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for rest

(...) Hello everyone I have question about Suggested report - when there is many threads and many values in categories not every value in each category is shown. Only firest 10 most common values are shown. I need to use filters to received less common data. For example - I know that Tomasz is author of some threats, but he is not visible in category "Author" becuase amount of this threats is less (...)

(...) user and thus made "closed". Works, but... only if you choose one item to be added at a time. If you choose more, the adding process takes a lot of time and only one item is added sucessfuly, the rest ends up with an error. I believe this happens because the quick path pass for all the chosen items is beeing run the the same time. If there would be a way to make them run in a queue - this would so (...)

(...) or B * user or process * month = yMB data size Rather, it is an order of magnitude to evaluate for these ready-made sample demo applications As far as the attachments can be estimated, I am interest ed in the scale and speed of the database growth at the beginning based on the demo application. Has anyone tested it yet? Maybe there is a ready script that will measure it quite sensibly? (yes, I (...)

(...) ocess to global fields. We plan to do this with well know T-SQL statement (UPDATE WFElements SET ...) within a cyclic action, which can be triggered on demand. Does anyone know if there are any rest rictions in Webcon SaaS (Software as a service) regarding SQL UPDATE or is it allowed to do such thing? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) lved: The "basic role" message has been shown due to the fact that the BPS service was in "Safe Mode". The "Safe Mode" issue - in this case - has been solved by updating the license information and rest arting the service. Since then the import of apps is possible.

(...) are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: if you need to use SOAP and get back complex xml, sometimes mapping fails (multi level structures cannot be mapped) Proposal: similary to rest action, give possibility to get back whole respond xml. Then you have the chance to get content with SQL query. What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter

(...) lications and I can choose several budget items (one - many) for them. Then I have an invoice app where on the list of items I choose the decision cards with budget items on the list that tell me the rest of the data, but the most important thing is that I would like to open the decision card after selecting the decision card and budget item. At the moment I have 2 bugs. If I set the DET_ID field in t (...)

(...) Hi community! We are getting some data from external system via rest API. Specifically workflow elements are created and there is a default path for saving workflow element. This can be easily done with the well known POST endpoint: /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements Now we are facing the challenge to check if there are already elements in our system, to avoid duplicates. This can also eas (...)

(...) sting purposes: SELECT 'Internal' AS ID, 'Click me' AS HTML UNION SELECT 'Azure' AS ID, 'Link' AS HTML And we used this datasource in a datatable field on form. However, we have some interest ing results. First row is rendered as text (with esacaped html entitities < ...), the second row is rendered as HTML, also the click event works. Can someone explain this behaviour? Is it (...)

(...) Hi, In my process I have rest API where I download link to file. I save the link to attribute and now I want to download this file to 'attachments'. Can you advise me how do do that? Best, Kuba

(...) Hello, Question 1: Is there any possibility to give user access to form but rest rict/limit form history (only user have access to current form not for previous versions)? Question 2: I have form field 'Picture' in dictionary form which (that form) is connected with user by field 'User' - do you have any idea how to present that picture on users dashboard? Do be clear: Form 1: Field User (...)

(...) straightforward. - it works like a charm in Postman ( I get my bearer token back) but I have no real way to test it in webcon, so I have to assume it´s working. then you still have to set up the rest Web Service connection, then the actual rest Web Service Data Source. but it is not possible to get the actual response layout. I am at a loss. has anyone successfully connected Webcon with D (...)

(...) ues with SOAP Web Service at https://sprawdz-status-vat.mf.gov.pl that checks if Supplier is active VAT payer. Does anyone have same issue? Should we consider "migrating" to https://wl-api.mf.gov.pl rest Web Service, where we can check VAT status also? What about limitations of wl-api service? Thanks in advance for any response here. Best, Adam Hatak

(...) untime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.Extensions.rest ApiLogging.rest ApiLoggingMiddleware.d__3.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDi (...)

(...) I noticed on version 2022.1.2.31 that it can take a really long time to populate the target field of choice field, if the data source is a web service data source. In this case the data source is a rest data source and the picker field is of type popup search. Once I activated the diagnostic mode I noticed that after getting the picker results (1) the chosen value is validated again before the tar (...)

(...) Hi there I am pretty desperate as this drives me nuts Has anyone - successfully - used the combination of 1. webcon integrated OAuth2 APP Authentication (APP) 2. rest WebService (or any other way to get data from BC SaaS with webcon) to connect to Business Central SAAS to use as a datasource ? could anyone provide me with screenshots on how to set it up and provide screnshots of an (...)

(...) t System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, SqlCredential credential, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, Securest ring newSecurePassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance, SqlConnectionString userConnectionOptions, SessionData reconnectSessionData, Boolean applyTransientFaultHandling, String accessToken) at Sys (...)

(...) rently there's no easy way to prevent this. One option could be to display "virtual" columns for these actions in the item list, so that one could make use of the existing functionality "column edit rest riction". With this we could define whether the action should be displayed for this row like it is possible to define whether a cell is editable or not. Best regards, Daniel

(...) ite=None, x-ms-gateway-slice=estsfd; path=/; secure; httponly, stsservicecookie=estsfd; path=/; secure; httponly Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2022 09:51:52 GMT Response End Exceptions: System.Exception: rest service call failed. Http code BadRequest (400). Inspect log to get more information. I've tried every combination and syntaxes I could think of. In Postman it works without issues. Has anyo (...)

(...) bInfoProvider defaultableDbInfoProvider, IUserCredentialsManager userCredentialsManager, IDebugInfoManager debugInfoManager, IHttpContext synchronizedHttpCtx) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.Extensions.rest ApiLogging.rest ApiLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IPerformanceCounterFactory counterFactory, IVersionPathParser versionParser, ICurrentUserProvider userProvider, Irest ApiLoggingManager r (...)