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Karol Częczek


Hi, Blocking access based on login. Situation related to last webconaday :). Suddenly, there was a need to block access to the webcon BPS platform for a specific user. The situation was a bit more complicated because the user could not be deactivated at the AD level. Of course, it can be done

Filter by date does not work
28.09.2023 08:24

Hi, The problem is probably related to formats and date conversion, it is best to use an advanced filter and format the compared values ​​as a date. Regards

Hi, If you use a link text field and you have entered a url address there without a friendly name, it should be saved in the database as, for example: "link:www.webcon.pl:displayname:" then, using concat, you only add the friendly name you want. scr1 If the field was not of the link type but text

Item list - column headers
22.09.2023 14:14

Hi, Someone will probably be able to do it better, but it works. setTimeout(function() { $("div[id='SubElems_#{WFCON:5817}#']") .find('.active.tableLiteHeader.ms-clientcontrol-chromeheader') .css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-weight': 'bold' })

Report based on solr
22.09.2023 13:37

Maybe subworkflows for each list item and display these elements on the report (along with data from the main workflow), more work to create and maintain, but you can get the desired effect Regards

Report based on solr
22.09.2023 11:52

Showing data from an item list column on a solr report may be problematic, at least I can't answer whether using some query for a calculated column can achieve this. But you can approach the topic differently, if it meets your requirements. You can create a multi-line field and update this field w

Hi, You can change the value of the link field to display a friendly name or to display a url address. You need to pass the value according to how it is saved in the database. e.g. this format: "link:www.webcon.pl;displayname:: will display only the URL, and this format: "link:www.webcon.pl;dis

Report based on solr
22.09.2023 10:31

HI, You need to be more specific about your question. Data from item lists are indexed by solr and can also be searched using search.

Hi Roman, You can add a picker on the change form as a required field, which has a data source connected/created with all requests for which changes can be registered. picker will be able to store data in the ID#name format, which will be information for which workflow ID this change is registered,

Hi, Have you tried restarting the solr service in windows services? and you can also try restarting the Workflow Service.

HI, Maybe try adding a condition on the attribute to make it mandatory, depending on author, current user. Or use a separate path for the api, or send some parameter to the technical field that will control the requirement. I don't know what your exact scenario is. Regards.

Attachments preview problem
23.08.2023 16:53

Hi, the preview of the pdf attachment is generated by the pdf library, the layout depends on the size of what you have in excel, if it had, for example, a very large table, it will also divide it into 4-6 pages. The new version does not generate a preview for xlsx files, so don't get used to it t

Maybe create a temporary table at the beginning and then drop after doing the operation? It's just a theory, but I don't know what your exact rights/restrictions are either. Regards.

Hi, If I understood the assumptions correctly, I assume that you can create a list of elements for which you want to download data from the erp in the source for the each loop. Then, in the each loop, add the erp data from each iteration of the erp call with the insert sql action to a separate tab

Hi, The easiest way is to create business rules and collect the data you need, and set the rule in the template Redards.

edit - not this thread

Field type change
17.08.2023 16:26

Hi, maybe using update dependents action will be a solution. Regards.

Hi, I observed a similar case, earlier you could set a temporary category that did not have to be available in the category source, currently this method does not work, so you should create and refer to the category that the data source for the category will return. You can, of course, in th

Hi, if it's a brand new install of a new version, it's probably related to a change that webcon has added in terms of security and system account permissions. If you want to be able to perform a query in the context of the config database, you will not use the default connection now, you should

Hi, If the Account you are trying to use in the webcon connection definition is a domain account, it won't work, you should use a sql account, or Windows authentication . In sql managment studio will work but you have to run studio as this domain user (right click on application and run as)