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for AD

(...) Hello! I'd like to propose new functions for item lists: 1) freezing view of the selected (first 'n') columns -> following the threAD : https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /2603?page=1#m2610; 2) enabling (showing) / disabling (hiding) rows in the previously initialized item list -> business case: in the step after initialization we disable (or hide) all the rows except for the selected on (...)

(...) cloud I need to update our webcon database to the latest version that supports GCC. I do not want to install this on prod and we don't have a proper dev env setup for this (Yet). To get the db upgrAD ed, I am trying to migrate our existing prod WebCon instance, data and all to a new dev host (basically making a 1:1 prod:dev environment). Is there a "supported" method for doing this? I've t (...)

(...) over time the file will have too many versions. On the other hand, I have change history and actual data. 2. Should the data source be a dedicated database table? In this case, I have to use the "LoAD by default" option in the directory to update the list of items with holiday limits if I want to see real data. Due to the SQL procedures used in holiday requests, I do not see the update file after (...)

(...) lds: Project, Delivery date and Products (which is an Item list - with following columns: ProductName, Prince, Quantity) I want to send an email which has as Body the Item List's values which i have AD ded. Is it possible? I have seen that i can Populate a word with Item list, but i am asking just for that email body text. Thank you.

(...) Hi, I have found this article. I don't understand where should i define an AD ditional row... (text fig. 13) Or i get error "column DET_Att1 not found.." https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/confiugration-of-the-item-list-and-data-table-form-field-in-e-mail-templates/14 Can you help? Thank you.

(...) pplication in portal then on first step everything is ok and i can sent task to second (intermediate) step. AND here is a problem when i try move task from that step or even when i try open task in AD min mode or remove task i get the same error with is: msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTM (...)

(...) Any known issue regarding license services. because we are getting an error message in the portal saying "Failed to loAD license. Please check if the license server is running". From the application management tool the services is running successfully and when I try to refresh the licenses from the license manager tool I am getting an error message saying "Cannot connect license service. Please c (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I think it would be great to have an opportunity to AD d the option to execute a form rule in case of a 'Validate form' action fails. In most of my cases there some special condition which relates to a field/tab. Having the option to execute a form rule would allow to: - focus the field - show the tab - execute some JavaScript which would could display a subworkflow which needs (...)

(...) I've managed succesfully to configure Webcon for Exchange calendar (exchange online - ms graph). But I have a problem with configuration for Exchange tasks acctions. Even if I granted in AZ Tasks.ReAD Write permission, When I'm trying to configure action Designer is not showing the connection to Exchange Online. How it should be set up?

(...) g the person in To: Is it a bug or i did not configure it right? My field "choose substitute" is a Person or group. In 2nd scenario, i configured this field to allow multiple selection. When i AD ded 2 people (A and B), i received the email with just the first person (person A) showing in CC. Person A received the email with Sender and To. Person B received the email, but there was neither (...)

(...) Hi, Is there the ability to run actions in the background without being forced to wait for them to finish in the loAD ing screen? I have created an automation which invokes a SOAP service and it takes some time (20 seconds). This thing must be disturbing for the user. As i see, actions are executed synchronously, meaning the user interface waits for the action to complete before allowing furt (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment access by a user? Users will access documents that are alreAD y in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who reAD a document in pdf attached to a process. Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?

(...) Hi everyone, maybe we can gather all the changes anyone encounters when testing the new version in a single threAD . It won't take much of your time and will potentially save you more when others do the same. I will start with this one: SQL command: Varriable WFCONCOL_ID : WFD_DTYPEID = {DT:12} and {WFCONCOL_ID:153} = {WFD_ID} has been "translated" to WFD_DTYPEID = 1 and dbo.ClearWFElem (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I think any changes to JavaScript is worth a dedicated threAD , since these won't effect everyone and can be quite technical. As everyone has reAD the change log, it should be no surprise that we need to apply some changes to any JavaScript based modifications. The cash-dom library has replaced the former jQuery library. The change may affect how form rules work in JavaScript (...)

(...) is entered in field2, all available entries are shown and are not filtered. Any ideas why this does not work as expected? We are using Webcon version 2022.1.4.204 by the way. Thanks a lot in AD vance & best regards, Nik

(...) st body is body type: Binary, which is the only way to send dynamic JSON data. Somehow my encoding (which should be UTF-8) gets lost. I am sending Content-Type:application/json in binary part heAD ers, my assumption is that this heAD er is not sent at all, also History in AD min mode does not show this heAD er. What am I doing wrong here or is it a bug? Thanks a lot in AD vance & best regards (...)

(...) Dear Community, I have a question regarding serach option (Search everywhere on top in portal version). When I AD d permissions to the process (via permissions tab in BPS Studio) for some user / group of users (i.e. permission to all elements with attachments) how can I trigger any action to index it in Solr? From user perspective, when he / she search for particular document in search everywh (...)

(...) e configuration database was queried for a non-existent object with the id d0d745af-6efd-429c-8072-59d3d392bba2. Most commonly, this is caused by removing an SPFeatureDefinition without writing upgrAD e code to remove references to the feature from each site. Updating SPPersistedObject SPSolution Name=webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp. Version: -1 Ensure: False, HashCode: 40394590, Id: d0d745af-6efd-429c (...)

(...) ue bar is sliding from left to right for about 10 minutes now. In Designer Studio, I can't remove the steps associated with the corrupted task, and the task also can't be removed because it doesn't loAD . Is there any tip, how to remove that? Best regards

(...) Hello, I think it would be great to have different kinds of choice fields. RAD io button, checkbox (with multiselect option), toggle. Thank you!