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for AD

(...) 1. 2022-04-05 2. 2021-12-10 3. 2021-11-25 Do you have any idea to solve it? My poor trying on the screen below (a lot of counting and IF's and still get wrong format of the MM). Thanks in AD vance for any suggestions and ideas.

(...) ing and Testing a project on-premise, and having no way of knowing if something will break on PROD because of that is not acceptable. Is there a way to test for it? Or at least have something to reAD through to workaround this from the start(dev), and not when it is deployed on live... Best regards, Fabian

(...) Hi all! I personally think the operator 'ForEach' is a great AD dition to version 2022.1.2.31, thanks to Webcon Team. Unfortunately I do not find any documentation on that, especially how to iterate over 'Any Collection' and access columns in custom action. If I select 'Any collection' and put some SQL statement in there, is there a way to access specific table columns from generated table (...)

(...) Dear WEBCON Team, as I posted my thoughts here: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /1613 I would like to submit my request to improve quality of the signature, or at least AD d option to choose quality of the field. Currently there is no option to improve quality and now it's very low (pixels, blur). Best, AD am

(...) Dear WEBCON Team, just noticed that filename for Standalone version (Server 1) contains "2022.1.3.59" insteAD of "2022.1.2.59" (3 insteAD of 2). It can be confusing :) Attached screenshot with marked areas to understand it clearly :) Best, AD am Hatak

(...) Hi folks, My goal is to send an email when a comment has been entered in a instance. SAD ly I have found no way to find out if there has been a new comment to trigger an email action on path traversal. I hope someone can help out. Best regards Fabia

(...) I have alreAD y used the database provided by European Central Bank for currency exchange. But i want to use REST for conversion of currency exchange(mostly for euro). What should be the URL/REST request suffix when im selecting GET HTTP method.

(...) Hi. I was very optimistic that I could sign PDF files with locally installed certificates (AD obe reAD er functionality) using the "IT hit Edit Doc Opener" AD din as mentioned in the Webcon Knowledge Base (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/new-way-to-use-a-digital-signature/253). So far everything works as described until I want to save the signed attachment. Doing so I get an error messag (...)

(...) Hello folks, How can I let a user group delete all attachments, not just their own? Currently it seems as if a non AD min users can only delete the ones they uploAD ed themselves. But we have to let a group of users delete any attachment. Is there a way to maybe toggle is somehow? Or is javascript neccesary? Kind regards Fabian

(...) default path for saving workflow element. This can be easily done with the well known POST endpoint: /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements Now we are facing the challenge to check if there are alreAD y elements in our system, to avoid duplicates. This can also easily be done with an integrated SQL query like Select Count() from WFElements WHERE ... So we need to cancel save operation if this co (...)

(...) ill data, return it to main process (to employee A)? The condition that need to be met is that director B can't see data of director C (only employee A who manage the list can see all data). I've reAD that articles but still don't know how could I split item list (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/starting-workflows-in-webcon-bps-actions/76). I hope that you understand my problem that I try (...)

(...) Hi everyone! Does anyone know how difficult is to upgrAD e Webcon from Express to Enterprise AND at the same time set up the test environment with all existing processes (that were developed on the Express version)? Is it even possible? I'd like to be sure that there will be no problems later with the import-export mechanism for the existing processes. TIA, Martin

(...) SQL Command used in a Business Rule? I'm selecting values from DET_LongText1 which has line breaks. I'm attaching 3 images to show what I mean. 1. Webcon Form: What I see on the frontend. 2. NotepAD ++: What I see in NotepAD ++. 3. Output: What I see in the email if I output the value of the field with a Business Rule. I can't output the form field directly because it is coming from an Item Li (...)

(...) rst row is rendered as text (with esacaped html entitities < ...), the second row is rendered as HTML, also the click event works. Can someone explain this behaviour? Is it even possible to AD d some input elements here? Thanks in AD vance & best regards, Nik

(...) As alreAD y mentioned by Ajnar in the forum: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /1792 there are issues with the field choice tree in version 2022.1.2.31 and 2022.1.2.59. It is no longer possible to limit the selection to the last node even if the checkbox "Allow also choosing intermediate nodes" is unselected. Previously, clicking on an intermediate node opened the nodes below it - now clicki (...)

(...) 1.2.59 I found this article in the knowledge base: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 Establishing the fields and trying to get the image rendered within a report I hAD to learn: Only the link generated in the way as described in the article is shown. No matter, what type of field I use. Can anybody please help me in finding what goes wrong? 1) What exact defi (...)

(...) Hello, is there any chance of presenting a picture in an item list? After getting images to be shown in my report, this would be the next component I need. Thanks for your hints in AD vance. Best, Ingo

(...) r seems to work. Depending on the browser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloAD ing does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian

(...) Hi, since version 2022.1.2.59 (my last 2021.1.4.118) i can't copy & paste group elements. Is it possible to get back this feature!? For example: we have for all workflows and steps the same heAD line and a specific subtitle. With copy & paste I can create very fast the basics of a (new) workflow... Thanks and best regards Daniel

(...) contents. Would it be possible to combine this build in functionality with fields input? It would be really great to be able to configure the "Keyboard type on mobile devices:" to "scan", which leAD s to following behaviour in the mobile app: 1) click on field 2) Scan-Camera functionality starts 3) after succesfully scan -> scanned value will be set to field Done Thanks a lot P.S. We ar (...)