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for webcon bps

(...) The WEBCON team works tirelessly to improve the webcon bps platform. We constantly strive to fix any errors and make sure that our system always functions as intended.   Every year, we publish a major version that introduces a multitude of new features. Additionally, updated builds are released at least once a month, they aim to resolve any existing issues and implement small changes. Th (...)

(...) d until now, such as those with permanent or temporary cognitive limitations, device limitations, or who have special needs or preferences in this regard. In light of the above, version 2024 R1 of webcon bps Portal has been modified to ensure full compliance with WCAG guidelines, with the first related modifications introduced in version 2023 R3. This article provides an overview of the changes and en (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above, author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction webcon bps is equipped with application export and import mechanisms, enabling users to create applications in one environment (DEV/TEST/PROD) and then deploy them in another. Until now, export and import operations have been initiated by administrators in webcon bps Designer Studio, requiring user input to define (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Marek Pęcikiewicz   Version 2024.1.1 of webcon bps has introduced significant changes to the way Webviews operate in webcon bps Designer Studio and the Outlook Classic add-in. In order to function properly, they require the installation of the "Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime environment", which was previously distributed as part of the i (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The form is a critical component of webcon bps , serving as a conduit for the collection of business data. A user is more likely to complete a form accurately and attentively when it is attractive, convenient, and intuitive. Version 2024 R1 introduced the ability to change the proportions of the left and right pane (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Dashboards are virtual panels that facilitate navigation within a webcon bps application. By enabling embedding various elements within them, dashboards provide not only access to specific application assets, but also data that may be relevant for end users. This article discusses the possibilities offered (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; September 02, 2022 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de If you are accessing at least to webcon bps environments you may have come into a situation, where one environment is using a different webcon bps version than the other.  In this case it comes in handy that it is possible to create a shortcut which opens connects to the envir (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024.1 and above; author: Marcin Kapusta    Introduction In webcon bps 2024 R1, the Search Server component uses a new version of the Apache Solr index to search for data – 9.6.0. Because of this, updating webcon bps will require additional steps. Most of these steps will be carried out automatically by the installer, nonetheless, some will need to be handled (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; July 06, 2024 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de     webcon bps 2024 introduced different kind of form templates: While this is great for webcon bps 2024 users. You can already achieve something similar with a little HTML field in previous version. You could even make it dynamic. If one tab needs a lot of space you (...)

(...) ou also agree to keep forum discussion limited to topics best suited for this type of medium. We wish for this forum to be a place where our partners, clients, acquaintances, and anyone interested in webcon bps can connect with their peers, solicit advice, share experiences, and add to conversations. Please take a moment to read and understand the rules. To maintain an atmosphere that encourages participat (...)

(...) ect regarding to reservation system is ahead of us. And one of the very useful feature will be gantt chart on the form and as web part as well. So is there any plans to implement Gantt charts in next webcon bps versions? Or maybe there is posibility to prepare Gant Chart in HTML attribute? I mean off course Gantt charts in Modern webcon bps , because we wouldlike avoid to built new app on classic SharePoint, (...)

(...) scanner creates an empty file at beginning of scanning, and WEBCON gets this file before it's complete. I use script to copy files from "temp scan" folder to HotFolder, but such feature directly in webcon bps could bypass this workaround. Any comments and feedback here is more than welcome :)

(...) Hi all! I am new to webcon bps . I wonder if it is possible to get all items of a process or a datasource/dictionary defined in BPS from client side via REST API. In SharePoint I did something like this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyList')/items?select=Title... This does not seem to be possible with BPS REST API or at least I did not find it ;-) I am thankful for every hint pushing me into the right di (...)

(...) 1, all looks fine but when I go to set up Portal URL I can't understand what kind of address I have to type. Read few times manual but I can't understand. Tried several things but I can't connect to webcon bps 2021 Designer Studio. Any advice and recommendations are welcome.

The management of BPS groups is only possible for WEBCON Admins. Some customers wish, that they can do this on their own, but we don't wont to give the required rights. We solved this by means of a little helper workflow, that enabled us to configure the BPS group to manage, a responsible person and an itemlist with the assigned users. This works quite nice this way. However, it would be great,

(...) Hello Webcon community! I'm not sure about webcon bps and setting the right timezone, I hope you can shed a light on this topic for me. We have a server with webcon bps installed in an Azure VM (Region North Europe), which has (according to Powershell) the right timezone for us (see attached picture). We didn't find any timezone settings in Azure Portal for the VM, so we think this should be correct. In (...)

(...) Hello Webcon community! We already tried several times to install webcon bps an a local machine (latest webcon bps version 2021 1.2.108). If it comes to IIS application creation, we select https and setup refuses to show wildcard certificate, which was previously installed to personal store for local machine. The cerificate is showing in IIS, certmgr (Personal -> Certificates), but is not selectable in W (...)

(...) Hello Webcon community! We have the next issue during webcon bps installation on customers server. This is a normal on-premise installation, no Azure AD involved here, only local domain. Customer had an invalid certificate, IIS website creation failed with error 0x80070520, so we skipped the IIS site creation for the moment. I have 2 questions on this: 1.) What kind of IIS certificate does the customer (...)

(...) Dear Community, we have installed webcon bps Standalone and published it through Azure AD Application Proxy. We are synchronising users in BPS with on-premises Active Directory. Currently we experience timeout issues after some time of inactivity on webcon bps site. Sometimes it's few minutes, sometimes about 1 hour. See example in attachments. Please notice that webcon bps and SQL Server (VMs) are placed (...)

(...) Hi community! Maybe this is a silly question, but I'm asking it anyway ;-) In webcon bps management tools one has to provide a portal URL, so this looks like a fixed Url for the whole portal. Is it possible to run the same webcon bps Portal with different URLs pointing to different applications on the same server for different use cases? I mean this should be only a question of DNS resolving to the same (...)