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for data sources

External content by: Raluca-Mirabela Lupu   Initialization Mode: Key Choices and Flexibility   Configuring an itemlist involves deciding between two initialization modes: "initialize only at the first step" or "initialize at every step." This decision impacts how the data in the itemlist is updated throughout the process. Selective and Flexible Init

(...) The reports embedded within dashboards are independent of reports created in applications. This means that they are not only created and configured at a dashboard level, but also fed with data from data sources defined for such a dashboard. Although assigned to the dashboard, the aforementioned data sources are created while adding a report, and later can be reused to populate reports that match their type. (...)

(...) gner Desk), actions, Choice field (regardless of its behavior, i.e. Dropdown, Popup search window, or Autocomplete), or form fields that belong to the Data presentation group, business rules, data sources (except Fixed values list).   Summary The functionality of creating a list of tasks for execution can prove extremely useful, especially when designing more complex applications. Than (...)

(...) Due to a mistake, migration scripts for version 2021 R3 (2021.1.3.136; 2021.1.3.178) do not take into account changes in REST data source configuration. After updating to version 2021 R3, all REST data sources configured in versions older than 2021 R1 will cease to function. data sources configured in 2021 R1/R2 will only return columns from a collection that have been manually selected, whereas previously (...)

(...) Im trying to construct a Workflow using GDPR settings. For the data to be stored im using personal data dictionary. How to configure external data sources and how to configure the SDK actions to search into the data sources .

Hi there, ever since OAuth2 connection was implemented I was happy and thought it would make connecting to Dynamics BC (Saas / Cloud Version) a breeze. However, so far, it was / is not. setting up the OAuth2 app authentication in Azure and webcon is pretty straightforward. - it works like a charm in Postman ( I get my bearer token back) but I have no real way to test it in webcon, so I have

Hi there I am pretty desperate as this drives me nuts Has anyone - successfully - used the combination of 1. webcon integrated OAuth2 APP Authentication (APP) 2. REST WebService (or any other way to get data from BC SaaS with webcon) to connect to Business Central SAAS to use as a datasource ? could anyone provide me with screenshots on how to set it up and provide screnshots of

(...) Hi everyone, for data sources you can define a common data source and add child sources for the parent "Superior source". These child sources can then be associated to business entities, which allow you to target different backend system for each business entity. If I haven't missed anything I don't have a similar option for the Connection themselves. This is fine as long as I can use the connection in (...)

(...) anking my head on the wall, why the form validation stopped working until I noticed that the lastest workflow instances are not returned by the data source. The screenshot shows the data from the "data sources " navigation pane, it's not a field which is filtered. Best regards, Daniel

Hi, it would be great if the response tab of a data source would have an additional option to download the defined response structure so that it could be uploaded. This would be even better, when the internal names would be part of the download. There are cases when you need to change the internal names and doing this again and again for the superior source and x business entity sources is anno

Hi everyone, the current option to generate word documents with the Word AddIn is great for a lot of use cases. We did a little PoC and we noticed that we could cover even more if there would be a "power user" option. The generation used the Aspose library which supports a template syntax. This allows to write code inside the word document to generate more sophisticated documents. Examp

(...) the elements and history events can't. Am I the only one thinking that this is inconsistent and illogical? Why can't I decide what elements should be displayed in both groups simply by filtering the data sources values?? And why does my old vacation process allow me to display future elements listed in "vacation history" data source on the vacation chart?

(...) rive. I've set up a path that loops back to the same step. On this path, I have the action 'Start editing a file using OneDrive'. Additionally, I have established a data connection to my OneDrive in 'data sources ', which works when tested. However, when I execute everything, it loads for a bit, and then I receive the error message: 'Error transferring the file test.docx', even though the document is in my One (...)

(...) eate a lot of mess due to lots of child flows. I thought this could be a built in feature, same as we can select last comment in buisness rules context, we could access it from reports, and webcon data sources , so it would be easy to display it.

In Designer Studio it is possible to check the use of a single connection or data source in the context of all processes. Is it possible to get such a list for all connections and sources using an sql query?