tools for application management” and then “Portal address configuration” to verify t (...)
(...) If you want to transfer response data to the BPS instance a Response tab configuration is also required. When invoking Graph, value loading will fail if the JSON tab has parameters (variables). To bypass that problem fill in necessary data on JSON tab. Do it once during the configuration. Important: Loading configuration will cause invoking the method and will create user. In t (...)
(...) atform by changing the logo and website theme. These options are available to the global system administrator. Privileges are provided in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio: System settings – Global parameters – Global privileges – System administrators. You can also see: Adding a logo to Portal. Altering the look of the website Customization of the website (...)
(...) plate - Polish, English, German. Content language - a list of languages for which translations can be made. You can set the available languages in Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> Languages. Save path - document path. Content input Each element of the process configuration for which a „Documentation” can be provided (...)
(...) BPS assume two separate servers for MS SQL and SharePoint. Diagram of sample setup below: Recommended configuration for WEBCON BPS installation – up to 1000 users Suggested parameters for both servers: Database server System Database Processor RAM Hard drive Windows 2012 R2 (...)
(...) you, can manage the compact form behavior using the form rules. By default, they are inherited from the basic form, but you can break the inheritance. System configuration -> Global parameters -> Required mobile application security level This setting is common to all WEBCON BPS processes and applications. It allows you to enable the enforcement of entering the PIN code each time (...)
(...) entity – you can select a language from the list for this business entity. A language interface in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio can be added, deleted or edited, after configuration of the global parameters and selecting the “Interface language packs” option (Fig. 4.). Fig. 4. The interface language packs Mass notification language If mass notification are (...)
(...) pprovers can also be realized without the user’s participation by using the “Change item list value” action. The “Use people field data source” checkbox is marked in the parameters , so that the “Approver” field allows people belonging to the organization’s structure (most often from Active Directory) to be selected. Enabling the approval functionality is p (...)
(...) the application. FIg. 6. The OAuth client configuration After creating the client, go to their configuration and remember the Client ID and Client secret parameters – they will be needed to obtain a token. Fig. 7. The OAuth client configuration Creating tokens To create a refresh token, make two invokes – see he (...)
(...) DocTypes – it contains information about the configuration of the form types 3. Business and form rules: WFBusinessRuleDefinitions – it contains information about the parameters configured in the business and form rules (Business rules: BRD_RuleType = 1, Form rules: BRD_RuleType = 2) WFBusinessRuleparameters – information about the parameters configured in the busine (...)
(...) ase and granting db_owner privilege to the service account and application pool. After this operation: Change the installation type to StandAlone – it can be done by updating the Globalparameters table. update Globalparameters set PRM_Value = 2 where PRM_Name = 'InstallationType' Change the portal address to an address without the WEBCPN BPS virtual catalog, as StandAlone (...)
(...) ires it (or allows it). Next, select the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE). In this case, we use the GET method. In the “Custom headers” tab, you can add additional header parameters according to the requirements included in the documentation of the selected API (in this case – host and API key). In the “Filter mode” tab, you have two options – Using B (...)
(...) ty of WEBCON BPS Portal. This is especially important when BPS Portal is publicly available on the Internet. To define headers, go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> Security (In older system versions, this option is found directly in the Global parameters node). Example To verify the security level of our BPS Portal, we will use the (...)
(...) quot;C:\oauth2-proxyoauth2-proxy" .\nssm.exe set oauth2-proxy AppDirectory "C:oauth2-proxy" .\nssm.exe set oauth2-proxy Start SERVICE_AUTO_START .\nssm.exe set oauth2-proxy Appparameters "--config=C:\oauth2-proxy\oauth2-proxy.cfg" .\nssm.exe start oauth2-proxy Configuration In the C:\oauth2-proxy location, create the “oauth2-proxy.cfg” c (...)
(...) ue function was used in the button configuration, which sets the “Count of employees (string)” field value in the “Employees” field. The ConvertFloatToString function with two parameters was used for conversion – numeric attribute and number of decimal places (in this case – 2 decimal places). Fig. 8. The “Convert float” button configuration (...)
(...) d in the Managing BPS groups). After going through the accept path, let’s check if the group is available in the system. To do this, go to Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> BPS users list. Fig. 6. The BPS users list in Designer Studio The configuration of the “Delete BPS group” action Fig. 7. Th (...)
(...) elect the Administration tool option -> Permissions migration. Fig. 1. Administration tool in WEBCON BPS In the configuration window, there is the ability of defining parameters for the source and target users, and buttons starting the operation mode. Below there are also reports on copying/transferringprivileges – basic and advanced. Fig. 2. Privilege (...)
(...) ns" tab, expand "Hyperlinks," and double-click on "Start Element(…)". It will add this function to the editor on the left. Right-click on the function and select "parameters mapping." Fig.7 Enabling parameters mapping A window will pop up. Fill in the information for those fields: Workflow ID - the identifier of the Workflow that should (...)
(...) ect the "Execute outside transaction" option, the action's code will be executed without waiting for its execution in the form. After linking the fields from the form with the action parameters , a new site will be created, and an absolute URL link to it will be entered in the form field. Fig.4 The form data that will be used to create a site Fig.5 A new sit (...)