(...) l redirect you to a specified page. This article describes how to add a link to the side menu. Configuration Go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> Appearance. Fig. 1. The configuration of the additional navigation link After selecting the “Additional navigation link” option, define the display nam (...)
(...) workflow Adding a user to the WEBCON BPS users list To add a user to the list from the portal level, you must have global system administrator privileges (System settings -> Global parameters -> Global privileges). Go to the Administration tab -> User management -> All users. Fig. 2. The Administration panel Fig. 3. The All users tab (...)
(...) t for it to be finished. Now, let us demonstrate where you can verify if a new user was created correctly. Go to “System settings” (in the left panel), expand "Global parameters ," and click on the "BPS users list." Here you can check if the user was created in the system. Fig. 7 List of BPS users in the system To check if the user has (...)
(...) Archives step). It will also pass the DET_ID of the selected tag to the technical form field “_tag id to deactivate.” Fig. 20 - Move Workflow (SQL) action configuration, parameters tab Fig. 21 - Query filtering data On the “_deactivate” path, set the action to change the item list's value (figure 22 below). Fig. 22 - (...)
(...) some employees spend too much time performing a task assigned to them. This will help you identify bottlenecks in your processes and take steps to bring task execution times in line with the expected parameters (e.g., by making the form more intuitive and adding tooltips). You can also set the expected time for the instance to stay at a given step and the time that can be spend editing it, giving th (...)
(...) Task delegation configuration When configuring a substitution, you should first verify that the functionality of Substitutions is enabled in the system at the global level. In the Global parameters node of the System settings in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, find the section dedicated to Substitutions and then check whether the Substitutions enabled option is selected. Here you can also configure (...)
(...) dio (BPS 2021) In the configuration, you can specify the business entity, process, form type, and workflow. Figure 4 Start button configuration You can also provide URL parameters and default values for the form fields used in the specified workflow. Default values can be set for all editable form fields. You can pass values to form fields via URL, which lets you start workflo (...)
(...) e available until you purchase a license. First steps Administrator To enable access to the Designer Desk tool, go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> Designer Desk and check the “Allow project creation in Designer Desk” option. In the “Grant access to Designer Desk” field, indicate users who will be able to use this t (...)
(...) same as “Mandatory filters” in the “Source” configuration tab. Fig. 13 Mandatory filters configuration You can also put an additional filter on one of the system parameters and form fields presented in this step. Fig. 14 Selecting additional filters It is also possible to group form data on two levels, and on each of them, choose one of the form fields. Mo (...)
(...) ata sources was discontinued in WEBCON BPS 2022. After the upgrade, any existing sources that use this type will revert to regular MSSQL data sources, and the substitution section in Global parameters of the System settings will be toggled off by default. We will provide REST API to connect to external sources for substitution data.
(...) configuration of this system element and monitoring the synchronization are critical system tasks. Configuration To configure the list, go to Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> BPS users list. Fig. 1. BPS users list To define the parameters of BPS users list synchronization, click the "Synchronization configuration" button (...)
(...) llections. Creating search phrases By using SOLR technology, user can influence on how the engine searches indexed data and as a result – what the results are. Using appropriate parameters in the query allows for more precise results. Below you can see basic operators which can be used by the user while creating a search query. Action name (...)
(...) e two separate servers for MS SQL and SharePoint. Diagram of sample setup below: Recommended configuration for WEBCON BPS installation – up to 1000 users Suggested parameters for both servers: Database server System Database Processor RAM Hard drive Windows 2012 R2 (...)
(...) hich it is defined. This difference may be due to a different source address, user, or source access password. Connections to data sources defined in WEBCON BPS Studio allow you to specify various parameters depending on the environment on which they are to work. The use of this functionality makes the created process independent of the context of the environment in which it will work. Fig.10. Cre (...)
(...) Task counter Displays the number of all user tasks. Configuration Each of the components has its own, independent configuration which allows you to set parameters for the individual Web Part e.g.: the application with which it will interact, which report to use, the method of opening links, etc. On the screen below, you can see a completed S (...)
(...) t” file, a user indicates whether the newest or the oldest attachment should be used in the action. Regular expression – allows you to enter a regular expression in which you can define parameters that should be met by the downloaded file. For example – the ^Leave_request.* expression means to download a file whose name starts with “Leave_request”. Fig. 4. (...)
(...) se You can find the above data in the footer of WEBCON BPS Designer Studio (in this case: SQL server – SQL04, database – WDR04_BPS_Main). Fig. 4. Database connection parameters Remember that to use the Translation Tool, you must have access to the SQL server and database (this tool uses the Windows user privileges to connect with the SQL server). 2.&nb (...)
(...) dded a progress bar and option to cancel attachment uploading). Attachment restrictions Type of the attachment In WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, go to the System settings tab -> Global parameters -> Attachments. Fig.1. System settings - Attachment section In the Restriction for adding files field, select one of the available modes: No limit – ther (...)
(...) Country string Payment method int Additional information about default payment parameters Dictionary of bank accounts Column Type of data Comments ID (...)
(...) Currency code string NBP code Description string Description of the respective item Returned parameters Parameter Type of data Comments Status string Information whether the entry is correct, e.g. 0-succ (...)