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(...) chnical field, an automation action, an extra path, and a SQL query.   Part One: The Technical Field Create an extra field to be used by the parent workflow of type Date and enable time selection under Advanced configuration. Part Two: The Automation Action You will need to start your subworkflows using one or more Start a subworkflow or Start a subworkflow (SQL) automati (...)

(...) associated with written communication in international companies by offering, among other things, the possibility to send (via dedicated actions) Email notifications in multiple languages at the same time . However, the functionality is subject to certain rules that may require the user to take additional actions or, for example, affect the visibility of people exchanging correspondence. This articl (...)

(...) cified record was found   Next, the process should be able to store the user IDs chosen by the administrator in a technical field. The selected data will be presented in a table one last time for the administrator to confirm, and then proceed to the anonymization/data removal step.   5. Form view just before anonymization/removal   Choosing any of the predefined (...)

(...) CAP platforms that facilitate the design and automation of processes - we moved on to practice. Students of Computer Science and Econometrics, who learned the BPMN notation describing processes, this time had to translate it into the language of BPS. Participants of the classes had individual work environments at their disposal. The principles of the system operation and the different "drawing (...)

(...) to obtain information about their operation, performance, security, and many other important parameters. Telemetry offers a number of advantages, such as monitoring and diagnosing problems in real time , performance optimization based on data analysis and bottlenecks identification, streamlined capacity planning and scalability. What is more, it enables remote system monitoring and management, and p (...)

(...) tains specific task assignments – and their results – for a process instance. As mentioned earlier, we query only the entries from the most recent version (set of tasks issued at the same time ).   Vote Count for Path ID This rule is slightly more complex than “Vote Count Total”. It requires creating one decimal parameter named “Path ID”, and using it i (...)

(...) lementation itself, an interesting use of WEBCON BPS functionalities or own solutions that complement the work with BPS. The form and content of the presentation are free. The summary session is a time for exchange of experience, consultation and integration, and an invitation to become an active member of the WEBCON community. Throughout the recertification, we provide access to individual wo (...)

(...) fficient database searching often plays a crucial role in determining the effective operation of the system, as well as the applications created within it. The problem becomes especially evident over time . Growing databases, when managed incorrectly, can considerably slow down system operation and negatively affect the overall user experience. In order to streamline data searching and make queries mor (...)

(...) cesses configured on the basis of "their" prototypes. Organizational information The training lasts approx. 5 hours (including the theoretical part: 30 minutes – the remaining time is for practical exercises) and starts punctually at 9:00 am. The training is delivered remotely via MS Teams. Participants will be given access to configured training environments allowing them t (...)

(...) ation of the system, it is designed to introduce the participants to the world of BPS and to show them its basic and most frequently used functionalities. The universal character of the training, the time constraints, and the high complexity of WEBCON BPS sometime s allow only a cursory discussion of selected system options. For those who would like to learn more about the functionalities of the WEB (...)

(...) roved access to tasks in the process. This protects against unauthorized use, such as when an employee leaves their workstation and another employee occupies it. Access to the data will either be one-time (single path transition) or time -limited, and users will be required to perform an additional authentication operation. To support this functionality, the Path transition authorization option has (...)

(...) quot;customer experience" techniques. The availability of questionnaires in different language versions not only speeds up the work by eliminating the need to translate the data on the form each time , but also makes it possible to reach a larger number of respondents and, at the same time , helps to create a positive image of the company among foreign consumers and clients.

(...) ation provides a test connection: “TRIAL-BPS”. It offers access to a demonstration environment where you can check the platform functionalities. (The test connection can be removed at any time .) However, to gain access to Portal located at a specific address, you need to configure a respective connection. To do that, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the mobile applicat (...)

Applies to version: 2023 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Version 2023 R1 of WEBCON BPS introduced the possibility to export translated names of application elements created by the person responsible for configuring the application, and then to import the completed translation document into the system. This article describes this functionality with an example

(...) iguration, click the Add button located at the bottom of the window. The newly created groups will appear on the BPS groups list and synchronize with the selected identity supplier service after some time .   Application Administrator Completing the addition of BPS user groups marks only the halfway point. After adding them, it is worth considering the specific privileges needed by citiz (...)

  Applies to all versions; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction WEBCON has introduced a new tool, the License Activation Service (LAS), which provides clients with a comprehensive view of their WEBCON BPS platform licensing and registered license services data. With this tool, clients can easily browse their WEBCON BPS licenses and generate the files necessary to activate or

External content by Daniel Krüger;  February 13, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.29 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de WEBCON BPS has a series of safety mechanisms preventing the accidental deletion of crucial elements. This post provides a checklist of "to-do" items whenever there's a need to delete a complex application, which usually c

External content by Daniel Krüger; March 11, 2024; WEBCON BPS 2023.1.3.76 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de This post provides a solution to extracting the latest comments in the standard "Comment" field on the form. The issue with this Last comment text variable is, that’s always the latest added comment, regardless of how old it may be. He

External content provided by Daniel Krüger; April 11, 2024; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 Full post: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/playwright-part-two The video show cases the changes to the previous part and will give you how Playwright could be useful. Changes: Tab support Collapsed group support Provide step id instead of the title to verify it

External content by Daniel Krüger; March 31, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de A colleague introduced me to Playwright from Microsoft. This is a tool you can use for automating UI testing.  If you have no idea, what this means, imagine the following: You have an approval workflow. Person one provides s