Hi. In version 2023, the method of handling company selection when starting from a tile has been changed. Previously, if the remaining parameters were defined in the button configuration, a form was immediately displayed and the company could be changed directly there. Currently, a popup always appears in this situation and the company can be changed later on the form. Users report this as an unfriendly solution. I wonder if it would be possible to introduce an element in the tile confi (...)
It would be very useful from the users' point of view to add the ability to change the order/position rows of the item list by dragging. Regards
Hello, It would be great if WebCon BPS could allow to configure application available only "via Browser", not visibible in WebCon BPS Application (for Android/IPhone) at all. Configuration could be on Application level via e.g. 2 checkboxes: "Visible in Anroid App" / "Visible in IPhone App". That solution would enhance Mobile user experience not be overhelmed via full list of application which e.g. mostly could not be foreseen/designed from form/dashboard level as Mobile optimized. Best (...)
Hi, the API endpoint returns a list of all processes inside a appliation. /api/data/v5.0/db/{dbId}/applications/{idguid}/processes It would be great, if the result would contain a property to check, whether a process in the result is only a relation. { "processes": [ { "id": 0, "guid": "string", "name": "string", >> "isRelation": "boolean" <<<<< "links": [ { "href": "string", "method": "string", "rel": "st (...)
Hi, Is it possible to add {userlan} support for column grouping? This would be very helpful when translating calculated columns.
Hi, I know this is a kind of "stupid" request. If I select an "Item list" it would be great when the order of "New form field" and "New column" would be switched. Even after years of using the Designer Studio I will create new fields instead of new columns, especially after just creating the item list. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it. Best regards, Daniel
Hi, would it be possible to have an option for radio buttons to be formatted to appear horizontally on the form instead of vertically? Would be a good addition to help save space on a form. kind regards, Dean
I think it would be useful to have the ability to apply custom css classes to input fields. With the current styling options there is no way to style the "inside" of the input controls. The last image is what I'd expect to be able to do, the first 3 images are what is currently possible with out-of-the-box functionality. If that is already possible I'd be happy to know how without having to target precise css classes, data attributes etc.
Dear Webcon Community! Problem: sometimes we get many page documents, but in most cases valuable information is on first few pages or last pages Proposal: new optional parameters in action What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel tables only if you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, instead of expecting a table in excel file. What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
When creating the reports it would be useful to have the option of joining the WFElements table to other external tables in order to show data from other systems in the same report without the need to duplicate this data on Webcon. This way the integrations with other systems would be even easier and there would be no need to duplicate data that already exist in some other system. Can you consider developing such functionality?
HI, I propose to add possibility to do photos from builded cameras in laps/computer/no mobile devices like mobile. So to not do photo, save it on device and now addind to element. But to add exact after to the photo by camera, and run camera from element. It's could by by custom action or use build funcionality. That problems show on Windows Surfface oraz normal windows where we can't use such functions.
Hi, ist there any chance to display a visual cue, like in the user voice, when a thread is closed? Currently the only hint is, that the "Add Post" button is not available, even after logging in. This may be ok, if you know how things work here but for newcomers this won't be so easy to understand. Best regards, Daniel
Hi, I really like the new default picker option "Show link to selected workflow instance". Unfortunately it's only available for the data source "BPS Internal view". If I select a dictionary and probably a template process, it's not available. Therefore I have to create an Internal view in addition to the automatically created dictionary data source. For those who don't know what this option does: The picker value is rendered as a link which can be displayed in the preview window. That's a rea (...)
Please add an option to configure font size in studio. Especially with high resolution monitors studio is almost unusable due to very small fonts. This is totally not user friendly especially for people with even slight vision disabilities (wearing glasses).
In WEBCON the development is so fast and agile that it started to create bottlenecks in the deployment activity. We are using Azure DevOps and it would be great if some kind of pipeline could be created in order to start and deploy things in an automated manner.
Hello WEBCON, i was struggeling with the "Update attachment" action. Our users have the abillity to to upload as many pictures they need to the attachment section in one of our procceses. We would like to rename all files to the same mayor file name with an attached ATT_ID or counting number. It would be great if in future versions there would be a third parameter under Attachment details, where the ATT_ID is selectable (SEE PICTURE). A counting number as fourth parameter would be even better (...)
I've overlooked an already existing user voice created by Markus. Hi, could we please get an option to define an additional .css file inside the theme. It could be similar to the implementation for defining the logos which can be loaded from an URL or uploaded as a file. Benefits: - We don't need to use the HTML field on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/41/15 - HTML fields can't be displayed on reports so we are creating other workarounds - It's not necessar (...)
There's an option to switch from horizontal to vertical layout if you click on AND/OR operators. Could this be extended to all other operators, too. :) This would reduce the scrolling and therefore improve readability a lot.
Dear WebCon Team, we most urgently need the possibility to have further authentication methods using OAuth 2.0 / OpenID in the context of REST - Web Service. At the moment the limitation does us not allow to communicate with other systems in the way of microservices. This extension would be a great increase of data communication. Thanks a lot Best regards Thomas