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Karol Częczek


Hi Daniel. Transferring attachments to another or a new database is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to achieve this: 1. Create a new database specifically for storing attachments associated with the process. 2. Update the DEF_AttachmentsDatabase entry in the WFDefinitions table fo

HI, use 'AND' instead 'IS IN'

Hi The reason is probably completely different. You haven't set any message that is returned if the request returns 0, so a system message is returned. that the validation returned 0. And it returned 0 because your query is missing the current element exclusion. The action is performed in the

Hi Use cast as datetime

dynamic text field
12.10.2023 10:38

Hi, you should also add an appropriate rule for the behavior when loading the page Regards.

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 18:20

HI I guess it's something like this. In the back_all path, you can add common actions Regards.

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 11:35

If you add an execution condition, as I described, the action will only be executed if the specified paths are used Regards

HI The set connection only indicates the context in which the query is to operate, but in From you must provide a specific table in which the CompanyID and GroupID columns are located.

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 10:50

Yes, Daniel provided the correct name in English: "On entry" :) Regards

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 10:21

Hi, You can add actions as input to the start step and add a condition for executing the action: if current path in (and return the path id here) Regards.

Name - form type
06.10.2023 20:06

Hi It is best to use the dbo.V_Wfelements view, the names of the form type, application, process, workflow, current step, etc. are already added there. if you only need a list of form type names, you can find it in the dbo.WFDocTypes table as described by Daniel. Regards

Hi, Run debug mode and check the query in SQL to see if it's a performance issue or a data issue. Regards

Hi, You can create a calculation column and reformat the data type, it should help. Regards.

Hi, If you mean a filter in the report configuration, you can use the filter as Markus described. Or if you want to permanently set a filter so that the user cannot remove the filter from the report, use an SQL filter. Regards.

It is possible, but not as something global. You would have to configure the assign task actions appropriately. e.g. using SQL to check whether the person to whom we want to assign the task is active/exists in ad, if so, return this person, if not, select another one. And this is probably the bigg

Hi, If tasks are assigned to a person in the group, then when a person in the group changes, new tasks should be easily assigned to this new person. If there are already tasks assigned to a person who has stopped working, you can set a replacement for him in the administrative mode and all outsta

Attachment Description
29.09.2023 12:12

At the moment, I only see the addition of validation actions: if exists( select ATT_ID from dbo.WFDataAttachmets where ATT_WFDID = '{wfd_id}' and ATT_Attribute1 = '4#Faktura' --your category and isnull(ATT_Description,'') = '' ) select 0 Else Select 1 In the validation message, you c

Attachment Description
29.09.2023 10:31

Hi, You can use the modify attachment action and add/change the description itself. You can modify all attachments from a given category, or use an SQL query to modify, for example, only those from a selected category that do not have a description. The disadvantage is that you have to predict

HI SELECT [BUS_ID] ,[BUS_AccountType] ,[BUS_BpsID] ,[BUS_PhoneNumber] ,[BUS_JobTitle] ,[BUS_Email] ,[BUS_DisplayName] ,[BUS_ManagerBpsID] ,[BUS_TSInsert] ,[BUS_TSUpdate] ,[BUS_RowVersion] ,[BUS_Picture] FROM [BPS_Con

Hi, status":403" this means that you/the user or the application in the context of which you are making the request does not have permissions to the given resource from which you want to receive data. Regards