(...) o other applications (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more information about examples of using API see Examples of using REST API. This article describes the “Invoke REST Web service ” action that allows you to use external service s that provide their API. Configuration The simple workflow has been created that will return additional information (...)
(...) There are 4 plugins available to integrate with external digital signature providers: AdobeSign Autenti DocuSign This article describes the process of signing document with Autenti service . Additionally, it presents sample workflow with configured send document for signature and download signed document actions. Process description Autenti platform provides various options to han (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2021 R5 and 2022 R3 and above; author: Dominika Skórko Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021 R5 and 2022 R3 versions allow users to configure Portal–service connection. Until now, such communication took place only via the SSPI-protected HTTP protocol. Now users can change the type of communication to NetTCP protocol secured by automatically generated ce (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz Introduction WEBCON BPS uses service s to run special operations that generally do not require user interaction. Unlike Portal, which acts as a host for a website, the service can have multiple roles performing calculations and executing long operations defined previously by a user. This article describes the roles the service (...)
(...) .1.x and above; author: Agnieszka Burda Introduction With WEBCON BPS you can use API interface. The article available here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-invoke-rest-web-service -action/170/ describes the “Invoke REST Web service ” action provided in Designer Studio that allows users to use external service s sharing their own API. This article describes new feature (...)
(...) We are delighted to share that on 24th and 25th January 2023 firefighters from the National Headquarters of the State Fire service of Poland took part in a two-day training on the low-code solution based on the WEBCON BPS tool. The training will advance the State Fire service 's implementation of modern technology and equip participants with the skills to create IT applications without coding. &nb (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2023 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz Introduction The logic behind the execution of tasks by service is a multi-faceted and complex issue. When planning tasks, application designers are often unaware of the mechanisms and rules used by the service . To fill this gap, this article describes the elements affecting the sequence in which the service executes it (...)
(...) Applies to all versions; author: Krystyna Gawryał Introduction WEBCON has introduced a new tool, the License Activation service (LAS), which provides clients with a comprehensive view of their WEBCON BPS platform licensing and registered license service s data. With this tool, clients can easily browse their WEBCON BPS licenses and generate the files necessary to activate or deactiv (...)
In the release notes of WEBCON BPS 2021 the new option of using the openid authentication flow is mentioned. However, i did not find an option to use this authentication when calling Rest API's. https://webcon.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/WEBCON-BPS-2021-New-Release-Overview.pdf Did i miss something or is it not yet released?
(...) Dear WebCon Team, we most urgently need the possibility to have further authentication methods using OAuth 2.0 / OpenID in the context of REST - Web service . At the moment the limitation does us not allow to communicate with other systems in the way of microservice s. This extension would be a great increase of data communication. Thanks a lot Best regards Thomas
(...) Hello, I tried use action "Invoke SOAP Web service s", but I get this error "dll was not found" I tested using another platform for Api development and it works. Thanks regards, Raluca Lupu
(...) Hi everyone, I wanted to play with the BPSAuth service and I have realized that I don't know how to use it and the community.webcon.com and howto.webcon.com websites don't mention much about it (Almost no information about configuring it or handling BPS users). Does anyone have any article abut it? It would be useful to know how to get the clientId and secret and how to manage BPS Users passwords. T (...)
(...) Has anyone experienced Webcon Workflow service changing values of attributes by itself? As you can see in the attached screenshot, the change occured on step "Dekretacja" with no path passage. First at step "Weryfikacja OCR" the values of the OCR verification were corrected by the user and passed to the step "Dekretacja" for further proceding. But at that step Webcon decided to change the two fields (the (...)
(...) Hi, has anyone encountered problems with Invoke Sopar service action after upgrading to version 2022.1..1.53? We forgot to test the functionality immediately after the upgrade (due to some issues with the license) so rollback is not an option…. We are gathering data from the national registry of companies when registering a new partner into our system with the action. In 2022 we just receive the follo (...)
(...) Hello, my task is: A new workflow instance is to be started through calling a web service from i.e. the ERP system. I cannot find any howto or documentation that explains how to proceed. Is this possible in general and can anybody help with a hint what to do or where to find a documentation / howto? Thank you in advance.
(...) Hi, we would like to use the SOAP web service in WEBCON (DBVersion 2022_1_2) . How can we get the delivering result? Webcon by default marks only the "Messages" area. See screenshot. Unfortunately, other markings are not possible... Thanks a lot! Florian
We are using WEBCON BPS 2022.1.3.45 and should execute some soap actions to to SAP. System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: 'HandshakeFailure'. Submitting requests via Postman works fine. It seems to be a problem on transport level, related to .netCore/OS and is most likely a problem related to TLS version an
(...) Hi, I want used the global business rule in a rest web service s. I try use de business rule in Customer Headers, but when I run the action the value it's empty. I added an image with the configuration. (config_restWebservice s.png) Is it possible using the business rule in Data sources Rest Web service s? Thank you, Raluca
(...) Any known issue regarding license service s. because we are getting an error message in the portal saying "Failed to load license. Please check if the license server is running". From the application management tool the service s is running successfully and when I try to refresh the licenses from the license manager tool I am getting an error message saying "Cannot connect license service . Please check (...)
(...) Hi all! I am really struggling with this action. I am trying to send JSON data to a REST web service . JSON string is generated by a business rule, which contains a JSON Query (FOR JSON). Testing this business rule works fine, also umlauts are shown. My configuration in request body is body type: Binary, which is the only way to send dynamic JSON data. Somehow my encoding (which should be U (...)