(...) used to track all modifications that impact the visual layer. This functionality toggles a diagnostic mode in WEBCON BPS Portal, which registers all invocations on the form, i.e., form Rules , JavaScript, editability, visibility restrictions, etc. (see full list below). Diagnostic mode is activated in the user menu by selecting the "Show diagnostics" option. All WEBCON BPS Porta (...)
(...) Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2021, the form Rules have been enhanced with new functions operating on text such as: CONCAT - combines two or more text strings into one text SPLIT - splits the provided text into parts, according to a specified separator. The function returns strings separated by semicolons ‘;’ (...)
(...) rn more about task assignment, here are the recommended articles on this topic: Parallel task assignment (webcon.com) Predefined task assignment (webcon.com) Task assignment – business Rules (webcon.com) Assigning tasks to BPS groups (webcon.com)
(...) ically created and saved in the appropriate places with the initial configuration. Important information: Action conditions Additional conditions for action execution are saved as business Rules related to a specific action. The “Documentation” field will contain a description from Designer Desk. The definition of the rule is always the Boolean 'POSITIVE' value - it (...)
(...) nality) N/A Form subtypes Available Available Not available (functionality can be replaced with a standard dropdown form field and by configuring appropriate business Rules ) N/A Public link - - As announced, available only in the subscription model based on Single-Use Access License As announced, available only in the subscription model b (...)
(...) n choose “Users list synchronization” in the notification range. Fig. 10. The "Administrative notifications" section Synchronization description Rules of the synchronization will be described based on a handful of BPS and Active Directory configuration scenarios. Full domain synchronization A whole AD domain from which the data has (...)
(...) on weekends (the ECB exchange rate table does not return values for weekends). For more information, see: Configuration of automatic currency exchange synchronization Global constants and Rules - configure once, use every day – how business Rules can be used to download exchange rates Converting exchange rates from the ECB Source configuration The following (...)
(...) be more understandable, less sensitive to change and, consequently, more reliable. Use of Tags Tags are elements used to create expressions (SQL, CAML, JavaScript) as well as Business Rules and Form Rules . The tag represents a specific value of a specific object in the system, e.g. the value of an attribute. Tags in the case of SQL and CAML are in the form of curly braces { and } (...)
(...) p; The user’s or group’s privileges at the application level, and at the process level, including workflow associations with the form types. • Business Rules that point to a specific user or group. Fig.1 Form for checking user's or group's privileges For each example, we will show the user’s view and the (...)
(...) UES function on the Analytical breakdown item list. Fig. 4. The Analytical breakdown item list In the configuration of the Analytical breakdown item list, we have added Rules using the SELECT VALUES functions in the “Form rule invoked after callback” window. The first rule sets the value of the “Person/group” choice field - “Approvers to noti (...)
(...) re not processed by OCR - only the text layer is applied to them. The example includes a collective invoice for renovation and construction services. As an attachment to the invoice, the warranty Rules for the services were added. Fig. 6. View of the considered workflow form After going through the "Waiting for text layer" step, it is possible to searc (...)
(...) adsheet stores the “Value” translation values in the exported language (supported by WEBCON BPS) – it should be completed when entering the translation (Fig. 10). Rules for entering the translations and importing files to the system To import a translation to the system, select the appropriate language in the “Language” field, select the “Change (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2022 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał See also: Task delegation substitutions – basic configuration Rules Substitutions in 2019 version Introduction Substitutions in WEBCON BPS ensure the continuity of task execution despite temporary/periodic staff shortages in departments, e.g. during the holiday season. Thus, it is a tool that allow (...)
(...) ab apart from the e-mail notification name, e-mail subject and selection of processes for which mass e-mail notifications are sent, the system administrator by using the option “Use custom send Rules for user notifications” can create a mass e-mail notification that refers to the specific circumstances. In the table below, the administrator can add conditions, with the use of the (...)
(...) . More information about task assignment can be found in the following articles: Assigning tasks to BPS groups BPS groups in the Standalone installation Task assignment – business Rules Parallel task assignment Predefined task assignment The “Create a task” action Configuration of business entities and BPS groups To configure a business entity, go (...)
(...) author: Dawid Golonka Introduction WEBCON BPS offers a variable returning information whether a form is opened in the mobile app. This information can be used within the created form Rules to adapt its view to the mobile app specification. The variable’s name is “Is this a mobile device?” and it works only within the “WEBCON BPS” mobile app. E (...)
(...) onfiguration where database name (except ID and acronym) appears, changing service configuration, changing portal configuration, changing queries in: data sources, actions, business Rules (SQL COMMAND), in locations where it is not possible to choose the <current database> option or where the query contains direct reference to the database. If the problem appli (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2022.1.1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał Introduction Form Rules , as the name suggests, are Rules that define the behavior and appearance of form elements. The vast range of available options such as functions, operations, integrations, and operators allows a user to create more or less complex Rules , depending on the user’s needs. When working with form (...)
(...) m the form. If you want the appearance of the form to be dynamic and responsive, i.e. to change depending on the entered value, path transition or page refresh, then it will be beneficial to use Form Rules . If, on the other hand, you want the appearance of the workflow instance to remain unchanged regardless of the actions taken, i.e. to be static, then you should use the options offered by the Styl (...)
(...) d users who are or were assigned tasks in the workflow. Fig. 15a. Instance history visible to administrator User who edits/edited the instance Unless appropriate Rules have been defined for individual form fields to restrict their visibility on the form, a user with an assigned task as part of an instance in History will see exactly the same data as administrator, (...)