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With the release of version 2023.1. WEBCON BPS gained a new feature for displaying statistical information about an application / a process. In Portal, users now have a dedicated Analysis node with tabs that compile key figures and time series in the context of available applications. It is now possible to track Trends on working with the system, as well as display a Heatmap for a selected application.
This article briefly describes those new capabilities of the system, focusing on the advantages of the feature that summarizes information about working with WEBCON BPS in an enterprise.

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This article compiles a list of minimum permissions for Microsoft Graph applications that will be used for handling four mailbox-related features available in WEBCON BPS.
• E-mail notifications
• Administrative notifications
• HotMailBoxes
• MailApproval

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Thanks to the export/import mechanism, processes and any changes to them can be successfully transferred between the three environments: DEV, TEST, and PROD. However, changes made to global elements will not be transferred from one environment to another, unless an appropriate approach is taken. The present article describes this less common approach that should be used to successfully transfer updated global elements of a process.

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Increasing data volumes combined with shrinking disk space and decreased performance pose a challenge to every IT system. WEBCON BPS faces it with an extensive archiving mechanism that automatically removes data from process databases. The resulting better arrangement of disk space translates into enhanced performance and reliability of the whole system.

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In WEBCON BPS, it is possible to personalize the appearance of the platform by changing the logo and color theme of the website. To be able to modify a color theme, a user must have appropriate privileges which are granted in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. In the System configuration -> Global parameters -> Global privileges in the System administrators window, add the appropriate users.

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From WEBCON BPS 2022.1.1, the lowest supported SQL Server is 2014. In the case of WEBCON BPS installations using the higher versions of SQL Server, WEBCON BPS databases work with the compatibility level set to SQL Server 2014 by default. Changing the compatibility level from SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2019 is possible, but you need to disable the TSQL_SCALAR_UDF_INLINING (Scalar UDF Inlining) option. This option is enabled by default when changing the compatibility level to SQL Server 2019.

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When using the "WEBCON BPS Outlook Add-In" on high-definition displays, problems may appear - especially when the Outlook window is shifted between high and low DPI monitors. There are problems with displaying the process instance form and as a result, the form disappears or is displayed outside the Outlook window. Currently, the only solution to this problem is to set the "Optimize for compatibility" option in the Outlook settings. 

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WEBCON BPS allows for selecting an authentication provider and sometimes there may be a situation in which it will be necessary to change the already established provider from Active Directory to Azure Active Directory.

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“Quick paths” is a standard functionality allowing for the use of a transition path without editing the form as well as several instances at the same time. “Quick paths” can be found useful wherever a task is repeatable and it does not require completing any form fields by the user or verifying a large amount of data.

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The article aims at providing key information required to configurate new application elements. The article presents both required and optional information that will help you to add configuration components.

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