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for entry

(...) orkstations.   This article describes a sample configuration restricting the availability of menu button triggering printout a barcode label action to the workstation defined as a document entry point.   Case description  The company’s main office collects hardcopy documents every day. The documents must be then registered in the WEBCON BPS system. To streamline thei (...)

(...) When User have permission to more then one entry point, the print action get first of it. User should be able to choose on witch point hi what to use.

(...) Currently, I am reviewing a Webcon process that I created some time ago. In doing so, I started to implement some things (e.g. sending emails) in a better way. Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry " action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for sending emails). Where can I find this "on entry " automation? The automation is obviously not available in the step (...)

(...) ifference will be to remove the action of sending documents for signature (“SendEnvelope”) on the transition path, and instead adding the “SendEnvelopeToEmbededSign” action on entry to the “Waiting for signature” step. This action should be added on entry to the step because this will allow you to automatically move the instance to the “Signed” step at th (...)

(...) two actions: SendEnveloperToEmbeddedSign – on the “Send for signature” path EmbeddedSigning – added instead of “SendEnvelope” from the previous scenario on entry to the “Waiting for signature” system step. It is used to redirect a signed person back to the instance in the process.   The “EmbeddedSigning” action should be a (...)

(...) The location of the Purchase process   c) Holidays process – a user can submit a vacation request. There are several steps in this proces – Registration, Acceptance, entry to the HR system and Archives. In addition, you can cancel your holiday request and the request can be rejected at the acceptance step.   Fig. 5. The holiday request workflow   (...)

(...) column storing an instance ID where the list locates. There is only one list type on this type of document, so we don’t have to narrow the query down to a specific type of list. Every returned entry for each element will be the instance of a given list. If you don’t know the SQL language, below I will place a translation into English. But if you do understand what is written on Figure 6 (...)

(...) Details table – information about values from the “Item list” form field. Every time when the instance goes to the next step in the workflow, in the WFHistoryElements table a new entry will be created. If the form has the “Item list” form fields, the same will happen in the WFHistoryElementDetails table. Relation in the table The WFHistoryElements table contains a (...)

(...) -mail” action. Configuration of the “Send a custom e-mail” action The e-mail notifications can be defined on the step as actions of the following types: On path On entry On exit On timeout Upon instance deleting Upon instance saving On browser opening Menu button   The “Send a custom e-mail” action can be assigned as a workflow gl (...)

(...) e registration workflow -> a registrant can easily return to the base workflow (Register department).   Configuration of the hyperlink action The hyperlink action can be created on entry , on the exit, on browser opening, menu button, on path or upon instance saving. We will create the action on the menu button for the purpose of the article. Go to the action configuration on the Depa (...)

(...) task.   Fig. 8. The result of query at the “Acceptance” step   Going through the “Accept” path from the “Acceptation” step to the “entry into the HR system” step triggers the action which adds the access to the instance to the James Bond user (e.g. to add the data to an external HR system). Information about granting the privile (...)

(...) ndividual workflows. They are performed without any user interaction and defined on the transition paths or steps. An example actions perform such activities as calculating the field value, making an entry to AD, sending an e-mail. While working with WEBCON BPS they will appear situations (at the stage of creating the processes, testing or using already implemented solution) when you are not sure (...)

(...) e query there is a list from which one you select the source on which the query should be performed.   Save substitution definition ID – when registering the substitution, an entry in the database is created. If the “Save substitution definition ID” field is checked, the entry ID will be stored in the indicated form field. To use the substitution in the selecte (...)

(...) “False” if the value of that technical field is “1”. Cancellation of related subworkflows Additional integration actions. If integration is used in the workflow (e.g. SAP entry , update, cancellation)

(...) ce. Also, if the choice field sets other fields – the data source will be searched to download appropriate values. You can set the value by specifying the ID that uniquely identifies the row/entry from the data source. To correctly complete the choice field, the given value must be found in one of the data source columns (those for which the search option was selected in the advanced configura (...)

(...) kflow, the values of the form field from the contract register workflow has been transferred to them. At the first step of the annex workflow, you can change the values of the selected form field. On entry to the “Annex registered” step the “Update related workflow instance” action has been created that allows to transfer of changed form field values to the contract workflow and (...)

(...) Database server name, Configuration database name, Authentication method. In order to connect to the database server, in the appsettings.user.json file provide the full server name. A DNS entry is required. If we connect to the database using the integrated login, provide the phrase “Integrated Security=True” in the file. Remember that WEBCON BPS Designer Studio is always launch (...)

(...) mber     For the form pictured above, the average size of the workflow instance just after registering it, is equal to 38 kB. Every path transition adds a database entry whose size is 19,6 kB. Average size of an attachment (one page scan with 300 dpi resolution) is 280kB. Average size of an action execution log is 0,8 kB.   Example: We have 1 (...)

(...) uage option (by default):   Fig. 2. The "Suggest language" option   According to browser settings – takes the browser language and applies it on the first entry to the system if a user has not logged in before. Based on this language the system sets the Portal language for the user. Language from the list – the selected language will be the language (...)

(...) uery returning all people from the Approval path   Instance approval by subsequent people If the instance is approved by subsequent people, you should define the task creation action on entry to the approval step (Fig. 8.). In this action, people are selected from the “Approval path” item list which uses the SQL COMMAND query. In the SQL COMMAND, select the “Return v (...)