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for attachment

(...) Hello, I'm trying to update (preferred) or add a new attachment from a custom SDK action but have been unable to do so. The action reads the contents of a word attachment and makes changes to the content and should then update the attachment . Reading the attachment works fine but updating or adding a new one does not seem to work. Is there any complete and working sample code for updating/addin (...)

(...) Hello, I'm facing a challenge. I'm starting the workflows from a hotmailbox so I have no control over the attachment s order. I'm also using the "Show first attachment on page load". I believe the system shows the attachment with the lowest ATT_ID. Is there any way to control which attachment is shown on page load? Thank you, Martin

(...) Hi Guys, I wanted to use the edit attachment function. Unfortunately, after invoking edit, I get attached messages. How to fix this problem? Best regards, Patryk

(...) Good morning, we have a special situation, where we need an configured JavaScript(?)-Button which works like an "Add attachment "-function INCLUDING predefined group. We would have defined the attachment -Section with following groups: General, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6. Our users should load pictures to the attachment (1x for F1-F6). These would be copied to one of six picture fields (F = German for F (...)

(...) Hi. I want to show in a report in a column if an item has an attachment . Does anybody have an idea how to do that? Kind regards, Klaus

(...) How can I initialize attachment s on the item list in the subworkflow? The initializing query retrieves text fields, but does not retrieve attachment s. I receive an error message: Validation Error, SubElems (ID: 9031) attachment not found. SubElems (ID: 9031) attachment not found.

(...) Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment access by a user? Users will access documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document in pdf attached to a process. Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?

(...) Hi I have a question, do you know where you can set attachment s in the flow to be expanded by default. After updating to a newer version, I have collapsed attachment s almost everywhere after entering the workflow, which effectively confuses users. Can you help? Thanks.

(...) Hi, If I am reading documentation correctly action Add attachment allows copy/move attachment from another workflow to current instance. My case is opposite: 1. I have an invoice approval workflow which in the end requires (business requirement) adding payment confirmation (PDF) from banking systems. Manual process is very time consuming. 2. Each payment confirmation has in transfer's description in (...)

(...) Hi Guys I need your help. I start tasks based on a workflow but attachment s do not transfer. If I do it manually as a action on path then the attachment s move to subworkflow and its ok. But if I use a cyclical action to call the same action -> "create SQL subworkflow", tasks are created but without attachment s :/ Example in the attachment , I trigger the same action: Uruchom zadanie TEST (en: Run the (...)

(...) Hello, I' m new in webcon and i try to fix issue connected with attachment s. I don't know much about attachment s database but as i saw there are two places where i can find data : [BPS_Content].dbo.WFDataAttachmets and [BPS_Content_Att].dbo.WFattachment Files When im trying to add attachment like always going step by step in my workflow everything is ok - attachment is being added in both tables. (...)

Delete attachements action seems to be buggy after upgrading from version 2022 to 2023. In my workflow I'm creating an attachement based on word template and assign it category "plik_word". After that I'm converting it to PDF, assingning the PDF a new category "plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete the attachements from the "plik_word" category. And it work perfectly in the 2022 versions, and now,

(...) How to add list of attachment s from the Form to Word Template? 1. A created word template 2. If filled by Automation process 3. How to add to template DOC the attachment section ? 4. How to add Comments to template DOC [Bonus] ? I don't see the fields in Word plugin to create template .... 11 - word template 12 - the section from WebCon Form

(...) Hello :) I have an issue with attachment s. I added new .xlsx file into attachment form field - this was empty file with picture inside. Now when I am trying to open it in preview panel picture is cut like below. Does anybody have an idea what can be a reason? Thanks a lot for help

Hello, we use the actions "Convert word to PDF" and "Generate/Update a word file" and we assign the documents to a dynamic category. The category is not saved to the table WFDataAttachmets, the field (ATT_Attribute1) stays empty. in version 2021.1.4.55 it did work fine. Thank you! Balint

(...) Hi, is there a way to make the description required in case a specific category is picked for that document? Pretty much what I'm saying is that if an user is trying to add an attachment and they choose OTHER for its category, to make them complete its description as well. Thnak youuu.

(...) ate hotmailbox and process cc-d email But I do not like them. I have not tried, but maybe with msgraph api it is solvable. Does anyone have a good solution to save sent email in msg/eml file as attachment ? Thanks! BR Peter

(...) I have smal workflow which moves big one between steps. I'm uploading attachment in "small workflow", and want this attachment to be transfered to "big workflow". Big workflow can't be modified. Is there a way to "insert" attachment to other workfolw?

(...) Hi, it would be great if the "Download all attachment s" would always be visible. At the moment it is only visible if: - There are at least two attachment s - "Add and edit" is allowed It would be even better if the "Download all attachment s" would reflect the currently displayed attachment s. Current, Email or All attachment s. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello. I have a subworkflow here I copy the content of an item list of the parent WF (change item list values). That works fine, but the attachment I have in parent item list I don't get copied/moved/linked. Has anybody an idea? Kind regards Klaus