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for Data source

(...) Im trying to construct a Workflow using GDPR settings. For the data to be stored im using personal data dictionary. How to configure external Data source s and how to configure the SDK actions to search into the Data source s.

(...) Hi. When I import data from an external Data source and the content of a field doesn't match the data type of the target field (e.g. target field is "Date", but the source delivers a "text") I get an error and the import is aborted. Is ther a chance to "catch" that and set the value e.g. "empty"? Kind regards, Klaus

(...) y bearer token back) but I have no real way to test it in webcon, so I have to assume it´s working. then you still have to set up the REST Web Service connection, then the actual Rest Web Service Data source . but it is not possible to get the actual response layout. I am at a loss. has anyone successfully connected Webcon with Dynamics Business Central ? Could anyone provide some insight (maybe (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I noticed on version 2022.1.2.31 that it can take a really long time to populate the target field of choice field, if the Data source is a web service Data source . In this case the Data source is a REST Data source and the picker field is of type popup search. Once I activated the diagnostic mode I noticed that after getting the picker results (1) the chosen value is validated again bef (...)

Hi there I am pretty desperate as this drives me nuts Has anyone - successfully - used the combination of 1. webcon integrated OAuth2 APP Authentication (APP) 2. REST WebService (or any other way to get data from BC SaaS with webcon) to connect to Business Central SAAS to use as a datasource ? could anyone provide me with screenshots on how to set it up and provide screnshots of

(...) Hello, I have the following scenario: - Webconapps - Data source s > Connections > MSSQL Database > Azure_SQL: I have server name, database, user and password filled. When I click Test, I get "OK" so Webcon can connect to the database. However, when I try to create a MSSQL database Data source and chose the above connection, I get the following error: "Unknown error: The SELECT permission was denied (...)

(...) nted instead of putting Car Type (ID) = 1 - you have to create 'Constant' CarType Sedan with value 1 and so on. Structure like enum would make this easier, and more condensed - instead of having a Data source , and constants (1 app, x app, or global) there could be the enum structure, which should have a possibility to be used as Data source , and it's values as values in for example buisness rules. Any (...)

(...) Hi, I'm trying to update an existing instance or create a new instance with REST API. I'm using api version 3.0 and Postman. I want to put data to choice field, but I know only name from Data source . It's possible at all? I tried to put a value in two ways: "formFields": [ { "guid": "c2e37260-5d57-410e-997c-1f19bb12a4c0", "svalue": "USD" (...)

Has someone met the problem with "Giving privileges" action, after update to v. 2022.1.4.127? Action stopped matching user data on "DisplayName" (COS_DisplayName) or ID that is stored as BPSid (COS_BPSid). Finding user is now possible only by email address (COS_email). COS_BPSid and COS_email are not the same in my case. That seems to be a bug as the log of action suggests that data is searched fi

(...) Hi everyone, for Data source s you can define a common Data source and add child sources for the parent "Superior source". These child sources can then be associated to business entities, which allow you to target different backend system for each business entity. If I haven't missed anything I don't have a similar option for the Connection themselves. This is fine as long as I can use the connection in (...)

(...) Hi, is it possible to manage colors in the graphic - Gantt chart? My "holiday schedule" Data source retrieves data from two processes (remote work at the initiative of the employee and occasional remote work). By inserting the source into the process, all elements are marked with the same color. I would like elements from two processes to be colored separately with a color of my choice.

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea, why a Data source dictionary would not return all data, also "access data in the context of system account" is checked? I was banking my head on the wall, why the form validation stopped working until I noticed that the lastest workflow instances are not returned by the Data source . The screenshot shows the data from the "Data source s" navigation pane, it's not (...)

(...) Hello, in the "Absences" application I have two processes: Employee file, Holiday request. I wanted to ask you, how do you organize Data source s for such a process? 1. Should the source of data be an employee's file with a list of items that reflects holiday leave limits? In this case, each submitted application should update the parent workflow (Employee file), but I am afraid that over time the fi (...)

At Webcon BPS, on the form's list of items, I have a checkbox field and a second field of dropdown(choose) type. The second filed - dropdown field retrieves data from a data base and allows for adding values outside of the database. The first filed - checkbox field determines whether the value in the second field is from the source or added externally. How can changing the value of the checkbox

Hi all, I was wondering what the best practice is when using SQL queries in Webcon with attributes, tables or views that have different names in different environments. One example is the views. These are automatically generated by Webcon and the name is combined from the process name and the process ID. The process ID is of course always different in the three different environments. This

(...) Hi, it would be great if the response tab of a Data source would have an additional option to download the defined response structure so that it could be uploaded. This would be even better, when the internal names would be part of the download. There are cases when you need to change the internal names and doing this again and again for the superior source and x business entity sources is annoying. :) (...)

(...) I have a choice field and it is populated from a Data source with autocomplete activated. I want to limit the choice field to only the data from the Data source . The user can't manually type any other text. How can I accomplish this?. Thanks

Hi everyone, I'm wondering what would be the best approach for the following use case. There may be between 300 and 500 active claim workflow instances. The costs for these claims are tracked in the ERP system. The total of the costs needs to be in the claim, so that it can be used in reports. Challenges: 1. I can only use REST for retrieving the costs 2. The ERP system supports webhooks

(...) I am trying to write a SQL statement to start a workflow but the Data source needs to be a SQL Data source rather than the Webcon database. I have defined the SQL Data source (ConnectWise Companies) and it is working OK. I think the problem is what do I use in the "From" part of my SQL statement. If I omit the From part, when I test my query it does not recognise the column names and says "Invalid column (...)

Hi everyone, the current option to generate word documents with the Word AddIn is great for a lot of use cases. We did a little PoC and we noticed that we could cover even more if there would be a "power user" option. The generation used the Aspose library which supports a template syntax. This allows to write code inside the word document to generate more sophisticated documents. Examp