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Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2021, the form rules have been enhanced with new functions operating on text such as: CONCAT - combines two or more text strings into one text SPLIT - splits the provided text into parts, according to a specified separator. The function returns strings separated by semicolons ‘;&rs

(...) Fig. 4 Form field configuration using a prefix and a suffix   After entering the value, the effect visible on the form will be as follows: Fig. 5 Numerical form field in edit mode with prefix and suffix displayed   In read-only mode, field descriptions are also displayed: Fig. 6 Form field in read-only mode with visible prefix and suffix  (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author:  Dawid Golonka In the WEBCON BPS system, the processed instances move from one workflow step to another. Tasks are assigned in these steps, and users or groups of users assigned to these tasks must perform an action. WEBCON BPS has a comprehensive tool that allows you to choose who the task should go to in the next step; it is configured in the ‘

(...) Presentation" section -> Dashboards and enter the new dashboard's name. Fig. 1. Adding a dashboard   You can also add the dashboard from the Portal level by clicking the edit button -> Add new -> Dashboard.   Fig. 1a. Adding a dashboard from the Portal level   It is possible to grant privileges for each dashboard separately. By default, th (...)

(...) pplies to version 2021.1.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021, introduces the Set Focus form function has which can be used to automatically place the cursor in the edit ed field, after loading the form or changing the field value. Thanks to this, you do not have to manually place the cursor in the field. This article presents the operation of this function based (...)

(...) _tag id to deactivate - a technical field storing the DET_ID. The value will be passed on from the promotion process. Initially, the tags that are already registered will be locked for edit ing. However, we cannot make the “Tag’s name” column read-only in the Field matrix because we will still need to add new tags. Therefore, the list in the Modification step should loo (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Michał Bednarz From version 2021, you can authenticate in WEBCON BPS with any provider using the OpenID Connect standard. In this article, we explain how to configure it using Google authentication as an example. Please note that the configuration is identical when you use another provider.  It is necessary to register the applicatio

(...) etermines if the last year's goals have been met. a) On the “Achievements” item list, set the “Achievement” columns as ready only, and the “Mark” column as edit able. b) Create the “Goals from last year” item list with two columns: Goal and Mark. c) The list initialization will configure to download the goals from the previous year: (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Paweł Fijał Introduction In WEBCON BPS, it is possible to change users' synchronization from an already existing source using the WEBCON BPS installer. This article presents how to change users' synchronization from AD (Active Directory) to ADD (Azure Active Directory). Before changing the configuration of BPS users' synchron

(...) ; the Substitute is authorized to modify instances of the workflows in which the Replaced person has active tasks. Privileges are not subject to substitution. If the Replaced person has privileges to edit an instance, but does not have active tasks in the related process, then their privileges will not be transferred to the Substitute after the substitution is activated. When the substitution start (...)

(...)   Figure 4 Start button configuration You can also provide URL parameters and default values for the form fields used in the specified workflow. Default values can be set for all edit able form fields. You can pass values to form fields via URL, which lets you start workflows with some options selected or some fields prefilled. For example, you can create a separate start button (...)

(...) ab in Designer Studio. For more information, see Introduction to actions in WEBCON BPS. The preparation of this action requires knowledge of SQL. The WEBCON BPS account must have the privileges to edit the database in which data is stored, as well as to the table into which the data will be inserted.   Fig. 5. The service account identifier can be found in the System settings -> (...)

(...) ng incoming correspondence.   Designer Desk One of the new features introduced in WEBCON BPS 2021 is the Designer Desk tool, which enables the creation of application prototypes and expedit es the process of collecting business requirements. The application prototyped in this way is then sent to the IT department for further refinement. Thanks to this, people without a technical backgrou (...)

(...) s case for the “Payment status” column.  When selecting a column for grouping, it is worth considering the user's convenience. When adding a new row in the grouping mode, the edit button is always available for each row – even if the “Single row edit ing” option is disabled. Fig. 6 - Adding a new row with set grouping In the edit window, it is (...)

(...) user management actions (“Active Directory” action groups and “SharePoint – privileges”). If such an action is executed, the system will start synchronization for users edit ed outside the schedule and instantly update the BPS user list. Synchronization schedule can be tailored to the specific needs of individual system implementations. When changing synchronizati (...)

Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 Portal introduces a brand new method of searching for instances in the database. Search is based on SOLR engine which allows for a quick search even in very large data collections.   Creating search phrases By using SOLR technology, user can influence on how the engine searches indexed data and as a result – what the results are. Using appropria

Applies to version: 2016.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Syrek   Sometimes it’s needed to check at which stage of the process our subordinates are in currently. In this case, it is convenient to use the existing business entity structure. It allows us to extend the supervisor’s control over the tasks of their subordinates. For this functionality to be available you

  This is a list of all external components (both open source and licensed) used by WEBCON BPS 2024 R1: C# External components – All C# libraries used by Standalone installation mode and Designer Studio. JavaScript External components – JavaScript libraries used by BPS Portal.

(...) WEBCON BPS Portal, contains all interface elements that allow the user to access BPS features (reports, dashboards, navigation etc.). Also contains the dynamic form (Modern form) through which users edit workflow instances in the system. Created via React JS technology as a Single Page Application. This component communicates with the rest of the application via dedicated REST web services. BPS Po (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction The model way of implementing the WEBCON BPS system is to work on three types of environments. Processes are configured on the development environment, tests of the created solution are carried out on the test environment, and end-users of the system work on the production environment. Moving processes or changes in