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for coloring

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction In the latest version of WEBCON BPS, the report coloring has been enhanced for additional functionalities (a description of the basic report coloring modes can be found here). There is the ability to go through a path without having to view the specific instance – just click on a properly configur (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Katarzyna Cypser   The WEBCON 2020 version introduces the functionality of coloring reports on the MODERN form. In addition to the ability of coloring cells, you can also add icons, shade cells and create many advanced configurations using the conditional instructions.   The option is available in the report configurat (...)

(...) the item list form field. This functionality can facilitate data interpretation and increase transparency when presenting a lot of data.  This article will present the available options for coloring the background of the item list. Go to the coloring settings, open the item list form field, and then go to the advanced settings. Fig.1 Advanced configuration of the Item List form field (...)

(...) Introduction In the 2021 WEBCON BPS version, business rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. Operation of the application   Fig. 1 - The appearance of the application   T (...)

Hello all, Hope you're doing great! Does anyone configured a rule that will color a cell in a item list upon value change? I have an item list that will be initialized with values and if the user changes one of them, I want that cell to be marked so it's easier to check the value. I have found some examples but it's using a rule (like > than X) and it's painting the entire row. In the

Hi there, I'm trying to work out a rule to color backround of a date cell. The condition would be "if the date in the current field is greater than today, then color backround, else dont change the color". Currently the not working JSON code is: { "content": "=CurrentField", "style": { "background-color": "=if(CurrentField > today, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried differen

Hello everyone, I’m trying to set the color of the cell in a report based on a comparison between the current field (AttDateTime1) and another column (AttDateTe4). It works if I compare the CurrentField to a fixed value. As soon as I try with the other field name, it doesn’t work anymore. Is it even possible to have such comparison? Thank you, Martin

Hi, Do you know how to make rows in a 'Data table' field colorful? I get some data from subworkflows by the table field and I want to color some rows depending on their status: open - blue, closed-green ... Is there such posibility?

Hi everyone! I'd like to pick your brain for a challenge I'm facing. Does anyone know if there's a way to color report cells similarly to how Excel colors duplicate values? So when a duplicate value is found in COLUMN1, the cells from both rows would get e.g. red background color? TIA, Martin

Hello, is it possible to color every other (even) row in the reports so that the rows are more visible. In addition, is it possible to add edges in the rows to make the reports more readable. Example attached.

Hello all, I have an item list where I want to display some column color based on the value that will be the outcome of 2 dates. I would like something like if it's zero, the column should be green, if it's between 0 and 30 days, it should be yellow and if more than 31 days, it should be red. I'm trying to use this, but it's not working: if ('{SFD:-4}' = 0) select '#90EE90' if ('{SFD:-

(...) d green for all the "to be done n the future" ones. Works great. I created the same for the calendar report and there is a problem - the calculated column is not visible to choose from in the dynamic coloring module (only system and process iems are visible there). This seems to be something that should be there, but was somehow forgotten. Calculated values make no sense in the calendar reports now If th (...)

(...) Hello community, I am trying to color whole ITEM list rows with SQL query. I followed, the article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/coloring -the-background-of-the-item-list/195/3 but even the simplest SQL query (same than in article) generates the error (see figures enclosed). Any idea what I am doing wrong? Any example of your working SQL query for ITEM list coloring ? Thank you.

(...) 0c2cxz361cf' AND /* GUID WF Order */ WFD_ID = wfelems.WFD_AttChoose5_ID /* Field Order Relation */ ) This works pretty good, although i can't get a grasp how to make it work with Advanced Cell coloring . On Orders view, i'm using this: { "children": [ { "element": "span", "style": { "color": "red" }, "attributes": { "iconName": "=if(WFD_AttB (...)

(...) sing the “>” button.     Form view The mobile form contains all features of the desktop version including any form rules that are used to modify the form e.g. coloring form fields. By opening the information panel in the workflow, you can open also a preview of the process workflow on the mobile devices.     Reports and dashboards The new (...)

(...) The example configuration:   Fig. 9. The form field default value   Limiting visibility on the form:   Fig. 10. Limiting visibility on the form   coloring the form field value on the change of their value:   Fig. 11. The form rule on the form field change   Summary Breaking form settings inheritance is most often used to ch (...)

(...) “Layout” tab and check the “Use advanced appearance settings” option. Select the “For whole row” color mode and add the SQL query. Fig. 17 – The row coloring setting On the form, it will look like in Fig 18.   Fig. 18 - coloring rows with incompatible answers b) Finally, the superior gives the employee a final mark (the "Final ma (...)

(...) omments on the form are accented in blue. The default focus color for this theme is pink. Fig. 12. Portal home page  with the WEBCON Contrast Black Yellow theme enabled   coloring of report rows and Item list rows as well as overriding colors of form fields and path buttons and other form elements are disabled by default for this theme. However, a new Customcoloring InContrastT (...)

(...) by default, there are cases where it can deviate from this rule. Now that the secret is revealed, it seems reasonable to include the margin in the configured Widget. To do that, select the Additional coloring conditions checkbox. This functionality allows you to apply additional colors to the Widget whenever a specified value (threshold) is exceeded. Once you select the aforementioned checkbox, choose (...)

(...) mandatory? The path example of advanced colouring will just break on transporting the report to another environment: https://community.webcon.com/community.webcon.com/public/posts/post/advanced-cell-coloring -in-reports/18 This is just a simple example and I have more in mind. While I can workaround for some variables by writing a SQL in 1 and 2, I have no chance for 3. I, for my part, would like to ha (...)