Hello all I have one problem with configuration SharePoint Site Colletion. I installed on server SDK (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=51679) but even after installation this library I'm not able to connect to SP. Did you have simmilar problem and anyone know how to fix it? Thank you very much in advance.
I noticed in Webcon 2022.1.4.404 if I do action "Send custom email" and the action is not related with "Action templates" then there is no prefix if action is saved as "Action templates" and template is using "default" Template - no prefix but if any Action template is using "E-mail notifications" template then prefix appears like: "[PROBPS#21293]" I don't know where I can configure it to remove or change prefix ... P.S. I have on " Deployment mode for e-mail notifications" ...
Hello all, Does anyone have a timeout defined that is using the Executed at specific hours options selected? I'm trying to set the timeout to run at midnight but eveytime that I save, it changes it for 11PM. I have a date field, I want to use that date as the Start Date and then make the timeout run at Date + 12AM. For example: 17/17/2024 12:00 AM Thank you
Hello there :) I have yet another problem, regarding the form validation. I've attached the rules that I've applied. What I want to do is I want to block the occurence of choosing current day while it's after 9.00 A.M. Otherwise If the day is <> than Today() then the result is TRUE, which means, you are able to go further. Best Regards, Igor
Hi everyone I started using Webcon in May, so I'm pretty new to everything. I'm trying to setup an internal process to move and lock Active Directory users. This involves moving the user to a different OU, but I can't seem to find this option in Webcon (other than executing Powershell which I'm trying to avoid for security reasons). Does anyone have experience in this? Greetings from Switzerland Raymond
Hi, I have a choice field with SQL data source connected to it. Is it possible to create a link (into the choice field) to a selected element like as in the case of BPS Internal view? Simplify, I need the same option as in the selected screenshot but for the sql data source.
I have a problem probably with permiossion for autoresponder. I used a action autoresponder with MS Graph. Wystąpił błąd wykonania akcji autoresponder na ścieżce. (Krok: Start, ścieżka: Autoodpowiedź) One or more errors occurred. (Code: InvalidScheduledOofDuration Message: The scheduled duration for sending automatic replies isn't valid. ClientRequestId: 9e12806a-64bf-4882-87f4-c831a7710e57 ) Code: InvalidScheduledOofDuration Message: The scheduled duration for sending automatic (...)
Hi, I've inserted a line chart to my form. It gets data from database (4 columns). 2 columns are presented on a chart as data series. Sometimes there are nulls in one of the columns. Then Webcon interpreters it as 0. Do you know any countermeasures to it? If there is a null value from the database, then it shouldn't show that line at the given point in time. I attach a photo of that such graph with nulls as zeros. Would be grategul for your help.
Cześć, na wybranych krokach w aplikacji, chcę umieścić przycisk w menu, który skopiuje zawartość wybranych pól i wystartuje nowy element w procesie ze skopiowanymi wcześniej informacjami. Czy i w jaki sposób można to wykonać? Nie chce żeby był to podobieg, nie będzie to tez lista pozycji. Po prostu nowy element, który wystartuje z kroku startowego z pobranymi już informacjami.
Hi, does someone of you use a FormFieldExtensionJS for a multiline text field? We used this one to store a JSON as a string and in 2023.1.3 the plugin no longer works. I haven't checked the WEBCON BPS JS code in 2023.1.2 but in the new version: 1. the change function in the plugin triggers controller.change 2. this calls validateCCValueModel 3. Since the hasCustomModel is undefined 4. The default validation is applied and this validation fails. In the "past" I returned a string an (...)
Cześć, czy istnieje możliwość numerowania elementów w danym procesie tzn. startuje nowy element w procesie, wówczas automatycznie nadaje mu się odpowiednia sygnatura ale oprócz tego chciałbym mieć swój dodatkowy atrybut, który będzie po kolei numerował każdy kolejny element w tym procesie. Dla przykładu: główna sygnatura to FV/00001/2024 a mój dodatkowy atrybut przyjmie wartość 000001 następnie 000002 itd
Dzień dobry Mam problem z wykonywaniem akcji globalnej, która ma za zadanie startowanie obiegu sql. W zapytaniu zastosowane jest open query do serwera oracle. Przy teście zapytania lub puszczeniu akcji globalnej dostaje błąd z załącznika. W management studio zapytanie jest wykonywane normalnie Proszę o sugestię Wersja Webcona 2022.1.4
Hi, Can I achieve such an effect in an calculated column? In SQL it works but in webcon I have an error If atrubut is empty display the grouped attribute from the item list Code: select ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose5, STRING_AGG (CAST(DET_Att1 AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ';')) from WFElements W left join WFElementDetails WD on W.WFD_ID = WD.DET_WFDID group by WFD_AttChoose5 What needs to be corrected or is there no way to make it work?
Hi, I have one major problem with the Add privileges action. It works when I add privileges to single users but doesn't apply when I choose a group as a USER / SQL query. On the Instance level there is information that the Group has privileges but members of the group do not have access to the instance. Additionally when I add privileges to the group manually users of the group can see the contents. Where am I making a mistake? ver. 2023.1.3.169
I would like to conduct tests in the context of a specific user, using their permissions as an example. How do you do this?
I need to change 2 values with REST, I use'd API v3 and PATCH method. This values is in another workflow. JSON [ { "data": { "guid": "3567e810-6f44-41e5-9ac3-794d6e055db1", "value": "2024-05-27T14:02:26" }, "wynik": { "guid": "56e078eb-dc11-4960-a662-3974f0f837da", "value": "Ryzyko niskie" } } ] In other workflow history I have only infpormation about Save workflow by ServiceWebconApiProd - Registered App.
Hello everyone, I have a question about visual element. How to change (or set) a witdh of coulmn in attribute of data presentation such as "array data" (PL: "tabela danych") I tried below example changes in global CSS style, but it didnt work: th[data-key="WFD_AttLong1"] { color: blue; width: 200px; } td[data-column="WFD_AttLong1"] { color: blue; width: 200px; }
Hi everybody, has anybody an idea how I could manage to make (copy) out of a base64 type picture field an attachment for a bunch of instances? I.e. I have an QR code within my workflow instance as picture field. But I need to export it for external use. Kind regards Klaus
Hi community! I have to implement a choice field (Autocomplete or Popup), whose results should be dependent of the following: 1. Current step 2. If second choice field is selected, it should narrow down the results from a subquery (Item list) First of all Webcon doesn't accept a DECLARE statement in the first line of a custom datasource based on 'Current BPS connection'. A workaround here is the 1. statement (IF (1=1)). This query does seem to work (it is showing the right results i (...)
I was following: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/copy-attachment-to-other-workflow and https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/3240 [quote="Daniel"] you using the function would be one option. Other are: - Set the local parameter using an SQL command - Use the for each function to iterate through the attachments - Use the for each function in combination with a data source - Use the for each function in combination with "any collection Since there are numerous ways where th (...)