(...) arget environment (3). Which caused the problem . By changing the columns of the report in the source database, for example clicking the "default view" checkbox twice, (4), the variable definitions hAD been restored (5). You can execute this SQL statement to verify if there's something for you to do. It should not return any rows. SELECT TOP (1000) [ARP_ID],[ARP_APPID] ,[ARP_Name],[ARP_Configur (...)
(...) Hello, is there any possibility to sync users from local AD , and get pictures from AAD ? I've been looking at the docs, and changelogs but found config only for AAD alone. If not sync - maybe there is a way to bulk import it somehow?
(...) in the workflow designer. The save button is displayed under the user, but the delete button is not displayed (I am still working with the user who created the process). If I set the user to Business AD ministrator permissions, he sees the delete button. thanks for help, best regards, MV
(...) I have smal workflow which moves big one between steps. I'm uploAD ing attachment in "small workflow", and want this attachment to be transfered to "big workflow". Big workflow can't be modified. Is there a way to "insert" attachment to other workfolw?
(...) t here: https://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboards/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. Sometimes it requires double click, and side panel to loAD s so it doesn't look great. But it represents the idea so for now it's good enough ;) To make the control work, there should be a possibility to choose which report is source for the view, as ther (...)
(...) rrently have installed version 2023.1.1.56, and I cannot find it in the platform center anymore. 2. Does anyone know if importing processes from this to 2023.1.1.89 works? Or do I need to do an upgrAD e first? 3. Is there anything we need to consider when updating this missing version?
(...) Hi, I have a problem with AD ding new data in item list. When I'm try to AD d second row everything are deleting from row first. What can be the reason? In the item list are some columns with autofilling. Problem does not occur, when I type INDEKS (first column which is the main column through which the others are filled in. ) manualy (not using pop-up suggestions)
(...) all, Does anyone know if it's possible to have the behavior of Invoke Menu Action - Create new process using Hyperlink, where the request that we configure open automatically in a new tab but insteAD of using Hyperlink, the system is launching a subworkflow? Thank you
(...) but I receive error message ... more/less translation from PL to EN "The source was not found, but some or all of the event logs could not be found. To create a source, you need permission to reAD all event logs to ensure that the new source name is unique. Unavailable logs: Security." Where to change it? Previously, when I did template doc with out depending forms ... I have got not pro (...)
(...) ld like to transfer our test license from one test server to another. Before we proceed, we would like to know the correct procedure. Does anybody care to give step-by-step instructions? Thanks in AD vance!
(...) I checked all fix list from https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/webcon-bps-2022-downloAD s/311/10 and I don't see my issue fix. Environment: 1. I have "old" WebCon 2022.1.4.84. 2. Created doc template process 3. Imported doc template 4. checked and changed all Font for Verdena 5. changed name of column in table (from list) 6. ignored few fields (from list) 7. updated template doc 8. (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I have a questiion about dashboards: 1. I have a custom dashboard, where I have only HTML element. In this element I'm using REST API to get report (mAD e earlier) and thanks to that I can customize it with js, css. The question is, is it possible to have functionality of view the element like in report? Explaining, when I have a report and I click element I have a compact view or so (...)
(...) Has anyone encountered this error? I installed the Word package, and when I try to edit a Word template, I receive the error "Cannot downloAD the information you requested." Do you have any idea where I can find more information about this error? Thanks, Raluca
(...) Hello Everyone I'm writing to you because maybe someone has alreAD y hAD a task as wonderful as me :) I need information about which users and at what level they have access to each application and process. I searched the forum but didn't find anything similar. I'm going to write SQL because I don't think there is any other option. I will be grateful for the sql pieces :) Regards
(...) Hello all, Does anyone know if it's possible to set up a behavior on an item list where in the picker field the user can select more than one option and it populates each option per row insteAD of AD ding multiple values inside the picker field. The user will be selecting options on the picker data source window and I would like that the system would allow choosing various options and populating (...)
(...) Hello, I want to hide/show the buttons in an item list for : AD d row, delete row and clone but based on rule. To be more specific, I want the 3 buttons to be visible when the instance is using business entity 1, 2 and 3 , but when i use the business entity 4 i want them to be hidden. The only way I mAD e it possible is by using a form rule with a Java Script, but could not see any build in Webc (...)
(...) . business rule is changing [tracking_no] and set to text field as hyperlink and "grab" the tracking individual string (see all screenshots) What I would like to have: the same functionality but AD d multiple lines (divided shipping ... :/ ) Item list, where I can AD d rows with shipping tracking link which opens I reAD this topic: https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /891 but is not cl (...)
(...) Hello, I have a parent process with Item list. This item list is list of tasks. I can AD d positions to this list and I have a button to initialize this list as a tasks. In this list I have a title, responsible person, status of the task and section (it should be item list with attributes in the form?). When I AD d the position and put in all data (title, person responsible and section) I hit the b (...)
(...) Hello, Is there a possibility to implement an automation mechanism for granting application privileges, such as the "MetAD ata access", "Access all workflow instances" permissions etc? I have created a Global action - On start (cyclical) that is creating a group and AD ding a user to that group, but also i have to AD d that group to Application privileges so they can access the app. How can i do th (...)
(...) calendar on the form, but excluding holidays - only working days Alternatively, the second way: How to validate the form: if in the final step date = holidays, a message will appear. Thank you in AD vance for your help.