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Karol Częczek


I also rarely use it, but sometimes it is useful as an additional column with data for sorting, grouping, etc. Regards.

"For some reason there's an # at the end of each value." Hi The # character at the end separates the description if entered in the data source. Regards.

Hi. It would be good to use a different color if the condition for performing the operation passed the path false, in the action log. If the operation is performed for a large number of elements, checking the log would be much easier and clearer.

HI, if you are talking about the item list attribute, then you can use the item list update action and get all the values ​​from the list and then perform the update by inserting empty values ​​into the values ​​of these 2 columns Regards

Hi, You can invoke from the workflow with an attachment a shift of the workflow to which you want to transfer the attachment. And on that path, add the action to download the attachment. Or in my opinion a better approach would be to forward the attachment using the webcon api and the appropriat

Designer Studio License
03.07.2023 15:05

HI, in my opinion, only deactivating the license service, and then downloading the license again will allow you to select and assign another user to the studio license. Regards.

HI, I see 2 possible uses here. 1. Adding a technical field that would be filled in with the date, before calling the timeout action. 2. Adding two actions for timeout and in the execution condition specifying which should be performed Regards.

Nested BPS groups
14.06.2023 17:36

Hi, Webcon does not have the ability to nest bps groups. Is such a solution planned? Maybe someone from Webcon will answer. Regards.

Hi, Is it possible to add {userlan} support for column grouping? This would be very helpful when translating calculated columns.

Run a subworkflow (SQL)
30.05.2023 15:03

For the purposes of the test, try manually entering the ID of the current element from which you are registering matches, instead of using the {wfd_id} variable, and see what the result will be.

Run a subworkflow (SQL)
30.05.2023 13:43

Hi, Where is the action located? as global cyclic? or e.g. on a path on an already registered element?

Solr and search result
27.05.2023 00:22

HI, should be added to the solr indexing queue of the selected process.

I meant the result of the query that starts your elements. what is the data for this erroneous element for column DBO.ClearWFElemID(DET_Att4) as COM_ID

Mateusz, can you build a sql query in the context of the item for which you are getting an error and show what data is returned to COM_ID? If you chose set dynamically , enter there e.g. 0 (cannot be empty.) I assume that you have companies created in the configuration with such ids for which

Hi, Probably, you can only achieve this by updating the column WFT_Flag from dbo.WFElementTasks

Hi, Mateusz. You choose any, and in the sql query add: , DET_att5 as COM_ID

HI, You can try to download a special font for word, depending on the type it is a code. And pass the code data as text and not an image to a given column. And in this column, set the text properties to the same font. But if it works in this way, only the user who has this font also installed

Content as BASE64
11.04.2023 14:39

HI, Try converting with sql. Regards.

"Indexes and statistics maintenance is crucial for system performance. Based on this data, the SQL Server engine generates query execution plans which results directly in query execution time. Daily execution of the above operations in the service window is recommended." https://community.webco

HI, First, you should create a document templates process. Next, add your templates there. Each registered template has its own Guid address which remains unchanged after migration between environments. Then you create a word generation action. In template selection section, you choose: from th