Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Michał Kastelik Introduction Version 2021 has introduced a new feature for the environments in which there are many different people creating and modifying applications and processes. Now, you can define dedicated connections and data sources for your applications which should simplify the administration work. You will also avoid situations in
(...) Hi all! I am new to WebCon BPS. I wonder if it is possible to get all items of a process or a datasource /dictionary defined in BPS from client side via REST API. In SharePoint I did something like this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyList')/items?select=Title... This does not seem to be possible with BPS REST API or at least I did not find it ;-) I am thankful for every hint pushing me into the right di (...)
(...) When adding or updating elements via Rest Api, for picker fields it is required to provide Id and name. Quite often the name is known, but not the id. As picker fields are usually based on datasource s, it would by great, when the api would be extended with methods to query datasource s. There should be at least two methods: 1) getting a list of all available datasource s (overall / by application) 2) quer (...)
(...) Hello. Is there a way to use a stored procedure as datasource instead of a view or table or Select statement? I use at the moment a query on two tables (UNION) which has an inner join on another table. The speed is not really breathtaking, thus I wanted to use a stored procedure where I can perform all the timetaking steps already on the SQL server. Regards Klaus
(...) or buttons. For this reason we built following SQL statement for testing purposes: SELECT 'Internal' AS ID, 'Click me' AS HTML UNION SELECT 'Azure' AS ID, 'Link' AS HTML And we used this datasource in a datatable field on form. However, we have some interesting results. First row is rendered as text (with esacaped html entitities < ...), the second row is rendered as HTML, also the cl (...)
(...) Hi. Is there a way to query the Active Directory only for the department column and add this as a datasource . What I'm seaking is a list of all departments we have in the company. Kind regards Klaus
(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an action where the value in a specific column for an item list is a value coming from a datasource different than MS sql server? My idea is, I need to get from an oracle table the rate for a specific employee, so I'm using the action with datasource = my table and in the advanced filter, I just add the person id and the dates for comparison but this is not working. (...)
Hi, it would be great if the response tab of a data source would have an additional option to download the defined response structure so that it could be uploaded. This would be even better, when the internal names would be part of the download. There are cases when you need to change the internal names and doing this again and again for the superior source and x business entity sources is anno
(...) Hi, We have an issue related to the usage of columns from a datasource (dictionary, BPS internal view) within a choicefield-type field. The user 'windows user' has created a new application, a new process, and a new dictionary. After configuring these, the user created the corresponding datasource s for them. They created a new process where they associated the dictionary/process with choicefield-type (...)
(...) Hi all! I am currently struggling with 'Add privileges' action. I want to use a predefined datasource (SQL query based on WFElements), this is shown under (1) in attached picture. The datasource I am using selects all elements from a specific formtype and needs additional filtering in SQL query window (2). But I am unable to do that, every attempt so far resulted in syntax error. I am sure th (...)
(...) rent step 2. If second choice field is selected, it should narrow down the results from a subquery (Item list) First of all Webcon doesn't accept a DECLARE statement in the first line of a custom datasource based on 'Current BPS connection'. A workaround here is the 1. statement (IF (1=1)). This query does seem to work (it is showing the right results in the right step). What does not seem to work (...)
(...) formations like this: Conection type: Windows Authentication User Impersonation Server: (localdb)\localDB1 Database: demoDB User: DESKTOP-75etc. Can someone help me how to properly add a mssql datasource or if im doing something incorrectly. Thanks in Advance.
(...) Hi all! We would like to add a datasource from REST API. datasource method is POST, since we have many parameters. We need this datasource in different workflows and parameters are dependent on values entered in current form (different fields in different workflows) and also should be fetched from database from another workflow. As I can see there is no way to use current form field values (in J (...)
(...) I want to use a REST datasource to get customer information (ie name) via customer number. I have a form with a customer number field. I have a REST datasource "REST GET CUSTOMER DATA" (..../getKundenData?customernumber=CUSTOMERNUMBER.Standard) which returns a json with all relevant customer data. I used a business rule to get the value from the REST datasource and a form rule (on value change) to set th (...)
(...) specified user IDs to a technical field WebCon.WorkFlow.Extensions.GDPR.Actions.SaveIdsToTechnicalField Custom source – collecting personal data WebCon.WorkFlow.Extensions.GDPR.datasource s.DictionaryDataReportdatasource Custom source – personal data usage WebCon.WorkFlow.Extensions.GDPR.datasource s.ElementsGriddatasource Custom source – external person (...)
(...) look at the possibilities of the template syntax and become a big fan of it as I did. Beginning of this year, we did a PoC and the first version of an SDK action. We decided to use JSON as a datasource , as in our opinion it offers the most versatile usage. For most users, more complex JSON structures, e.g. with one-to-many relations, will be a challenging task. So we decided to add a (...)
Applies to version: 2023.1.3 and above Introduction The security of a WEBCON BPS system is influenced by two things: the infrastructure of the installation, and the configuration options within the system itself. In this article, we will focus on the latter – options that can be found in Designer Studio that can be used to control the system’s accessibility.
External content by Daniel Krüger; August, 2022 ; The original post has appeared on If you are working with web services data sources like REST then you will have noticed that you can't view the outgoing request. This is also true, if you have a problem, when the instances hasn't been saved yet. All in all this can be quite annoying, if there&
(...) Currently, views do not allow dynamic filtering on views for datetime and people-picker fields. It can be done by extending the query in the datasource . The datasource can only be changed by administrators and designers. For end-users it would by great having the possibility to use placeholders for filtering datetime and people-picker fields. My idea is having placeholders like [now] / [today], which wou (...)
(...) ul and really like it for admin-purposes, it might be some kind of an detail-overkill for common users. In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that should work for all workflows and translations. Values are shown depending on the users browser language. It simply shows which step was left with which path, by which user, at what time. I (...)