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for regular expression

(...) k the “Search all attachments” field. Then, define the attachments in the “Attachment name template” field.  The name template you enter should be defined by using a regular expression e.g., an expression that selects the documents with a name beginning with the “Contract” or “contract” phrase. The “Archive file before adding barcode” option a (...)

(...) rity – on a scale of 1 to 10, where the 1 is the highest priority Error handling – this setting specifies what happens after the first processing error of the queue instance Filter by regular expression s – the field that allows you to fill in a regular expression used to select the files for which the text layer will be generated   The attachments for which the text layer is to be (...)

(...) chment or all attachment assigned to the instance are to be selected (Fig. 4).   Fig. 5. The constant item list as a data sorce for the attachment category list   regular expression – attachments are filtered based on the regular expression ; in this case, all attachments with names beginning with PO and Purchase_Order will be selected.   Fig. 6. The regul (...)

(...) one of the workflow instance, The oldest attachment - the action will add a single attachment (the oldest one), The newest attachment - the action will add a single attachment (the newest one), regular expression - allows you to select an attachment using a regular expression , SQL Query - allows you to select an attachment with a SQL query. The query should return a list of attachment IDs from the dbo.WFD (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Łukasz Kraśniak Introduction regular expression s – REGEX in short – allow to precisely describe complicated search patterns. One of many examples can be validation of provided bank account number. Whether the pattern fits the character string is mainly used during validation of so-called entry data. regular expression s allow to check if the user (...)

(...) egory – allows you to select an attachment based on the category. In the “Convert” file, a user indicates whether the newest or the oldest attachment should be used in the action. regular expression – allows you to enter a regular expression in which you can define parameters that should be met by the downloaded file. For example – the ^Leave_request.* expression means to download a (...)

(...) e read DPI – specify the resolution with which the barcode was written; correct entering a resolution increases the probability of code recognition. c) Code template (regex) – define a regular expression based on which the selected barcodes that match the created expression will be matched from the document – e.g. the ^. * WEBCON *. $ expression will limit the reading of barcodes only to those (...)

(...) None – search attachments not belonging to any category.   Fig. 3. An sample configuration of the first attachment selection mode in the Get Attachments rule   B) regular expression – attachments will be selected from all attachments added to the instance based on the defined regular expression that filters names and extensions.   Fig. 4. Sample configurati (...)

(...) actions will not be affected). Reloading service configuration is recommended after changing this setting.  Input files types - specifies the file type of source attachments, Filter by regular expression - a field that allows you to enter a regular expression for selecting files for which the text layer will be generated, Category - defines the category of source attachments. There are three possi (...)

(...) I found a problem on WEBCON with regular expression . In the attributes, in the "Style and behavior" tab, in the regular expression for validation field. In my case, I set a limit to 11 digits (11 characters long, as in the Polish PESEL number) - "\ d {11}" to be precise. This regular expression works and detects the shorter string as bad. She recognizes even 11 digits as correct, that's good. More characters (e.g. (...)