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for AD

(...) e relatively simple. I'm trying to establish a connection to my Site Collection in SharePoint and have entered the relevant data (Server and Site Collection, User, ...). When I click on "test", it loAD s for several seconds, and I get the error: Unable to connect to the remote server. Regarding my rights in SharePoint: I am the owner of the Site Collection. What could be the cause of this? Th (...)

(...) tery where exactly this error occurs at all and what exactly is the cause. Does anyone know where I can find more information about the error? (Without ACTID or GUID I can't search for errors in the AD ministration tool. Where else could I search?) Thanks in AD vance! ** The subworkflow directly follows a path that points only to an end step. No other actions are performed on the path. I have (...)

(...) ow much about attachments database but as i saw there are two places where i can find data : [BPS_Content].dbo.WFDataAttachmets and [BPS_Content_Att].dbo.WFAttachmentFiles When im trying to AD d attachment like always going step by step in my workflow everything is ok - attachment is being AD ded in both tables. But i also have a button making me back to previous step ( i am using Start El (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to use the webcon REST API to create a new instance and to uploAD an attachment. I am having troubles finding the version that should go into the URL ex: /api/data/v2.0/db/{dbId}/elements/{id} (in this case is "v2.0"). How can I find the version for my project? I have used the following examples from webcon: https://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/examples-of (...)

(...) After installing a new development environment, I have a problem with performing an SQL query to the BPS_Config database. The environment was installed with my AD ministrative account. From the database level, I can also see that the users of the service and the application pool (db owner) have permissions to the database. The application pool is the account indicated in the installer as the user to (...)

(...) Delete attachements action seems to be buggy after upgrAD ing from version 2022 to 2023. In my workflow I'm creating an attachement based on word template and assign it category "plik_word". After that I'm converting it to PDF, assingning the PDF a new category "plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete the attachements from the "plik_word" category. And it work perfectly in the 2022 versions, and now, i (...)

(...) Hello, I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone alreAD y hAD to deal with it and will be able to help :) I've created some time ago process for handling Recruitments, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a new person. * Access to system X * Access to system Y * Laptop * Wireless mouse After the proc (...)

(...) 1. In Automation (action) I create excel file from template and AD d few data to specific cells. 2. The excel file is attached to the form in attachment section. 3. I would like to create pdf file from that excel file. (i don't see that option) in design studio. what I would like to do: 0. create template with excel (done) 1. from fields update excel template (done) 2. excel template save a (...)

(...) Hello, how do I set a People/Group field to empty? When I use a rule to set the field to empty based on a condition it gives me an error on form loAD that says value cannot be converted to Boolean. "Error: Incorrect operation. Value cannot be converted to boolean.\n at g.convertToBool Thank you for your help!

(...) the history for each item in the item list. This will bloat the database as I would have to repeat this path until instance was handled. 2. Update workflow with item list and sub workflows InsteAD of updating the data in the item list, I will use the item list to spawn sub workflows for each row. The sub workflow would than fetch the data for it's claim, compare it and do the update if necessa (...)

(...) Hello :) I have an issue with attachments. I AD ded new .xlsx file into attachment form field - this was empty file with picture inside. Now when I am trying to open it in preview panel picture is cut like below. Does anybody have an idea what can be a reason? Thanks a lot for help

(...) Hello, how to bypass requirement with required field using Rest API. Even AD min mode does not disable this requirement.

(...) /v52.0/analytics/reportTypes/Opportunity But when I use the field as a Data table in order to check the information, the list comes empty. Anyone tried this? Do you know how to bring reports insteAD of using SQOL queries? Thank you!

(...) date&time picker system by default setup the time for 00:00. If we want to change the time e.g. to 7:00 and double click the "00", enter "7" system says that format date is inpropper. We have to AD d 0 prefix to hour "7", so it is "07". It is one more click + one more typing. Allowing format h:mm or even h:m would be ergonomy enhancement for faster entering the date & time data :) Best Regard (...)

(...) Hi everyone, maybe someone else is using some internal JavaScript objects and if this is the case, check whether you are using window.initialModel and make AD justments. In R2 it's gone. Most of the objects of the initialModel can be accessed via the liteModel. /api/nav/db/${parameters.dbId}/element/${parameters.instanceId}/desktop If you have no idea what I'm talking about, than everyt (...)

(...) Hi everyone, we hAD some racing conditions, when the users switched fast between instances in the task view or previews in reports. This was caused by form rules which used G_ variables which were no longer available, the view/desktop endpoint hAD n't send a response yet but a JavaScript form rule from the previous instance was still executing. While coping with this I noticed that the respon (...)

(...) Since i cannot open a support ticket at the moment i have to go this way. When creating a new substitution in 2023.1.2.44 i get a "BAD request" error when saving the substitution. Attached you find the diagnostics session and develeoper tools log. Any ideas what is going wrong here? // diagnostics json { "session": { "id": 565, "sessionGuid": "2c8664cd-1862-4978-9355-1d0b7c3c (...)

(...) s defined in the process but that is not true. It shows this way just because of the mentioned error. How can I delete the item list that is causing problems? I developed quite some functionality alreAD y and don't want to start from scratch. Thanks, Martin

(...) Hello, I've spend today over an hour copy/pasting data between notepAD and webcon into run subworkflo action configs. In my use case - i have to start 1-10 subworkflows (each having different start condition), with different workflows, and forms, but with partially shared attributes (marked blue). I'm configuring actions in new process, so i've copied them from existing process, to avoid refill (...)

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a button to start another workflow but I want to pass the current instance ID so I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: Legal Request Process Using this, I'm basically writing WFD_ID in the destination field. Does anyone know how to get this working= Thank you