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for hyperlink

(...) ig or small – you may find that you need to pass information between two workflows. One of the simplest ways to pass information from the current form to one in another workflow is by using the hyperlink action. hyperlink s allow you to go through to the linked form, open it in the new tab, and pass a set of parameters to the other workflow. The hyperlink action (in the WEBCON BPS 8.x.x version) wa (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik    The "hyperlink " action type enables you to place a button in the form bar. This button can be used to launch a specific WEBCON BPS workflow, which can be a sub workflow of the current Workflow. It can also link to other relevant information, e.g., documentation for the process or guidelines that should be taken into consider (...)

(...) Hi all, I'm out of ideas... I've tried everything that came to my mind without achieving the desired result. Is it possible to have a hyperlink column in an Item List that shows the Preview and only after clicking on the little icon on the right (see attached image) it opens the full form?

(...) it still does not show the item with the link (as it does in standard attributes). It doesn't matter if the field is read-only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink column calculated based on the ID in the choice field, but I have 4 such columns, so there would have to be 8 this way.. way too many. Do you have any ideas?

(...) While trying to cope with problematic hyperlink s to different items in one item list row, I came up with a solution that might come in handy. Explanation: The item list contains one key choice field ("Symbol") which is configured to populate several other fields in the list. Among the populated fields are "Przypisane komórki (BPS)", "Przypisane garaże (BPS)", "Przypisane miejsca postojowe (BPS)" - the (...)

(...) to 2023.1.1.89 I'm getting error "Attempting to launch workflow instance for a form type not connected with the current workflow." I found out that the reason for this error is wrong workflow ID in hyperlink function. Everything works well on dev environment but after export and import on test environment hyperlink is not working causing above error. It seems that Workflow ID tag isn't "translated" duri (...)

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a button to start another workflow but I want to pass the current instance ID so I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: Legal Request Process Using this, I'm basically writing WFD_ID in the destination field. Does anyone know how to get this working= Thank you

(...) Hi, I have 2 dictionaries: Countries and Cities. In the Cities dictionary, the form field 'country' is a picker field from the Countries dictionary.I would like this field to become a hyperlink which would take me to the Country dictionary instance for that country. I was expecting this to work at least in the Dictionary report Cities but it doesn't. For example when creating the Barcelona city instance (...)

(...) Hi, it would really be great to add support for the hyperlink action on the attachment menu. The only additional thing which would be required is the id of the current attachment. The hyperlink action supports executing JavaScript and one use case would be to trigger the print dialog without opening the preview. While this is one there may be other use cases which is the reason why I don't request (...)

WEBCON: Business Process Automation and Management as its best WEBCON develops the Low-Code Business Process Automation Platform, WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). This enterprise-grade system allows organizations to embrace digital transformation by digitalizing their workflows and building comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying t

(...)   Fig. 7. The configuration of the "New deposit" button   The user's login in the only passed parameter.    Fig. 8. The configuration of the hyperlink used to start an instance   Transactions dictionary Using the “Transactions” dictionary you can change the employee’s account balance which is related to the “Ac (...)

(...) is recommended when you operate with numbers in the range of 0-100 Bold field – a value is displayed in bold Show column – the user decides if the column will be displayed Instance hyperlink – after clicking on the given element, a preview window will appear with the hyperlink . For such marked fields, specify which value is the ID of the linked field. This menu is available after c (...)

(...) the full page form of each instance individually, only to discover that it isn’t the one they are looking for, is a waste of time. The situation looks similar when you have the form containing hyperlink s to another workflow e.g. previous employee’s vacation requests. In newer WEBCON BPS versions,  clicking on an instance hyperlink (usually hidden under an instance number) will expand t (...)

(...) ere that option enables searching through all fields marked in the configuration as “searchable”.   Fig. 10. The advanced configuration   A text will appear as a hyperlink . By clicking on the instance link, a preview window of the form will appear on the right side of the screen.   Fig. 12. The car reservation form   If you want to open the ca (...)

(...) orkflows made easy by using WEBCON BPS.   Preparing the document library view Additional columns have been added to the standard view of the document library: BPS URL – hyperlink column which stores the workflow instance address Status – text column which stores the current workflow status Start – text field with a start link for the workflow   Th (...)

(...) quo;Register annex” button on the upper form bar. Contract rejected – the step archiving rejected contracts   The following screenshots show the configuration of the “hyperlink ” action used to start the annex subworkflow (this is one of the options to run the subworkflow). Fig. 2. The “hyperlink ” action Fig. 3. The configuration of “Hyp (...)

(...) easons, a maximum of 1,000 rows can be exported from a Data table to an Excel spreadsheet.   Fig.3. Generated Excel file The columns that are marked to be visible and displayed as a hyperlink s on the form are saved in text form (display text).

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Adrian Baszak   Introduction Task and step descriptions are brief instructions on a form that help users complete a task. Descriptions can improve the workflow instance by reducing the number of errors and questions. They can contain basic information which helps a new user get started with the application, and also may explain the more complex d

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Tomasz Pytlak   Introduction Working with attachments is one of the basic functionalities in WEBCON BPS. Some processes, such as document repository, are only used to catalog and make files available to selected users. In others, the attachments may be of secondary importance. For example, when you want to work on a file together with your cl

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Mateusz Syrek   PDF version Disclaimer Every installation of WEBCON BPS is unique, and may face certain challenges not covered here. Therefore, this document should be treated a general set of guidelines and not universal dogma. The scenario presented here was tested and used to deSharePointize our Support Portal http://support. webco