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for edit

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction When designing processes for business applications, in addition to ensuring that the created solution works correctly when it comes to functionality, it is also worth paying attention to the visual side of the form. The form view should be intuitive and understandable to the end user. Each workflow crea

(...) dquo; field value in the list is updated to the current step in the workflow. Additionally a link to the saved WEBCON BPS instance is saved in the BPS URL column. To modify these values, an “edit a list element” action from the SharePoint content tab was used. In the configuration, after selecting the connection and list, define the field in which the instance ID is stored. Below you sp (...)

(...) ou have a large number of templates for a given client/process and you want to display have changed, it may turn out that introducing the modifications requires from you a disproportionate effort and edit ing each template separately. To avoid this situation, you should store the company data in the global configuration. This method will cause that changing the value in one place will have an effect in (...)

(...) . To check the tooltip on the current step and other steps, hover over them.   Fig. 5. The tooltip on the workflow step   The situation is similar to form fields . When edit ing a given workflow, the step edit configuration will have its own“Description” field.   Fig. 6. Adding the tooltip in Designer Studio   To set the tooltip on th (...)

(...) arrangement of elements can be customized by using the “Message content” tab.   Fig. 5. The global e-mail template – message content   Two tabs are used to edit the content: edit or – edit ing in the WYSIWYG mode HTML – edit ing the HTML code   The “Message content” tab allows you to use the variable edit or during ed (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction WEBCON BPS can be used as an efficient document management system. This article describes how to use barcodes to scan PDF files and paper documents and have them automatically added to your WEBCON workflows' instances.  Common business scenarios for using barcodes include:

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction When designing the processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS, it is good to know how the data is stored in the tables, what are the relations between them and how individual information is displayed on the form. This article describes the Calendars table.   Table descr

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   One of the built-in WEBCON BPS functionalities is the ability to create a vacation process. This process can be generated by using the absence process wizard – you can also present the vacation requests on the Gantt chart.   More information about creating the process and typed data sources can be f

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Wojciech Kołodziej   Introduction When building business processes in WEBCON BPS and designing workflows – big or small – you may find that you need to pass information between two workflows. One of the simplest ways to pass information from the current form to one in another workflow is by using the Hyperlink action. H

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction The processes designed in WEBCON BPS use the e-mail sending actions in their workflows – e.g. e-mails about active tasks waiting for the user or e-mails containing various reports. The configuration of sending e-mails was described on the technical blog -> E-mails and templates in BPS.

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction Each of the individual stages of the business process requires the involvement of specific employees or groups. The degree of involvement can vary from person to person – from one action and access to some resources to participate in the entire process cycle and insight into each instance. WEBCON

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction During normal use of WEBCON BPS, users can select which path (among those available) the instance will go through to reach the next step. However, when going through the system step, not the user but the system moves the instance to the next step after executing the appropriate action e.g. receivin

(...) JS LTS version 10 – currently the highest version supported by SharePoint Framework (the solution works only with this version) Visual Studio Code – or any other advanced code edit or Yeoman and gulp Yeoman SharePoint generator   After downloading and installing NodeJS, the gulp extension, Yeoman and SharePoint generator can be installed by using the comman (...)

(...) workflow schema   The configuration of the “Add a text layer” action The first step is to configure the action of adding a text layer. Enter the “Next step” path edit in the “Wait for scan” step and add the “Add a text layer” action. Next, enter the configuration by clicking the “Configure” button and set fields like on the scre (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction Actions are commonly used in WEBCON BPS to design the processes and individual workflows. They are performed without any user interaction and defined on the transition paths or steps. An example actions perform such activities as calculating the field value, making an entry to AD, sending an e-mail. While wor

(...) above shows the configuration window of the “Add a substitution” action. On the left there are sections related to the setting substitution parameters, on the right there is the variable edit or window.   The “Add a substitution” panel can be divided into four sections: User selection – it allows you to indicate a substituted and substitute user or g (...)

(...) h a new one, open the template instance and overwrite the attached file with a new template file.   Implementation: After going to the template instance, open the instance and switch to edit mode, and then select the “Overwrite” option in the attachment menu.   Then confirm overwriting the file:   If the imported file contains a different name th (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   WEBCON BPS allows you to start workflows in several ways. In addition to a manual start by the user, instances can also be launched by the system using dedicated actions.   The “Start a subworkflow” action The action allows you to start a workflow within the same application. By using them

(...) ntID and ClientSecret (private key). When starting the workflow, the impersonation option will also be used to prevent the operations for which the user has no privileges (e.g., inability to start or edit the workflow).   To log in, send a request using the POST method to the following address: http://adres_portalu_webcon_bps/api/login In response, you will receive a token that al (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   There are situations in which, after going through a path, you will need to go back to one of the previous steps of the workflow e.g. when the form has been incorrectly completed or you forgot to add an attachment to the instance. The article describes two basic configuration methods: Moving back an instanc