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for files

(...) ed with the mobile application which requires access to an internet browser. Below are the functionalities listed based on how they are supported:     Native part: Profiles , logins, and PIN authorization Searching for information stored in barcodes and 2D codes PUSH notifications Scanning barcodes and 2D codes Determining exact device location Biometric a (...)

External content by Markus Jenni; 17.04.2024   The "Generate/Update a Word file" action allows the creation of documents quite easily. In the past, we stumbled upon some challenges: Internal names of Test and Production can be different It happened that a report had to be redesigned for production as the properties are named after the internal names No Rich text c

(...) inistrative mode or through the Exchange Management Shell console, following the procedure below: check if your environment meets the update requirements; download the ISO image of the update files from Microsoft website available here mount the image; run the command line interface or Exchange Management Shell, and navigate to the disk containing the mounted image; run the Setup.exe with (...)

(...) Author: Markus Jenni I came across a requirement, that only pdf files should be allowed to be uploaded. As there are other file extensions allowed in further processes, we can not only limit the extensions globally. To enforce this requirement, we first configured a validation rule, which basically did the trick. However, from a user experience perspective, it would be great if the ope (...)

(...) ck if you have the appropriate license for the WEBCON BPS version. We recommend that you activate the required license BEFORE upgrading the WEBCON BPS system.  WEBCON BPS 2024 Additional files   File Description ABBYY Findreader Engine 12 1487 MB ABBYY Finereader Engine 11 876 MB SDK Migration 2024.1 The (...)

(...) n of the functionality involved the preparation of appropriate tools. Accordingly, a console application called BatchImportApp (.exe file) was created and made available among WEBCON BPS installation files in the “Tools” (formerly “Migration Tools”) directory. This tool imports WEBCON BPS applications using defined parameters. Specifying some of these parameters is required for (...)

(...) ’ activities from the last 30 days must be created. During the update to 2024 R1, the installer will create such a backup copy before updating components, and will save it in the form of csv files in a specified directory. Carried out by: installer   Step III – Updating Search Server component – deleting Solr indexes and installing new Solr engine instance When upd (...)

(...) is only a limitation on the RAM used. It is possible to configure additional variables, --mount source=solr-bps,target=/var/solr – mapping the created volume to the container directory where files with search indexes, privilege configuration, and log files will be stored, bash –c “/opt/bps-solr/scripts/run-precreate-cores.sh” – path to the script that initializes Solr (...)

(...) conds) before file gets imported from HotFolder. I have a situation where scanner creates an empty file at beginning of scanning, and WEBCON gets this file before it's complete. I use script to copy files from "temp scan" folder to HotFolder, but such feature directly in WEBCON BPS could bypass this workaround. Any comments and feedback here is more than welcome :)

(...) as struggeling with the "Update attachment" action. Our users have the abillity to to upload as many pictures they need to the attachment section in one of our procceses. We would like to rename all files to the same mayor file name with an attached ATT_ID or counting number. It would be great if in future versions there would be a third parameter under Attachment details, where the ATT_ID is selecta (...)

(...) d attachments to existing workflow by barcode. Only worked solution is worked for me is start new workflow but is not what i need. I was based on https://howto.webcon.com/hotfolder-adding-scanned-files -to-process/ I don't now why onlu "standard barcodes" is enabled in designer studio if "attachments based on barcode" is selected. how hotfolder mechanism is looking for bacode? where is he look (...)

(...) ss design which includes the automatic report generation from webcon as a PDF file. Additionally the process does always comes with an user-attached PDF file. My goal now is to merge/combine both files together into one final PDF for storage. Searching online i only found this source related to my problem: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/sdk-actions/143 ..which briefly states "Merging (...)

(...) 23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23 Physical Path   C:\Program files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\api\studio\db\1\getuserbybpsid Logon Method   Not yet determined Logon User   Not yet determined (...)

(...) Hi, i have a problem with upload mail content (*.EML files ), with Microsoft Graph settings. EWS Basic Auth works fine, but Microsoft Graph doesnt work. I getting a broken EML files

(...) ate, the old entry has to be archived and a new entry with all previous information should be created to be edited. So far no problem - except for the attachments. I dont want the old attachment files to be copied to attachment section. Instead of that it would be nice to have a DATA TABLE with _links_ to all former files , so e.g. the editing person could open the original word file, edit it a (...)

(...) Hi. I was very optimistic that I could sign PDF files with locally installed certificates (Adobe reader functionality) using the "IT hit Edit Doc Opener" Addin as mentioned in the Webcon Knowledge Base (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/new-way-to-use-a-digital-signature/253). So far everything works as described until I want to save the signed attachment. Doing so I get an error message " (...)

(...) Currently I'm migrating files from SharePoint to a custom built WEBCON DMS application. Normally the Instance number is generated according to a rule which is perfect for new files . The customer wants to keep their document numbering. For the existing files I would like to update the Instance number (Database: WFD_Signature) using a small SQL script. But is it safe and is it wise to do that? I'm aw (...)

(...) ystem.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei Microsoft.AspNetCore.Staticfiles .StaticFileMiddleware.d__7.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Thr (...)

(...) Hi, after running (WebCon.Outlook_2022_1_3_47) the "vsto" file, this error message is displayed : The solution is to manually create the "application files " directory in the source. After that, the vsto file is imported correctly, but I open outlook and there is an inactive element in the addins - "Failed to load. A startup error occurred while loading the COM architecture plugin." Where ca (...)

(...) is not configured. Does anybody have (had) a similar issue and can tell me where to fix the connection string? Thank you for your help in advance. Best, Ingo (Begin Dump) C:\Program files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal>webcon.bpscloud.portal URL: http://*:48439 ConnectionString: Data Source=SQLServer;Initial Catalog=BPS_Config_19T;User ID=BPS_SQLUser;Password=xxxx Unhandled excepti (...)