(...) e - I have application named A. I would like to get an exact copy of this application named B (or maybe almost exact becase of data sources and keywords list). I want to have all workflows and forms working exactly the same in A and B. The only differnce will be two separate sets of users. I don't like to use tenant mechanism. It must be another application. How to obtain this result ? Cur (...)
(...) Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.GetApplicationGroupsStructure(Boolean withoutProcesses, Func`2 applicationFilter, Int32[] permittedApplicationIds) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleProcess.ProcessController.RefreshData() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleProcess.ProcessPanel.RaiseDataRefreshRequest() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleProcess.ProcessPan (...)
(...) ation need to be unique and a validation error message should show if the user tries to post a entry with the same form and step combination that already exists in the dictionary. I have 3 different forms with different steps in a flow. I entered 1st entry as form1, Step1 and 1 day, saved it second record as form1, step2 and 2 days, saved it. 3rd record as form1 ,step1 and 1 d (...)
(...) see all changes between version 1 and 7 (x, y). Instead of displaying incremental list of changes between, just show two columns with two chosen by user versions. I see it very usefull for huge forms , where tracking all the changes in each step takes more time. This way there could be a glance view about what changed, and then eventually i could check all te small changes between if needed.
(...) Hello, I have some date set on forms . Need to find any solution to have that date - 1 month for example: Date on form is (YYYY-MM-DD): 1. 2022-05-05 2. 2022-01-10 3. 2021-12-25 Date that I expect need(YYYY-MM-DD): 1. 2022-04-05 2. 2021-12-10 3. 2021-11-25 Do you have any idea to solve it? My poor trying on the screen below (a lot of counting and IF's and still get wrong format of th (...)
(...) ystem.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleProcess.ProcessController.c__DisplayClass162_0.d.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionS (...)
(...) Hi, We are thinking about migrating from BPS on SharePoint to Standalone. We have some concerns. The current environment is Webcon 2021 on SharePoint 2013 Foundation. We are not using modern forms . -Is there any other migration guide/description than this? https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/going-sharepointless-how-to-transform-your-environment-into-standalone/168 -If I understand correctly, (...)
(...) IExportLogger exportLogger) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.ImportExport.Export.ExportManager.ExportMappingList(ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .Wizards.ImportExportWizards.ExportApplicationWizard.CreateMappingList(Action`1 onGenerationProgress) 9/13/2022 2:14:08 PM ------------ (...)
(...) hich collect the date part of some date field at that form (see screen below). I do itthat by using 'change field value' action and rule 'date part (month)'. Next i use that technical field to group forms by year and month but when users create datas from october number 10 goes to the end of list. Is there any possibility to fix it or maybe you have some idea how to do that easier or more effective t (...)
(...) Hello Community! I need to find solution form the problem with some case in my organization – maybe you will help me to find the most effective way to do that? Case: Users: A, B, C, X forms type: type1, type2 Form fields: value1, value2 There are few forms (type1) which are filling by users (A, B, C) during the month (for example January). One of the form field (value1) on each forms (type1) (...)
(...) entationDocx(Process process, List`1 allProcesses, String path, List`1 plugins, List`1 allRules, List`1 dataSourcesList, List`1 dataConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleReports.Documentation.ProcessDocumentationGenerator.Generate(String path, String templatePath, CultureInfo dataLanguage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleReports.Documentation.Language (...)
(...) ocation --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.API.forms Controller.GoToNextStep(GoToNextStepParameters formParameters) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.TaskOfIActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, Obj (...)
(...) I've updraded to 2022.1.4.84 last night and today I noticed that the OCR Verfication step looks now just like other forms - there is no pdf display on the right. In 2022.1.2.59 just yesterday everything worked. Am I missing some change in the machanics? UPDATE: It seems that documents that passed through OCR before Webcon update display properly in the OCR Verification step (with the preview and ye (...)
(...) After upgrading the program to version 2022.1.4, the system informs that it is in maintenance mode. I thought the update went fine. SQL Server, IIS and WebCon process works correctly. What else should I check? How to "turn off" maintenenace mode?
(...) ement, the browser just starts loading indefinitely. This issue appears only on this single element and nowhere else. What can I check, how can I start researching this issue? We are using classic forms on SharePoint. Thank you
(...) Hi, We have been getting more and more timeouts in our processes lately. For example, we are getting Sys.Webforms .PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out. What could be possible reasons? Where can I start researching? Thank you!
(...) idered secure, since the signatures must be stored somewhere that people can access (for example a document library in SharePoint). Any other possible solutions? I should add we are using classic forms on SharePoint. Thanks.
(...) Elements.ExistingElementsManager.GetDesktop() at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.API.FormConfigChangedController.Get(IElementsManager elementsManager, String displayMode) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.API.forms Controller.Get(Int32 wfdId, String displayMode, String editMode, Nullable`1 historicalVersionId, Boolean isStandardMode, Nullable`1 workFlowId, Nullable`1 docTypeId) at lambda_method2306(Closure , (...)
(...) e next step. Only a single user has this issue, everyone else can use the process with no problems. When the user attempts to submit the form, under the form, the following message appears: Sys.Webforms .PageRequestManagerTimeoutException. The server request timed out. I also attached a screenshot of the console, showing strange behavior, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
(...) entationDocx(Process process, List`1 allProcesses, String path, List`1 plugins, List`1 allRules, List`1 dataSourcesList, List`1 dataConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleReports.Documentation.ProcessDocumentationGenerator.Generate(String path, String templatePath, CultureInfo dataLanguage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.forms .ModuleReports.Documentation.Language (...)