(...) Deprecated Removed Public REST API 5.0 - - Supported Deprecated Public REST API 6.0 - - - Supported Choose Path (List/SQL) actions Not available - replaced with the Flow Control step N/A N/A N/A Sign an attachment with Cosign Action Defunct Defunct Will be removed in version 2025 R1 (...)
(...) hronization every 3 hours. In most cases, this configuration is enough to bring up to date even frequently changing data. The synchronization mechanism is additionally integrated with user management actions (“Active Directory” action groups and “SharePoint – privileges”). If such an action is executed, the system will start synchronization for users edited outside the sched (...)
(...) istered daily Complexity of the form (number of form fields, item lists) Number of steps in given workflow (every path transition is recorded in the instance’s history) Number and type of actions used in the system (e-mails, changing field values, launching subworkflows) Average size and number of attachments per workflow instance (document scans, docx, pdf, tiff, xlsx) As an example, (...)
(...) Dictionary of personal data The dictionary and its content will be exported and then imported within one environment. To do this, go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio and from the “actions ” tab select “Export application”. For more information about this mechanism, see Importing and exporting applications in WEBCON BPS. During the export of the dictionary processe (...)
(...) able to e.g. view (read privileges) or edit an instance. In such a situation, you can use the action of adding/removing privileges at the level of individual workflow instances. You can find these actions in the “actions ” tab of a given workflow. They are most often used for entering/exiting a step and on transition paths. For more information about actions in WEBCON BPS, see Introduction (...)
(...) TAX ID Another important usage of regular expressions is while providing TAX ID number. Thanks to REGEX the system quickly verifies correctness of TAX ID form without using validation actions on the exit step. REGEX used to verify TAX ID: – ^((d{3}[- ]d{3}[- ]d{2}[- ]d{2})|(d{3}[- ]d{2}[- ]d{2}[- ]d{3}))$ Similarly to examples above, system displays a m (...)
(...) d. Fig.5. Summary window Application import First it is required to copy the exported package to the target environment. Then in Designer Studio go to the “actions ” tab and choose “Import application”. Fig. 6. Application import wizard starting icon Choose the package which will be imported (file copied to the tar (...)
(...) Code: {CODE}. e) Execute outside the transaction – after selecting this field, the action of reading a barcode will be executed only after the completion of the transaction including other actions defined at the same path, on the most recent version of the attachment. If the checkbox is not selected, the action will be executed on the attachment version before the modification. This option is (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Document generation actions The application designer can use several actions to generate documents from templates in WEBCON BPS. They are grouped in the group "Excel, Word and PDF". Fig.1 . Document generation actions . Generate/Update Word file The configuration of the (...)
(...) f all queued elements whose attempt counter is less than 5 will resume. This only applies to elements that were queued by the action that is being modified (elements queued in the same queue by other actions will not be affected). If you change the setting from "Retry operation automatically" to "Wait for user decision", the processing of all pending elements whose attempt counter (...)
(...) nbsp;PathAndTasks – paths and tasks 13. Attributes – form fields 14. SubAttributes – item list columns description 15. actions – actions 16. E-mails – e-mail templates 17. PickerAndSQL – all columns available in the picker fields and data tables configuration 18. (...)
(...) nge confidentiality level” button. (This action type is available only for the menu button trigger). Fig. 5. The “Change form type” action available from the lobal actions level Advanced configuration of the action Form type choice within process – if the option is selected, it is possible to change form type only within a given process. Otherw (...)
(...) created workflows instances into a figure that speaks better to businesses, that is, the number of platform users. Applying two predefined scenarios is triggered by the need of reconstructing the actions that load the FrontEnd servers (WEB) to the greatest extent. These are the actions of generating WORD and PDF type documents (compared with a scenario that does not use such actions ). Te (...)
(...) Description on the form Description in the form available to the workflow users This will be shown to users in the “Task details” section of the form. actions List of actions carried out at the step entry/step exit, “Timeout” actions Menu buttons List of menu buttons, their function and correlated actions Work (...)
(...) unt of data. The example of the “quick path” functionality can be the approval of leave requests or purchase order requests. However, it is still possible to configure on such path any actions designed for checking the correctness of a form or changing the values of the selected form fields (i.e. Validate form and Change value of a single field actions ). In the report – several i (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Grzegorz Straś Automations are a feature added in WEBCON BPS 2022 to add an additional dimension to our actions mechanism, and to make it easier to configure and manage groups of actions . While the concept of actions types, action triggers, and execution conditions will remain exactly the same, the addition of automations will allow WEBCON BPS to handle (...)
(...) ist of duties defined by the supervisor, and the type of work performed. Fig. 8. Employees with duty hours asigned The “Save line workers” path contains two actions – Updating_Line workers ID (saving employees’ IDs) and Start activity workflows. Fig. 9. The configuration of the action The “Start activity workflow& (...)
(...) nbsp; Fig. 3. Collection columns for data sources and attachments After expanding the symbol of three dots and selecting the Properties option, the user can add and configure actions performed in the loop. We can achieve the same effect by double-clicking on the bar with the operator's name. Fig. 4. The action configuration the For each operator   (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Piotr Dąbrowski Introduction WEBCON BPS handles digital signatures through dedicated actions (SDK – Software Development Kit). There are 4 plugins available to integrate with external digital signature providers: AdobeSign Autenti DocuSign Skribble This article describes the process of signing document with Auten (...)
(...) l locations in the configuration where database name (except ID and acronym) appears, changing service configuration, changing portal configuration, changing queries in: data sources, actions , business rules (SQL COMMAND), in locations where it is not possible to choose the <current database> option or where the query contains direct reference to the database. If (...)