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for HTML

(...) Generating templates based on instance form The template generation functionality allows the Business administrator to export the contents of the Portal and save them locally as either a Word or HTML file. You can do this by selecting one of the three options in the Admin actions button drop-down list.     Using the Word template printout option, administrators can easily g (...)

(...) to apply additional button styles. Adding the possibiltiy to define additional class attributes on the path properties would make the styling easier. The custom styles could be defined in the new HTML -field (for every process we would have to define it again) or much better, let it define in the themes editor! Update 06.04.2021 Apparently is now in back-log https://community.webcon.com/forum/thre (...)

(...) Hi, just a simple, easy request - can you please add a usefull code editor to SQL rules, JavaScript rules and HTML fields details ? Sure, one can copy paste the code from external editors, but it takes time, having an embedded editor would be a great feature.

(...) lans for the portal, but you should definitely consider adding some more functions, like: - user defined left menu - pages, not just dashboards - option to turn off the default dashboard - dashboard HTML element should have some kind of HTML editor, not just a narrow window for code pasting. It's hard to make any changes without copy/paste to external editor - dashboard text element is too narrow, it (...)

(...) ful feature will be gantt chart on the form and as web part as well. So is there any plans to implement Gantt charts in next Webcon BPS versions? Or maybe there is posibility to prepare Gant Chart in HTML attribute? I mean off course Gantt charts in Modern Webcon BPS, because we wouldlike avoid to built new app on classic SharePoint, where gantt charts are available.

(...) Hey communiy, I have a question to you. Are there any possibilities to "access" the CSS. For example I want to hide the start-placeholder icons on all dashboards, but I don't want to place an HTML element on each dashboard with the same css declaration. I hope my question is clear for you. Greets Georg

(...) Hello again, Is there a possibility to add an HTML Button to a dashboard, which leads to another dashboard? I Implemented an simple button, but when I add an href with the URL from dev system and import this version on prod, it doesn't work anymore, because the URL doesn't match anymore. Greets Georg

(...) available via javascript. I'm wondering, because there is this form from the offical 2021 release paper (see below) with the nicely presented workflow steps on top of it. And I believe that this a HTML -Field with some javascript. Does anybody know how to get to this data?

(...) ation window. This would result in a more consistent user experience. Of course it would be nice to set title, body and button texts but I would be fine with setting the body at least. :) b) Allowing HTML for the body. Currently adding line breaks is cluttering the form rule because we need to use a constants with >\r\n< as a value since the \ is escaped in the text. There's an option to use bold/it (...)

(...) Chart data field. I am wondering whether it is possible to use the chart field in the Word printout report. Is there an alternative way to draw a chart based on the form data in the report? Maybe in HTML report. I was also thinking to put chart into the Picture field that is supported in Word templates. Any insight on how to approach this would be appreciated. Best regards Aleš

(...) n additional .css file inside the theme. It could be similar to the implementation for defining the logos which can be loaded from an URL or uploaded as a file. Benefits: - We don't need to use the HTML field on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/41/15 - HTML fields can't be displayed on reports so we are creating other workarounds - It's not necessary to load these vi (...)

(...) When creating an SDK action there is an option to use the Logger Class to create logs (https://developer.webcon.com/2021/resources/online-documentation-sdk/HTML /2c254e06-3ac3-3a82-7c44-dae3d829d1e4.htm) Does anyone know where these logs are located (log file on file system or a specific database table)?

Hi community! We are currently facing a new requirement, where it should be possible to change the browser language with a series of buttons in the form (approximately 20 different languages). Every click on a language button should change UI labelling on current form to selected button language. e.g. [German] [English] [French] ...

(...) Reasons: 1. There's a list of 'official parameters' which but they are not necessarily implemented by every authentication provider: - 'Official': https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.HTML #AuthRequest - Google: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server#creatingclient - Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-cod (...)

(...) the user to enter a link in the column LINK and a clickable link should be generated in the next row column (LINK-TEST) on every value change (see attached picture). The perfect way would be a little HTML button, so i should be able to set the "[TECH] angeschaut" checkbox when clicking. What i am searching for: 1) a way to implement EMBEDDED HTML with usage of row value as parameter OR 2) (...)

(...) does not want to show the instance link and site link, the buttons keep showing up in the email but empty. If you want to erase them, the only option is to create a new template and discover in the HTML code where the buttons are configured. This makes no sense because the buttons don't have any other usage as showing the links so if the person chooses to hide them, it should behave as one compou (...)

(...) 1037860/form/view?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F21 url: https://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/api/logger | action: ip: xxx | msg: "stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')\n at HTML Document. (https://webcon.budimex.net/WEBCONBPS/application/App.9450b9.bundle.js:2:666559)", "message": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')", "name": "TypeError", "logData": { "msg (...)

(...) We have to iclude the Google Tag Manager into the Head and Body of the generated Webcon site of a dashboard. Including into the body seems to be possible via a HTML field. But we seemingly have no option to put it into the page header. Does anyone have any experience with Google Tag Manager and Webcon?

(...) We would like to show the link of a generated attachment (from Word-AddIn) instead of showing the whole attachment element. Implementing the link into a HTML element is no problem, but is there a option to "grab" the link to the attachment file? Thanks in advance :)

(...) n it's monospaced. In attachment you can see and compare how that simple lines are better aligned, with monospaced font. When you edit some more complex SQL Queries, or when you deal with some custom HTML element - it would make life just easier. There is some question, how to deal with with those Webcon Variable blocks - how they should be aligned, but even forgetting about them, it's a nice to have (...)