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Hello everyone! I'm looking for some ideas how to implement the following scenario: - client has approximately 500k customers (a mix of companies and persons) - each customer can have one or more banking accounts - each account can have one or more connected credit cards I would like to give the users the option to search for a customer using data from each of the categories mentioned above. I'm

Currently our report-menu for some processes is getting longer and longer. One reason for that is the fact, that some people have issues understanding they have to choose a report and can then navigate on the other side of the form by the views we have set up for them. Mostly people who count their daily clicks and tell you to change the system if they have to do 10 more a day, because you have se

Hey communiy, I have a question to you. Are there any possibilities to "access" the CSS. For example I want to hide the start-placeholder icons on all dashboards, but I don't want to place an html element on each dashboard with the same css declaration. I hope my question is clear for you. Greets Georg

Hello, I'm trying to start a subworkflow from an item list. My item list will have the candidate for Positions and it will not be filled at the same time, each time there's a candidate for an offer, the user creates a row. To start my subworkflow I'm using as conditions having the candidate name as not null and a flag set to true and i'm using this as an execution condition with the following

(...) be a "Usages" options for BPS groups like it exists for the most other objects like Rules, Fields, Action Template, Data sources and so on. I'm already using two workaround 1) I created a constant for each bps group so that I can use this constant wherever possible. Unfortunately there are some cases where this is not possible. For example in a "Person or group" field where the picker is limited to a g (...)

Hello all!! Does anyone configured a rule where the action goes on each row of an item list and if a row has option A for a specific column then column B cannot be empty? There are some new functions for the item list but they only work as form rules and for action (even creating a business rule, form rules don't work as it needs to a TRUE/FALSE result). Even using SQL Command I think it

Is there a way to lock a specific item row for a list item at specific steps? I have a 4 row "table" and I need to make sure each row can only be edited in it's respective "phase" (step)

Hello all, First of all I would like to thank you for taking time reading my post! I'm working on a current process where I need to trigger many subworkflows to request information for the main one. Because the main one will keep being edited after the subworkflows are launched, I've decided to set them as parallel. They will be started through a item list and after one person for the task

(...) perlink. I must enter on the subworkflow in the start step. Is possible to start different subworkflows from a main workflow with SQL? I don't have an item list. I need to define an SQL action for each subworkflow? Can I have an example? Thanks

Is it possible to build an application that would grant permissions to other applications? When you have several applications, how do you grant permissions for a new employee to each application?

(...) ering an envelope (which has its own barcode) and some fields, I would like to add some other barcodes in the Item Lists field and I would like a subworkflow (documents in an envelope) to be created for each of the lines. I can create a subworkflow, but I don't know how to loop through the Item Lists. Do you have ideas how to do it?

Hi all, I've deployed a test environment to "sell" webcon internally. Activation email was delayed, I waited for some time so I imported everything when still demo. Everything worked. Now I activated free license and on each form I gave a message that: No license for WorkFlow Fronton in version 2022.1. To gain access, please re-download license or contact WEBCON directly. Can't edit anything o

(...) r within one store or sales location Sales Location 0001 -> 1,2,3,4,5,6,.... max. 999999 Sales Location 0002 -> 1,2,3,4,5,6,.... max. 999999 . . . Is there a way to generate a unique number for each sales location in a custom action, and if how? We thought about executing an update sql statement on workflow containing sales locations incrementing a certain number field. Btw. this should be threa (...)

(...) We have to now comply with SOX and part of the requirements is to list all WebCon apps and permissions/priveleges for each level and the groups/people in them. Is there an easy way to dump all permissions/priveleges for all apps to a text file, pdf or other? If not I'll have to go through and take screenshots of each in designer!

Dear Webcon Community! Problem: longer background processes has to be split to smaller parts to fit in transaction timeout limit. For example if you have to move 50-1000 instances each morning taking some minutes, we have to use "select top " and run global action more often (eg. in every 10 minutes) Earlier (before BPS 2020), it was a once a day run. Proposal: have new GA setting to sp

Hello, after playing around with the answers in the former thread I think it may be helpful for others to present my approach here. If anybody wants to reply to improve it, I will be grateful to learn. 1) Requirement Within a process a group of users is requested to deliver an approval by two different members from within the group. Also it shall be possible to change the process to two per

Hello, current version tracking tool in BPS is pretty good, but i'm lacking one feature. Let's say we have a workflow, where i'm at version 1, i need to get some more informations, so the document is being send to another people and new versions are being created 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. After they will do their job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all chang

(...) bases (Config,Content,Content_Arch,Content_Att ) are on the same MS SQL server. Do you have plans to give opportunities to host each DB in deddicated server? For example - to have 4 MS SQL Server , 1 for each BPS database.

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a payment process in webcon for Rents. The idea is: - Open request and save the date of request (as the current date) - Calculate how many months until end of year (civil year) - Initialize the item list with the number of rows as the number of months - Each row will create independently the payment for that month Although I have all the idea structured, I

Hello Community! I need to find solution form the problem with some case in my organization – maybe you will help me to find the most effective way to do that? Case: Users: A, B, C, X Forms type: type1, type2 Form fields: value1, value2 There are few forms (type1) which are filling by users (A, B, C) during the month (for example January). One of the form field (value1) on each forms (t