(...) nd the section dedicated to Substitutions and then check whether the Substitutions enabled option is selected. Here you can also configure the format in which the substitution start and end dates are display ed (date or date and time). Fig. 2. Global configuration of Substitutions In order for the scope of the Substitution to cover the already active tasks of the Replaced person, a schedule must (...)
Applies to version: 2020 and 2021.1; author: Krzysztof Gaszczyk Start buttons start a process or workflow in WEBCON BPS. This article shows you how to create and configure them using Designer Studio or Portal. First, we explain how to do it in Studio and then how to do it on Portal. Both configurations are very similar. Configuring start buttons in Designer Studio To configure a start bu
(...) Fig. 1. The fragment of the UK Job Change workflow form After following the "Add data" path, the data completed on the form will be saved to the table in the database and will be display ed on the table preview visible on the form. Fig. 2. The fragment of the UK Job Change workflow form - a table presenting data Data update workflow The Update UK Jobs Change workflow (...)
(...) a group “Mandatory filters” in which the user can put filters on tasks that should be included in the report. You can: 1) use “Rows per page” to set how many rows should be display ed per page (if you select “Dynamic,” the number of workflows instances shown on the report will adjust automatically to the browser’s window size), 2) use “Standard filters (...)
(...) version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Józef Cyran Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces new functionality of grouping rows of item lists. Now, users can collapse and expand groups and display subtotals when the column has been configured to display totals. This article describes how to configure and use this option on an example of a simple subscription management workflow Process desc (...)
(...) rsion Supported version Standard SWE and SWC Web Parts Not available - replaced with Modern Reports (available from BPS 2019) N/A N/A N/A Classic Form display mode Not available - replaced with Modern Forms (available from BPS 2019) N/A N/A N/A Vacation (absence) Web Part Not available - replaced with Modern Report (...)
(...) omains from the same domain forest. If there are configured trust relationships with another domain/forest, then those also trusted domains/forests are also visible on the list. An OU structure is display ed within the domains, which allows to narrow down the synchronization to a chosen entity. During the synchronization, data is downloaded from selected OU’s. However if downloaded objects hav (...)
(...) Complete phrase search ”Cost invoice” Using quotation marks operators causes return of instances with the provided phrase, however the result will also display linguistic inflections of each of these words. In means that results will display also phrases such as “Cost invoices”, etc. Any character string Doc* Asterix&nbs (...)
(...) io (and after the first cache refresh) we will have the new functionality available on our SWE. BPS Show Workflow Elements configuration The configuration window of each Web Part will display a new checkbox: ‘Privileges based on business entity structure’ (provided that all the processes whose elements are shown in WebPart have the same source of the company structure chosen a (...)
(...) ia React JS technology as a Single Page Application. This component communicates with the rest of the application via dedicated REST web services. BPS Portal embedded views – responsible for display ing individual user interface elements on WEBCON BPS Portal in embed mode (e.g. report, dashboard, a form of a selected instance). Allows such interface elements to be embedded in a separate IFrame on (...)
(...) ng instances of the dictionary and add those from the package. Fig.4 . Importing the contents of the dictionaries When the data is completely replaced, the system will display a warning: Fig.5 . Warning After importing, the “Dictionaries import report” was display ed with information about the changes made and any errors. A user can (...)
(...) address is used as the user's identity. You must also grant application or administrative privileges for a new user. Testing When you go to the portal website, the new provider is display ed on the list of available providers: Select the new provider – you will be redirected to the Keycloak Server authentication page of the new application: (...)
(...) nbsp; Fig. 6 Inserting a signature in a specific place on the document After selecting the area for signature, a window with a selection of available certificates, if any, will be display ed, or the user can create a new one. By choosing the second way, you will get three options to choose the type of certificate: Use a signature creation device - when using certificates from an (...)
(...) elow is a form with the calculated values for the previous day: Fig. 2. The completed form The fields marked with the [TECH] prefix are technical fields that will not be display ed on the form. In the "Source currency" form field, indicate the currency from which the exchange rate will be converted. This is a choice field type of the form field with a source ret (...)
(...) low has two form types: Incoming and Outgoing correspondence. Each Outgoing Correspondence form type is linked to one Incoming Correspondence form type. On the Incoming correspondence form we want to display all instances related to the Outgoing correspondence and give the possibility to go to these instances using a link. For this purpose, you can use the "Data table" form field in which th (...)
(...) ny deployed applications and roles with different privileges. This workflow may be used as a part of a larger group management application based on WEBCON BPS. In the workflow, one form will display : • Basic user information that is stored on the BPS users list. • Groups to which the selected user belongs. • Users who belong (...)
(...) rt. The second way is to use the absence workflow generated by the absence process wizard - in this case, the selected absence plans (e.g. not approved by the supervisor or vacation leave) will be display ed on the Gantt chart. Workflow for registering absence plans Fig. 1. Workflow instance for registering absence plans The workflow should contain similar form fields (...)
(...) w. From version 2019.1.2 on multilingual choice fields are complimentary to forms created with multilingual usage in mind. This functionality allows you to define choice dictionaries so that the text display ed in them is coherent with a language in which the form is presented to the user. Data sources for multilingual choice fields Handling multiple languages in form' choice fields (...)
(...) th) New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "AzureAD" -Certificate $cert $map = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name" -IncomingClaimTypedisplay Name "UPN" -LocalClaimType "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn" $ap = New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer -Name "AzureAD Provider" -Description "SharePoint secured by Azure AD" (...)
(...) tion actions on the exit step. REGEX used to verify TAX ID: – ^((d{3}[- ]d{3}[- ]d{2}[- ]d{2})|(d{3}[- ]d{2}[- ]d{2}[- ]d{3}))$ Similarly to examples above, system display s a message about wrong TAX ID number entered. Personal ID number (PESEL) Another important usage of regular expressions is checking the length of Personal ID number. In this case (...)