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Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Wojciech Mleczko   The default WEBCON BPS installation contains the WEBCON BPS Search Server component, which is responsible for full-text search support. This component consists of several elements: Apache Solr (with Apache ZooKeeper) Java WEBCON BPS Search Service   WEBCON BPS Search Service is responsible for starting

(...) obtain additional application privileges from the platform administrator. Fig.4 Enabling the administrative mode on the form   Once you have opened the admin mode, select "HTML template" from the menu.   Fig.5 Downloading the HTML template containing the form fields' names   The downloaded template will contain database fields for the (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik This article shows you how to automatically create a new SharePoint site with just one click from a WEBCON BPS form. If you want to learn about other out-of-the-box actions that use your SharePoint content in WEBCON BPS, go here.  We will show the configuration on a free WEBCON application that you can download from here: Investments

(...) jciech Kołodziej   Introduction A dashboard is a panel that allows you to prepare a dedicated page where you can add various elements (called widgets) such as reports, task counters, or HTML code. Widgets are used to build a personalized application page in WEBCON BPS Portal. The ability to create your dashboards by using 10 widgets has been introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019. In version (...)

(...) as values to search for. Complete list of the operators supported by the engine is located in SOLR technical documentation: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_5/the-standard-query-parser.HTML   Search mechanics in WEBCON BPS 2019 WEBCON BPS system operation characteristics causes search results to be pre-processed before they are displayed to the user.   Extended (...)

(...) combines fault tolerance and high availability. Called SolrCloud, these capabilities provide distributed indexing and search capabilities. https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_5/solrcloud.HTML (3 servers minimum) Depending on the equipment provider and technologies already in place, other solutions can be employed.     4. WEBCON BPS databases   4.1.Over (...)

(...) ed. This mode is not recommended for use in a production environment that requires high availability. Keycloak server installation -> https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/getting_started/index.HTML #installing-the-server Nginx server installation -> https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/ssl-offloading-vs-webcon-bps-portal/161   Below is the nginx server configuration (to be (...)

(...) provider and granting the necessary privileges, you can start implementing the Microsoft Graph Toolkit components in the WEBCON BPS Portal. Microsoft Graph Toolkit components can be used in: HTML form field in the form HTML code element in the dashboard   Microsoft Graph Toolkit in the form field Using Graph Toolkit components in the HTML form field in the form requires a (...)

(...) our of the e-mail notification header the system administrator will be able to set in the “Default Theme”, defined in the WEBCON BPS Portal themes. The advanced edit mode, in turn, in the HTML mode the system administrator will be able to create more advanced and customised version of the template.   Fig.1 Editing the mass e-mail notification template   It should (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Users can prepare document templates in MS Word that include data from forms designed in WEBCON BPS. A template prepared in this way can be used, for example, in a Word file generation action. In order to be able to use variables relating to form fields and other contextual variables of WENCO

(...) case, the job should not be created through the interface; instead use the ready-made open source scripts by Ola Hallengren: https://ola.hallengren.com/sql-server-index-and-statistics-maintenance.HTML   The MaintenanceSolution.sql script is available in the Download section. Download and paste it into the SQL instance in the new query window. Link to download the script directly: (...)

(...) (CSS) is a simple language that defines how a browser will display web page elements. CSS are responsible for the appearance of websites and are most often used together with markup languages such as HTML or XML. Markup languages are the foundation of web documents and all their elements (text, images, tables, links), while CSS are responsible for how those elements will look.   Defining se (...)

(...) here the types of data that do not undergo archiving. Those essentially include all dynamic content, such as values in “Data table”, “Data row”, “Chart”, or “HTML ” form fields. Additionally, archiving does not include custom controls, as well as form and business rules.     The visibility of an archived instance is another important ma (...)

(...) dot size? The printer ZDesigner GC420d (EPL) used here has resolution 203 dpi, so 8 dots are equal to 1 mm (40 mils). Full EPL language specification is available at https://www.zebra.com/us/en.HTML  

(...) the embedded WEBCON BPS Portal and by invoking the REST API. Since most communication is facilitated by the Portal, the WebView service embedded in the mobile application needs access to the same HTML websites and REST API services that are available in Portal displayed in an internet browser. Additionally, the mobile application utilizes the REST API interface to deliver the following functionali (...)

(...) ee profile in WEBCON, I suggest you create one. There, you can store relevant information about employees, as well as their XP or badges that they can later boast about. In their profile, we added an HTML field where, using a few business rules, we easily displayed in a somewhat non-standard WEBCON manner, some interesting details about the employee. This would have been substantially m (...)

(...) a validation rule, which basically did the trick. However, from a user experience perspective, it would be great if the open file dialogue would only show pdf's: How is it done: Add a HTML -Field to the form Add the following JavaScript: <script> var attr = document.createAttribute('accept'); attr.value=".pdf"; document.getElementById("fileupload-add").setAttributeNode(at (...)

(...) ementioned elements will be displayed in pink, providing more contrast than red.   Fig. 18. Example of a message in the WEBCON Contrast Black Yellow theme   ARIA and semantic HTML – using voice readers in Portal ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a set of attributes and techniques to improve accessibility and user interaction with dynamic content, such as (...)

(...) erent language:            Full individuality is achieved when you create the link yourself, giving you access to all the possibilities of HTML . This allows you to create custom buttons, among other things. Example of a customized "Go to Element" link: BTW: The link for "Go to Application" ends behind the "Applic (...)

(...) .de     WEBCON BPS 2024 introduced different kind of form templates: While this is great for WEBCON BPS 2024 users. You can already achieve something similar with a little HTML field in previous version. You could even make it dynamic. If one tab needs a lot of space you could hide the right area, if this tab is activated.   There's one exception, I didn& (...)