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for application

(...) isn't really good, we couldn't change the pencil color and so on. So as a suggestion: Please combine these two form fields to create a pimped signature/image field. This could create more possible application s. Until then, Bjoern P.S.: The added picture shows a "Handwritten signature" form field into that the contents of a picture form field was copied and the signature pencil was used to mark some (...)

(...) Hi, If somebody know how to override in Webcon Soap Action key value Content-Type? In default is going by text/xml by I need application /soap+xml.

(...) After updating the application to version 2022.1.3.75 email attachments with large internal pdf/jpg attachments (over 1MB) stopped working. Previously, I could attach emails as attachments that had internal attachments above that size in them. I downloaded a previously (in the previous version ) attached attachment to disk and tried to attach in the new version and I get a message "The MailMessage is corrup (...)

(...) ld do with product/platform xyz. This got me thinking whether we could do something similar for WEBCON BPS. For this though I need your help. --- The idea --- Everyone has implemented a number of application s. These are unique for each company, but they share something in common by which they can be ‘grouped’. For example, company ACME has implemented the application s ‘Absence request’, ‘Travel request’, (...)

(...) param, IntPtr lparam) at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.application .ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData) at System.Windows.Forms.application .ThreadCon (...)

(...) Hi community! We have a customer who wants to deny access to the landing page in Webcon (/). Users should be redirected to their application (there is only one), also navigation tree on the left should be hidden. Is that even possible or maybe planned for a future release? Looking forward to your inputs. Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi all! We have an application which offers a portal for different customers. Each customer has different persons with individual logins (BPSId). This list of persons can change from time to time, so we need to adjust rights on certain workflow elements (in different processes) to this specific list of persons. I am wondering if it is possible (with Webcon Standard actions) to replace privileges on (...)

(...) erBI. What we really need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a documentation of that? /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/application s/{appid}/reports/{reportid}?$select=...&$filter=... Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi, Adding new rest api user context in adminpanle , we can choose permissions to application s. When can chooses ReadWrite, but still it's giving possibility to overwrite element after creations. I think that good idea will be give new to of access like CreateOnly. To start only new element in Webcon, but not possible to overwrite by api.

(...) It turned out that Visual studio can't read this format of file. I downloaded this from official Microsoft marketplace. I can't find it inside VS marketplace in 'extension for download' after launch application . On Windows everything goes fine. I know about VS Code but I'm searching information for Visual Studio. Thanks! Cezary

(...) Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment"... is not valid JSON SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment"... is not valid JSON at JSON.parse () at application /App.c6e87d.bundle.js:2:569216 at Generator.throw () at m (/application /App.c6e87d.bundle.js:2:385025) at c (application /App.c6e87d.bundle.js:2:385525) at application /App.c6e87d.bundle.js:2:379685

(...) to set up multiple sender email addresses? In the configuration of sending emails you can settup only one account and our custommer would like to send emails from different inboxes depending on the application . They use Graph for the email configuration. Graph is capable of sending emails from multiple accounts, but can we settup this somehow in webcon? I find it strange not to be able to as it is quite an (...)

(...) good. I've checked 'KPI elements' table in webcon database and there are some data but the data are not up to date. Old webcon apps have the kpi data but as I said the data are not up to date. New application s don't have any kpi data. Do you know what can cause the issue? How to solve it?

(...) Hello, is there any solution to translate TEXT in dashboard? I have multi language application and i would like to change text depands to user language.

(...) the service logged "Control not found ('SubElems_257')WFD_ID=21065". I don't have any page loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various application s and processes that I have. The event viewer does not provide any additional information. Does anyone have a similar situation? What is the issue? Kind regards, Bartek

(...) Hi all! We upgraded to newest version 2022.1.4.177 In this version the export and import button is missing in UI (Document templates report). Export and import via application does not work either. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Any ideas on how to import document templates on new environment having the same GUID? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hello, in the "Absences" application I have two processes: Employee file, Holiday request. I wanted to ask you, how do you organize data sources for such a process? 1. Should the source of data be an employee's file with a list of items that reflects holiday leave limits? In this case, each submitted application should update the parent workflow (Employee file), but I am afraid that over time the fi (...)

(...) Functionalities like import/export application s, update plugin-packages and the generation of process documentations are only available within Designer Studio. Doing things manually tend to end up in inconsistencies. E.g. when packaging a new release, we might forget to update the documentation. Not sure what's best / easier, extending the rest api or making the functions available in a cmd line tool. (...)

(...) a workflow with 3 basic steps (start, intermediate, end(positive)) on those steps i set up paths with task creation on business rule level and i set up myself (my account). When I try to open that application in portal then on first step everything is ok and i can sent task to second (intermediate) step. AND here is a problem when i try move task from that step or even when i try open task in Admin mode (...)

(...) Any known issue regarding license services. because we are getting an error message in the portal saying "Failed to load license. Please check if the license server is running". From the application management tool the services is running successfully and when I try to refresh the licenses from the license manager tool I am getting an error message saying "Cannot connect license service. Please check if t (...)