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for workflows

(...) large databases.   Summary The new approach to assigning tasks to groups of users responds to the needs of dynamically evolving labor market. It helps companies to easily manage staff workflows both inside and outside the organization. While preserving the option allowing users to apply the previous approach, the new functionality focuses on simplifying process configuration as much as poss (...)

(...) tional projects… and prizes, of course. Second, a didactic mission. The students turned into company workers for a couple of hours to implement a system that automates processes and document workflows . Their task was to investigate the topic of the processes they had drawn, describe it, and save it in the BPS notation using the WEBCON BPS Designer Desk tool. The projects were evaluated by the (...)

(...) nces and dictionaries, information about attachments, tasks, companies, currency exchange rates, translations. They can also read parts of tables that store configurations of applications, processes, workflows , steps, forms, actions. The full list of granted accesses for bps_user can be found in the [dbo].[proc_GrantLowPrivileges] procedure definition. The introduced restrictions are justified & (...)

(...) single task assigned to multiple people, a few task configuration settings are all that is needed. But when entire sets of activities, instructions, and decision logic must take place in parallel, subworkflows are necessary. The vast majority of subworkflow scenarios are easily handled with out-of-the-box functionality, but there are a few situations that have arisen that warrant special coverage &ndash (...)

(...) to the language of BPS. Participants of the classes had individual work environments at their disposal. The principles of the system operation and the different "drawing language" of the workflows were not difficult - they were considered intuitive and easy to use. The only obstacle we had to face was too little time. Student Juvenalia and the European Games taking place in Krakow slightly thw (...)

(...) onfiguration and functionality of the full version of WEBCON BPS, this tool enables you to: gather requirements on the basis of which processes will be designed, create prototypes of document workflows (using "drag and drop") test and modify prototypes, design analyses and reports, generate prototype documentation, publish the prototype in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, communicate (...)

(...) h-time authorization requirement has been set. The code received is then used to authorize the simultaneous movement of multiple report elements through that path.   Path transitions in subworkflows The functionality of path transition authorization affects how automatic subpath transitions are handled, i.e. when an instance is started in a new workflow or subworkflow, for example, by trigger (...)

(...) action [LINK TO ARTICLE] or quick paths [LINK TO ARTICLE].  Furthermore, if you have already shared your location by traversing the parent workflow, the system will not require it again for subworkflows regardless of their configuration. In the opposite scenario, where the mentioned functionality is not enabled in the parent workflow path but is enabled in the subworkflow path, sharing the location (...)

(...) p;              A week later, on January 26, 2024, we announced the winners. After careful deliberation, the jury selected the winning projects. The top-rated workflows were related to: occasional remote work, booking transportation, expanding the supplier base / adding new supplier data. Representatives from the winning teams briefly discussed their (...)

(...) features can be found here: Mobile app.   Application design Apart from all the options in the Global parameters, there is a number of features and approaches when designing processes, workflows , and data sources to make our system configuration “airtight”. Part of good process design is planning out what resources and data should be available to each user – not only to (...)

(...) needing to update WEBCON BPS. Carried out by: environment admin   Step II – Backup copy of user activities During the Apache Solr update, all indexes will be removed. Data from workflows , navigation, and change requests will be indexed again. However, the recent activities for users will not be reindexed – because this data only exists in the Solr index in the first place. (...)

(...) iels-notes.de   I'm sure I'm not the only one who got the task, that some item list rows should be deletable while others can not be deleted. For example if an item list starts sub workflows and when a subworkflow was started for a row, than it should not be possible to delete it. On the other hand, it should be possible to add new rows... I had a nice and easy solution, until the use (...)

(...) ost has appeared on daniels-notes.de   If you ever wondered, whether the assigned person actually has taken a look at a task / workflow instance, then you can add a custom solution to your workflows . The blog post will provide all information on how to implement it, so that a different the icon will be displayed in the form, for those tasks which haven't been displayed to the assigned person (...)

(...) two actors: Actor 1 and Actor 2. By default, the entire workflow is placed in the Execution phase and/or at the Actor 1 level. In the case of newly created applications, standard processes and their workflows , the Workflow phases functionality is automatically enabled – the start step is assigned to the Start phase, and the final step to the Finish phase. As the workflow expands to include new steps (...)

(...) r applies. Form fields requiring authorization are archived like those that do not.   Summary The Access authorization feature, just like the Path transition authorization, provides our workflows with an additional layer of protection against unauthorized agents. Thanks to it, the admin can be sure that sensitive data is shown selectively – only when it is necessary. Of course, the feat (...)

(...) n a PowerShell script | WEBCON BPS Install Azure PowerShell on Windows | Microsoft Learn   Introduction Users of WEBCON BPS often face the need to export attachments stored in workflows to ZIP archives. Examples for such scenarios are: reducing the size of attachment databases by exporting files to a network share and then removing them from the workflow, starting new workfl (...)

(...) Public Forms is a quick to configure tool that allows you to easily create dedicated forms integrated with WEBCON BPS. Thanks to anonymity, it is ideal for supporting complaint, survey or contact workflows . The tool is provided free of charge under the MIT license, so you can develop it yourself. This is also possible within the scope of WEBCON's services.

(...) e or more connected credit cards I would like to give the users the option to search for a customer using data from each of the categories mentioned above. I'm trying to avoid importing this data as workflows because the data are live, each day new customers are added and old ones change (meaning I would need to implement some kind of update workflow as well). Do you have any ideas what approach would be (...)

(...) ot of much use, because it's lacking: a) possibility to fade the "Instance preview cards" out - this bar just uses way too much space that might be missing on the form then b) a chance to filter for workflows (and maybe other parameters)

(...) I have a structure where a meeting (parent workflow) has many Agenda Points (Subworkflows ). On each Agenda point, I have (inter alia) two fields that I would like to include in Meeting Minutes (an item list on Meeting), where each line item corresponds to one Agenda Point. When I finish an agenda point I would like to create a line item in the items list (meeting minutes). SELECT '{1805}' AS {DCNCOL:2 (...)