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for printing

(...) Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction printing barcode labels is a WEBCON BPS functionality used to identify documents stored in paper form, for example, in accounting offices, companies providing shipping, logistics and courier services, as well as in warehouse spaces. In On Premises installations, which by default have access to the resources o (...)

(...) n reports OR export them to an Excel so they can run pivots, etc... on the data. I don't see anyway to allow for either of these options. Once again I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Seems like printing /exporting would be fairly well received options

Hey everyone, When an attachment is opened on the form, it shows the download button. Can we disable it? Also, when previewing the attachments there is always the top bar that contains the download and print button. Anyone knows if it is possible to disable it? Thank you, Martin

(...) Hello I have a problem when printing to Word. The Word form prints for my permissions, but for users it does not print and the "unknown error" message appears. Maybe something with permissions but I don't know where to look. Can anyone help Thank you in advance

(...) After changing the webcon version to the latest one when printing using a template the following error will appear and everything will be blocked: Is there a solution for this? Thanks in advance Error during saga execution: e is null a@https://webcon.domena.com/application/App.ddbbd702c08e03b71cd0.bundle.js:2:1502752 81937/D[s.C]@https://webcon.domena.com

Hi everyone, I'm working on a project using Webcon BPS and I'm trying to track specific user activities within the platform in order to comply with GDPR. Specifically, I need to log every time a user: 1. Opens an instance or document in order to access data, regardless if they've seen it before or not 2. Prints a document Has anyone tackled a similar requirement before? If so, I would re

(...) nbsp;. After setting the Hot-Folder and the registration point, create a workflow – e.g. Mathematics test:     On the exit of the Registration step, the action of printing a barcode is set. Then the instance goes to the Waiting for test step. When the student for whom the test (and a barcode sticker) was printed is absent – the teacher may cancel the in (...)

(...) Fig. 6. The “File Generation Templates” option   On the right there is a menu in which you must indicate the application, process and document type from which the data for printing will be loaded. Fig. 7. The selecting process window   The next step is to create the printout. Fig. 8. The printout template   To add the fields to the printout & (...)

(...) Web service from the Designers & Service Web service component in order to – for example – launch a new workflow instance and add the newly processed file as an attachment. Barcode printing proxy – component responsible for sending printout requests to the configured barcode printers. Depending on the configuration, it can connect to a specified printer and (local TCP/IP connectio (...)

(...) button.     Then select the “File Generation Templates” option - you must indicate the application, process, document type and form fields from which the data for printing will be loaded.     Business case – Car Fleet Management The simple application used for equipment rental (IT and office) has been created. The main process generates (...)

(...) Web service from the Designers & Service Web service component in order to – for example – launch a new workflow instance and add the newly processed file as an attachment. Barcode printing proxy – component responsible for sending printout requests to the configured barcode printers. Depending on the configuration, it can connect to a specified printer and (local TCP/IP connectio (...)

(...) – filling in basic information about a document, selecting a number of stickers to be printed (one sticker by default). After going through the “Print the code” path, the action of printing a sticker is executed. Wait for scan – waiting for a document scan. After pairing, the scanned document is added as a PDF file and the form goes to the next step. Wait for text layer &ndas (...)

(...) of its availability.   Document entry point configuration The document entry point is a company’s unit mentioned in the introduction tasked with registering incoming documents and printing their respective barcode labels. In compliance with the applied business logic, it is necessary to configure the document entry point to be able to access printout a barcode label menu button from th (...)

(...) er synchronization incremental schedule”, “User synchronization schedule”, “User photos synchronization”, „WCFService”.   Barcode handling – printing , reading, or inserting a barcode. A printer driver is used to print a barcode. It is also necessary to configure the “Printout a barcode label” action and the barcode printer itself. Prin (...)

(...) Save the process and test the print:   EPL language The generated file contains printer commands in EPL language. Below is a brief description of the basic commands used for printing . Default print template in BPS (for the Main printer) is as follows: I8,B,001 rY JF WY S1 D14 R24,0 ZB UN q448 Q151,28 N A20,20,0,2,1,1,N,"Date:  2023-06-1 (...)

(...) ield with a form rule on page load, but only when we go into Edit mode. Is there a way that his is also done in read only mode, when we jus to open the Form. A quite similar scenario applies when printing a document – we want to have the last version of the Partner data. Best regards Aleš

(...) I'm not new at all programming in C#, but what I would like to know and I've never found a working solution until today: How to show line numbers in stack traces of C# SKD plugins? For example, when printing the stack trace to the SDK log? Thank you! Marco

(...) Let's start with a use case. I'll be working soon on a process for ordering buisness cards, which will include graphic, who is responsilbe for preparing files which are sent to printing company. On the buisness cards there should be QR code with vCard data. We want to avoid manual process of copy/pasting data between webcon and other qr generation system. Action which adds code to attachment alrea (...)

(...) Hi, We have problem after update to ver. 2023.1.2.99. We have implemented menu buttons for Help Desk and printing . In 2022, every user who have acces to instance can push button and print form or start help desk (button in menu was accesable in every step or last steps etc). After the update buttons apear on the form but after clicking there is error... and users cant use it. Is it new feature or (...)

(...) drop caps, and creative layout elements help create a memorable reader experience. Margins and Spacing: Adequate margins, gutters, and line spacing are vital for readability and compatibility with printing guidelines. Image and Illustration Placement: For books with images, illustrations, or graphics, professional design ensures correct placement, resolution, and alignment with the text. Print-Re (...)