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(...) ” phrase. The “Archive file before adding barcode” option allows you to archive the file without adding the barcode. In this situation, after adding the barcode in the attachment table (WFDataAttachments), an additional row will be added. After going through the “Add a barcode” path, on the PDF document, a barcode will appear in the document's corner you have sel (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction The SharePoint Framework extensions are client-side components that work in the context of a SharePoint page. They can be implemented in a SharePoint Online environment and you can use JavaScript tools and libraries to create them. This article presents the methods for starting WEBCON BPS workflows

(...) nfiguring process – so that these limits are not reached. All of the following limitations result directly from the WFElements (for form fields) and WFElementsDetails (for the item list) SQL table structures.   Limit table s   Global form fields The limit of global form fields applies to the entire system configuration. Regardless of the number of processes, workflows a (...)

(...) orm field configuration in the “General” tab.   Fig.1. Configuration of the default value settings   For each type of form field (except for charts and data table and rows), you can define the default value. You can use the values of other form fields, business rules, context variables, fixed values and data sources in the configuration. Setting the default va (...)

(...) must indicate the data source on which the query should be performed   Process – selecting the parent process is necessary to set the form fields of the parent workflow in the table of setting the parent workflow form fields value in the “Data” tab. Comment – the field allows you to add a comment informing e.g. about the reason for the update. & (...)

(...) management” step the user must select whether the car is ready to use (the “Make available” path), requires servicing (the “Move to the service step” path) or is not suitable for use (the “Withdraw from use” path). This example assumes that the user has selected the path going through the “Car available for rent” system step.   Fi (...)

(...) alewicz   Introduction The following article describes how to install the ABBYY FineReader 11 component. FineReader is a program for converting scanned documents and PDF files into editable form. It is also responsible for generating a text layer on the attachments in workflows.   Installation Before starting the installation process, creating a folder called “AB (...)

(...) multiple rows on the report, the values of the other normal form fields displayed in the same report will be replicated for each row. The ability to add columns of the item list is exclusive to table reports. The detailed configuration of reports is explained in this article – Reports – configuration, views, editing.   Configuration To add the report, go to the W (...)

(...) ed into two categories. On one hand, there are phrases connected with process and application configuration. Those text phrases can be different in every process and are defined independently. Translatable phrases from configuration areas are for example: process name, form field names, or descriptions of the form fields. The following elements of the application presentation are also translatable : nam (...)

(...) ular report, we recommend creating a new dedicated form of report – Document templates – dedicated for processes of this type. Most settings are identical to those we have seen in regular table reports on Portal, but the dedicated Document Template report comes with a number of preconfigured options, e.g. buttons for exporting and importing files on the top bar.   Fig.5. Addi (...)

(...) one can be used in form fields that are supplied with values from a data source. These form field types are: “Choice field”, “Choice tree”, “Data row”, “Data table ” and “Chart”.     After correctly completing the form field configuration using our “Dictionary” data source, it will supply selectable values to (...)

(...) ogin, SQL login,   The following article is split into four parts – one for each combination of installation and authentication method. Links to specific subsections are found in table 1. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio always opens in the context of the currently logged in Windows user. This means that when using more than one domain, you should use SQL login to connect to the datab (...)

(...) t succeeded. There is no need to modify Response tab (response body is empty). When implementing advanced scenarios, AAD’s objects’ ID can be downloaded from CacheOrganizationStructure table . But only if the AAD is the synchronization source of the BPS user list. With these examples we presented only a handful of possibilities from many available by Microsoft Graph.

(...) stallation Hardware requirements for such installation should correspond with hardware requirements for installation of SharePoint Foundation 2013 on a single server. Requirements are shown in the table below (requirements listed by Microsoft):   Installation scenario Deployment time and scale RAM* Processor Hard Dri (...)

(...) nnection with WEBCON BPS installation Application works based on the users of connected WEBCON BPS system   Applications for individual platforms are available in application stores (suitable for the operating system of the device) dedicated to these platforms. When it comes to the Android system devices it is the option to provide an installation package to the client (.apk file) whi (...)

(...) y can contain basic information which helps a new user get started with the application, and also may explain the more complex dependencies between the form fields required to add attachments or selectable paths that will make the task easier to complete.     Step description The step description is visible by default on the right part of the form but you can move them elsewhere, jus (...)

(...) data source that contains approver’s logins.   Fig. 5. The approval settings on the item list   In the “Appearance” section you can define if the rows editable by approvers other than the approver currently editing the instance should be hidden (Hide not available rows) or visible as a read-only rows (Show not available rows as read-only). You can also set (...)

(...) allow you to register an instance with the same number (e.g. 00000001). If you need to search instances in the database  - e.g. to display information from another instance in the “SQL table ” form field, you should use the instance ID (WFD_ID) instead of the instance number.

(...) tant! An action template was created from both actions  - action templates allow you to use the same action configurations multiple times in the process.     The following table consists of the form fields which have been used in the process. The “_equipment department” is a technical form field and the “Name and surname” field should be a “Pers (...)

(...) Fig. 5. The Delegation settlement workflow   In the presented process, expenses registered in a foreign currency are converted into a value in PLN using the exchange rate taken from the table of exchange rates synchronized with the National Bank of Poland based on the receipts presented by employees. Actions are defined on the “Convert” transition path and will be triggere (...)