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Applies to version: 2023 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction In the present-day dynamic and distributed application environments data monitoring and analysis are key to ensure high efficiency, reliability, and optimization of an application. To address those challenges, the 2023 R1 WEBCON BPS version has introduced support for OpenTelemetry – a powerful

Applies to version: 2021 R1 and above; author: Mike Fitzmaurice   Introduction WEBCON BPS offers several ways to handle parallel work. If the scenario involves a single task assigned to multiple people, a few task configuration settings are usually all that is needed. There are exceptions to this, though, especially when you have elaborate criteria to apply to the task results. &

(...) utomation – changes in labour market trajectories". During her lecture, Ola emphasized how Low-code platforms are expanding the IT job market to professionals with diverse educational background s and work experience. She also highlighted that a well-designed and implemented process is the result of effective communication and cooperation between the business and IT departments (citizen-assis (...)

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   New WEBCON BPS 2023 mobile application   The WEBCON BPS 2023 mobile application is a component of the WEBCON BPS platform designed for mobile devices. It offers flexible and convenient access to the applications published in Portal from any location, even without direct access to the company’s compu

(...) All users All users and groups (default option)   Available columns This area is used to define which columns will be returned by the data source. The columns with a gray background are required and cannot be unchecked. These are: COS_BpsID* COS_Department* COS_DisplayName* COS_Email* COS_JobTitle* COS_Login* COS_ManagerBpsID COS_ManagerDisplayName Th (...)

(...) in file size to avoid slow download times that could turn recipients away. Also, provide alternative text for images so that the message context is not lost if images do not display. Be cautious with background images as support for them is not universal. 7. Avoid JavaScript: Most email clients do not support JavaScript due to security reasons, so relying on any scripts to modify your email dynamically w (...)

  The open lecture entitled "Process Design using Low-Code for Students Planning to Work in Business and IT", organized by the Department of Logistics and Process Engineering and WEBCON Sp. z o.o., brought significant value to students of Logistics and Computer Science at UITM. During the lecture, Urszula Słupik and Adrian Baszak introduced stude

(...) Mouse-free navigation through the table report elements   Contrast on Portal pages One of the key elements of digital accessibility is the ability to easily distinguish content from the background . This is important for all users, not just those with visual impairments. Contrast is essential for maintaining proper readability of content, regardless of the environment or the individual viewer&# (...)

(...) Dear all, what would be the best practice to update/change the Business Entity of an instance? background : I would like to create an application containing people related to a company respective business entity. Over the time it is possible they would change the company and so also the business entity. I found a dirty way by using an SQL Update directly on the WFElements table, but I am struggling by run (...)

Hi. I have an old Webcon BPS. I try to create a template and I have a problem with CSS. I don't know how to change [|ElementAdress|] element to my preference. I want change text-decoration change to none, change color to white and a want to add padding and bottom. It is my code : [|ElementAddress|] [|MessageBody|] I upload how to my div with ElementAdress looks. How to change this field.

Hi there, i am struggling with generating a clickable link from column of same row. I would like the user to enter a link in the column LINK and a clickable link should be generated in the next row column (LINK-TEST) on every value change (see attached picture). The perfect way would be a little HTML button, so i should be able to set the "[TECH] angeschaut" checkbox when clicking. What i am s

(...) the date in the current field is greater than today, then color backround, else dont change the color". Currently the not working JSON code is: { "content": "=CurrentField", "style": { "background -color": "=if(CurrentField > today, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried different variants of the condition like "date(CurrentField) > date(today)" or "CurrentField > date('TODAY')" and other s (...)

Upgraded Dev environment to latest version 2022.1.1.53 but designer studio is not opening up. It is giving unknown exception error. Attached the screenshot. Here is complete error info: Type: System.Exception ------------------------------------------------------- Message: NotFound IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 404.15 - Not Found

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: longer background processes has to be split to smaller parts to fit in transaction timeout limit. For example if you have to move 50-1000 instances each morning taking some minutes, we have to use "select top " and run global action more often (eg. in every 10 minutes) Earlier (before BPS 2020), it was a once a day run. Proposal: have new GA setting to specify numb (...)

(...) Hi everyone, does someone has an idea, how I can add a mail address to a local user account? If I want to add one, I get an error, that the existing BPS Id does not match the UPN format. background information: a customer uses a single server machine for running a test environment for WEBCON BPS. The VM has no access to a domain so the installation has been executed using local user accounts. The (...)

(...) Hi all! I am getting a strange warning when deploying a second SDK plugin package to customer environment (see screenshot). The background information is: Both SDK plugins need System.Text.JSON namespace for serializing / deserializing JSON objects, which requires a bunch of satellite assemblies to be packaged also. These assemblies are added to each package with a custom Powershell script and have (...)

(...) ToSystemLogParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.LanguagePicker.c__DisplayClass8_0.b__1(Object o, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) at System.ComponentModel.background Worker.OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflectio (...)

(...) I opened preview of the sales object and pushed the button named "Run through path" (on the attached screen, the button does exactly what it sais), the object's instance moved through the path in the background and the view did not change. Now (as in 2022.1.2.59, not the newest one, I know) when I push the button, the object runs through a path and does all the actions, but the view changes to the details o (...)

(...) u would like to apply changes to workflow elements which are in different steps. For those cases i would be great having the option to just update the element rather than moving to another step. background of this idea is a potentially new customer where we have to replace their current mass action functionality (e.g. sending e-mails, mail merge letters). Adding to possibility to just update/save da (...)

(...) ing. Does anyone know if there's a way to color report cells similarly to how Excel colors duplicate values? So when a duplicate value is found in COLUMN1, the cells from both rows would get e.g. red background color? TIA, Martin